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The United Nations

The United Nations How the World Works Together The U.N. Brings Nations and People Together to talk over the issues to negotiate and agree on principles to move forward to create the process for working together to bring together resources to accomplish goals In the beginning - 1945

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The United Nations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TheUnited Nations How the World Works Together

  2. The U.N. Brings Nations and People Together • to talk over the issues • to negotiate and agree on principles • to move forward • to create the process for working together • to bring together resources • to accomplish goals

  3. In the beginning - 1945 The treaty to create the U.N. is the United Nations Charter Signed originally by 51 Nations Now there are 192 Member States

  4. General Assembly (every Nation has one vote) The Legislature of Nations

  5. Security Council • War and Peace Issues • (15 members; 5 permanent; 10 elected by General Assembly on regional basis for 2-year terms)

  6. Economic and Social Council • Social and Economic Issues • (54 Members elected by General Assembly for 3-year terms)

  7. Court of Justice • World Court for Nations • (15 judges elected by the General Assembly for 9 years)

  8. International Criminal Court • Treaty finalized in 1998, into force in 2002 • Independent Court • for Crimes Against Humanity • (18 judges elected by States who signed the Treaty) • (104 State Parties)

  9. Secretariat • Administrator for Activities (5-year term, selected by Security Council; ratified by General Assembly) Kofi Annan Ban Ki-moon

  10. The Basic Structure • The General Assembly • The Security Council • The Economic and Social Council • The Secretariat • The International Court of Justice • The International Criminal Court

  11. The Purpose • Maintain international peace and security • Develop friendly relations among nations • Promote cooperation to solve problems • Serve as a center for harmonizing and working on common ends

  12. The Process • Define an issue or concern in the General Assembly • Hold a Conference for Nations to meet & discuss the issue • Conference develops a statement, or an action plan or a treaty

  13. Examples • Universal Declaration of Human Rights • Geneva Accords on Torture • Conferences and Treaties on • Human Rights • Refugees • Terrorism • Environment • Disarmament • Organized Crime

  14. 1982World Assembly on Aging International Plan of Action on Aging

  15. International Plan of Action on Ageing 62 Recommendations for Action Research Data collection Analysis Training and Education Areas of Concern Health and Nutrition Protection of Elderly Consumers Housing and Environment Family Social Welfare Income Security and Employment Education http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/ageing/ageipaa.htm

  16. 1991U.N. Principles for Older Persons18 Principles Independence Participation Care Self-Fulfillment http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/iyop/iyoppop.htm

  17. 1999International Year of Older PersonsTowards a Society of All Ages Member States UN System Intergovernmental Organizations Non-governmental Organizations Private Sector

  18. 1999International Year of Older Persons(Continued) Awareness Formulate Policies and Programs Establish National Focal Point http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/iyop/index.html U.S. Administration on Aging In Department of Health and Human Services http://www.aoa.gov/

  19. 2002Second World Assembly on AgingMadrid, Spain Reviewed Outcomes and Progress Developed Long-term Strategy Also NGO Statement http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/ageing/waa/index.html

  20. Process Results Platform for Action UN Principles for Older Persons Mechanism within UN for Programs Events to Create Awareness Other Possibilities for Results Treaty Convention Protocol

  21. How the World Works Together • Recognize a Problem • Meet to Bring Together Best World Thinking on the Issue • Agree on at Least the Lowest Common Denominator • May Not Solve Problem But We Move Forward

  22. The United Nations How the World Works Together

  23. United Nations Iowa United Nations Association 20 East Market Street Iowa City, Iowa 52245 319-337-7290 unaiowa@unaiowa.org

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