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Get fit Not hit

We're looking at simple exercises that everyone can do at home to help shrink those waistlines and if we do merge the two together what the result should be pretty incredible. Now, whether you come from the first episode of how to lose weight or you've just searched for exercises and you clicked on this video. I'm really happy that you're here because you've decided that you want to make a change. You've decided that you want to be healthier and you have decided that you want the health benefits and as I explained in my last video you see fat it's not just the inch that we can pinch you see that's known as subcutaneous fat but the real dangerous fat is fat around our abdomen and internal fat the fat around our organs known as visceral fat.

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Get fit Not hit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. We're looking at simple exercises that everyone can do at home to help shrink those waistlines and if we do merge the two together what the result should be pretty incredible. Now, whether you come from the first episode of how to lose weight or you've just searched for exercises and you clicked on this video. I'm really happy that you're here because you've decided that you want to make a change. You've decided that you want to be healthier and you have decided that you want the health benefits and as I explained in my last video you see fat it's not just the inch that we can pinch you see that's known as subcutaneous fat but the real dangerous fat is a fat around our abdomen and internal fat the fat around our organs known as visceral fat. Now, we know that high amounts of visceral fat put us at risk of heart disease. It puts us at risk of type 2 diabetes and in women it's even being found to put you at higher risk of breast cancer so that's the intro did next up .let's learn the six exercises from the study done in Oxford you need to aim to do them four times a week on alternating days they're very easy to do they don't take too long that anyone can do them at home. If you do them properly you can expect to lose about two centimeters from your waistline in just six weeks and this is without any diet change. So, let's learn the exercises and then, we're gonna look at the science behind them and how it all works. So, let's begin with the single forearm plank place your forearms on the ground with the elbows aligned below the shoulders and arms parallel to the body and hold this for 20 to 30 seconds. Now, If this is a little difficult you can do a knee plank instead by resting the knees on the ground and placing your hands directly under your shoulder as if you're about to do a press-up hold this for 20 to 30 seconds. The first exercise is now done. Let's move on to the second one in the study. Which is the basic sit-up. So, sit on the floor bend your knees keep them together, and keep your hands on your chest or on your temples. While doing the sit-ups, Please avoid putting your hands behind your head. While doing the sit-up and for all exercises in the study the participants did three sets of ten. So, aim to do this or build your way up to it. We're already halfway there So, next up we have the knee-high crunches. So, lay on the or bend your knees and keep your legs raised and aim to touch the knees with your elbows keep your hands by the side of your head and squeeze the stomach. When your elbows touch the knees you're doing great. I find the next exercise a little easier. So, it's kind of like a rest exercise and it's the basic crunch so lay on the floor bend your knees and place your hands by the side of your head. Now, slowly contract your abs bringing your shoulder blades off the floor. You need to make sure you're lifting your shoulder off the floor for this exercise to be effective if you want to add a bit more resistance to this exercise you can do the leg high crunches instead of oral alternate. However, this is optional the only difference is that you keep your legs straight in the air and touch the toes. Once again you need to make sure you're lifting your shoulder off the floor for this exercise to be effective. Next up, We have the sit-up and twist. So, it's the same movement as a sit-up we did earlier but at the top rotate the body as shown make sure to alternate sides each time to ensure you work out both sides. If you struggle with this or the sit-ups anchoring

  2. the feet will help to begin with and finally, it's time for the dorsal raises also known as the Superman. The aim of this exercise is to work the lower back muscles after completing the abdominal exercises.

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