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Presentation Outline . Exploration Approaches and Key Exploration Questions Surface Exploration Tools and Data Sets Exploration Settings Establishing the Geologic Model and Drilling Targets Testing the Targets Conclusions EGS Inc..
1. Selecting Deep Drilling Targets from Shallow Exploration Geothermal Reservoir Evaluation GRC Annual Meeting, October 2008
Reno, Nevada
Paul Brophy, EGS Inc.
4. Exploration Approach Remote Sensing Data - REGIONAL
Geologic/Structural and Surface Manifestations Mapping - REGIONAL/EXTENDED PROJECT AREA
Geochemical Sampling and Analysis - EXTENDED PROJECT AREA/PROJECT
Exploration Drilling - PROJECT
Temperature Gradient/Heat Flow
Exploration (Slim, Core, Strat, Deep TG) Holes
Production Well Drilling - PROJECT EGS Inc.
6. Geothermal System Characteristics
A heat source (magmatic or nonmagmatic)
Convective upflow
Recharge by meteoric waters
Deep mixing with meteoric waters and/or condensate
Boiling and steam migration
Outflow of the deep fluids to the surface or other hydraulic base level
Features common to all geothermal systems. Henley referred to these features as dynamic features of geothermal systems. Features common to all geothermal systems. Henley referred to these features as dynamic features of geothermal systems.
7. Key Exploration Questions What is the Resource Temperature?
What is the Resource Depth?
What is the Resource Quality?
How large is the Resource (Area Extent)?
How Productive are the Wells?
What are the estimates of Resource Longevity?
r EGS Inc.
9. Surface Exploration Data SetsRegional
10. Remote Sensing Data Types Multispectral (several relatively broad bands)
Hyperspectral (many narrow bands)
Thermal Infrared (TIR – can be multispectral)
Panchromatic (gray scale – single very broad band)
Radar (microwave)
LIDAR (LIght Detection and Ranging - laser) Energy & Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
11. TM Full Scene & Zoom to Full Resolution Energy & Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
14. Surface Exploration Data SetsExtended Project Area
15. 2-D MT Data Set Krafla, Iceland
16. Surface Exploration Data SetsProject Area
18. Exploration Settings
19. Type A Magma-related, Dry Steam Resources (Example – The Geysers, CA)
20. Type A - Magma-related, Dry Steam Resources Topography: Rugged? mountainous?
Climate: Variable?
Depth to Resource: Usually deep ( 5000’ – 10,000’)
Surface Manifestations: Restricted
Permeability: Low to moderate fracture permeability
Environmental/Political: None
23. Type B – Andesitic-Volcanic Resources Topography: Usually mountainous
Climate: Variable – usually high precipitation
Depth to Resource: Deep to moderate
Surface Manifestations: Restricted – depending on depth and shallow ground water
Permeability: Low to moderate fracture permeability – often highly variable
Environmental/Political: Some countries with political unrest
24. Type C - Caldera Resources (Example – Medicine Lake, CA)
25. Type C – Caldera Resources Topography: Ring fractures often rugged, caldera floor gentle topgraphy
Climate: Variable?
Depth to Resource: Moderate to shallow (- 7500’)
Surface Manifestations: Common
Permeability: Low fracture permeability – often with thick tuff units
Environmental/Political: Often very scenic – environmentally sensitive
27. Type D – Sedimentary-hosted, Volcanic Resources Topography: Usually low topographic relief
Climate: Arid, low precipitation
Depth to Resource: Intermediate (5000 – 8000’)
Surface Manifestations: Very restricted
Permeability: Variable?
Environmental/Political: Usually limited?
29. Type E – Extensional, Fault-controlledResources Topography: Rugged on upthrow, low on valley floor
Climate: Usually dry with low precipitation
Depth to Resource: Usually deep (7000 – 10,000’)
Surface Manifestations: Usually restricted to fault traces
Permeability: Dominantly fault controlled
Environmental/Political: None
32. Type F – Oceanic, Basalt-hosted Resources Topography: Rugged to flat?
Climate: Islands – high precipitation
Depth to Resource: Shallow ( 3000 – 6000’ )
Surface Manifestations: Common
Permeability: High horizontal permeability, variable vertical permeability
Environmental/Political: Environmental sensitive
33. Geologic Settings of Hydrothermal Systems
Magmatic/Tectonic EGS Inc.
34. Geologic Settings of Hydrothermal Systems Magmatic
Andesitic volcanic fields
Indonesia, Philippines, Central/S.America, Cascades
Silicic volcanic fields
Taupo New Zealand, Coso, CA
Basaltic volcanic fields
Iceland, Azores, Hawaii
Bi-modal volcanism in caldera settings
Medicine Lake CA, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
EGS Inc.
35. Geologic Settings of Hydrothermal Systems
Great Basin – Nevada, Utah
Southern portion of Salton Sea EGS Inc.
36. Geologic Settings of Hydrothermal Systems
East African Rift
Northern portion of the Salton Sea
EGS Inc.
37. Probability of Success for any Stage
38. Probability of Proving a Viable Project
39. Probability of Recovering Investment
40. Cost of Each Phase
41. Worldwide Geothermal Resource Types EGS Inc.
43. Building the Model upflow zones
structural and/or stratigraphic pathways for fluid flow
distribution of hydrothermal alteration
age of hydrothermal alteration
rock types
knowledge of fluid chemistry
hydrogeologic model for recharge
44. Drilling Target Selection
Old Approach
Target overlapping Anomalies
New Approach
Drill the Model
51. Testing the Targets(To Slim Hole or not to Slim Hole – that is the question) Slim Hole Advantages
Lower cost ( up to 5x lower than Production Well)
If cored, can provide good geologic data
Can usually provide actual resource temperatures
Slim Hole Disadvantages
Rarely good geochemical data
No flow rate data
Difficult to cement casing in core holes
No directional capability
EGS Inc.
52. Value of Slim Holes Type A - Steam Reservoirs: Undetermined??
Type B - Andesitic Volcanics: Good
Type C - Calderas: Good
Type D - Sedimentary/volcanics: Good
Type E - Extensional Environments:
Type F - Basaltic Systems: Low
53. Conclusions Because of the range in types of geothermal systems and the relatively few number of developed resources, we do not have any statistical basis for their characteristics
There is no simple formula or procedure that tells you where to drill your first well – each project must decide that based on site specific conditions.
More prudent explorers target wells based on a combined geologic, structural and hydrogeologic models rather than on surface anomalies.
Priority targets are generally the upflow zones, often occurring at fault intersections
Use of slim holes is heavily dependant on site specific geologic conditions
EGS Inc.