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Landscaping with Trees and Shrubs

Landscaping with Trees and Shrubs Rick Abrahamson University of Minnesota Extension Service abrah195@umn.edu 218-299-7225 or 1-800-299-5020 Minnesota Gardening Calendars “Touch trees – connect with nature” – Dr. Alex Shigo What this talk is all about Landscape Planning Design Process

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Landscaping with Trees and Shrubs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Landscaping with Trees and Shrubs Rick Abrahamson University of Minnesota Extension Service abrah195@umn.edu 218-299-7225 or 1-800-299-5020

  2. Minnesota Gardening Calendars

  3. “Touch trees – connect with nature” – Dr. Alex Shigo

  4. What this talk is all about • Landscape Planning • Design Process • Selecting Plant Materials • Rick’s Favorite Trees and Shrubs • Rick’s Rules of Tree ID • Landscape Installation • Purchasing • Planting • Mulching • Landscape Maintenance • Watering • Fertilization • Mulching • Disease and Insect Management

  5. Period of Interest • Spring Graphic source: discoveryschool.com

  6. Period of Interest • Spring • Summer Graphic source: discoveryschool.com

  7. Period of Interest • Spring • Summer • Fall Graphic source: discoveryschool.com

  8. Period of Interest • Spring • Summer • Fall • Winter Photo source: pdphoto.org Graphic source: discoveryschool.com

  9. Elements of Art • Color

  10. Elements of Art • Color • Line Graphic source: University of Florida

  11. Elements of Art • Color • Line • Form Graphic source: University of Florida

  12. Elements of Art • Color • Line • Form • Texture Graphic source: University of Florida

  13. Elements of Art • Color • Line • Form • Texture • Scale

  14. Principles of Design • Unity

  15. Principles of Design • Unity • Balance Graphic source: discoveryschool.com

  16. Principles of Design • Unity • Balance • Transition Graphic source: University of Florida

  17. Principles of Design • Unity • Balance • Transition • Proportion Graphic source: University of Florida

  18. Principles of Design • Unity • Balance • Transition • Proportion • Rhythm Graphic source: discoveryschool.com

  19. Principles of Design • Unity • Balance • Transition • Proportion • Rhythm • Focalization

  20. Principles of Design • Unity • Balance • Transition • Proportion • Rhythm • Focalization • Repetition

  21. Principles of Design • Unity • Balance • Transition • Proportion • Rhythm • Focalization • Repetition • Simplicity

  22. Selecting Plant Materials • Hardiness zones • 3 or 4? • Lowest minimum temperature • Other factors to consider Graphic source: USDA

  23. Favorite Deciduous trees • Acer platanoides Norway Maple • Aesculus spp. • A. glabra Ohio Buckeye • A. sylvatica • ‘Autumn Splendor’ Autumn Splendor Buckeye • Betula nigra River Birch • Catalpa speciosa Northern Catalpa • Celtis occidentalis Common Hackberry • Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo • Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis Thornless Honey-locust • Gymnocladus dioicus Kentucky Coffee-tree • Larix spp. • L. decidua European Larch • L. laricina American Larch (Tamarack)

  24. Favorite Deciduous Trees • Malus spp. • ‘Red Splendor’ Red Splendor Crabapple • ‘Spring Snow’ Spring Snow Crabapple • Phellodendron amurense Amur Corktree • Prunus maackii Amur Chokecherry • Pyrus ussuriensis ‘Mordak’ Prairie Gem Pear • Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak • Sorbus spp. • S. aucuparia European Mountain-ash • S. decora Showy Mountain-ash • Tilia spp. • T. americana American Linden • ‘Redmond’ • T. cordata Littleleaf Linden

  25. Favorite Coniferous Trees • Larix spp. • L. decidua European Larch • L. laricina American Larch (Tamarack) • Pinus spp. • P. nigra Austrian Pine • P. ponderosa Ponderosa Pine • P. sylvestris Scotch Pine • Picea spp. • P. glauca densata Black Hills Spruce • P. pungens Colorado Spruce

  26. Favorite Deciduous Shrubs • Buxus microphylla var. koreana Korean Littlefeaf Boxwood • Cornus spp. • C. alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood • C. racemosa Gray Dogwood • C. sericea Red Twig Dogwood • Euonymus alatus Winged Euonymus • Fosythia x ‘Meadowlark’ Meadowlark Forsythia • Philadelphus spp Mockorange • Potentilla fruitcosa Potentilla • Rhus spp. • R. glabra Smooth Sumac • R. typhina Staghorn Sumac • Spirea spp. Spirea • Viburnum spp. • V. opulus European Cranberrybush • V. trilobum American Cranberrybush

  27. Favorite Coniferous Shrubs • Juniperus spp. • J. chinensis • ‘Pfitzereriana’ Pfitzer Juniper • J. horizontalis Creeping Juniper • ‘Wiltoni’ Blue Rug Juniper • J. procumbens Japgarden Juniper • J. sabina ‘Arcadia’ Arcadia Savin Juniper • J. scopulorum Rocky Mountain Juniper • Picea spp. • P. abies Norway Spruce • P. pungens Colorado Spruce • ‘Montgomery’ Montgomery Spruce

  28. Favorite Coniferous Shrubs • Pinus spp. • P. cembra Swiss Stone Pine • P. mugo Mugo Pine • Taxus spp. • T. cuspidata • ‘Capitata’ Upright Japanese Yew • T. x media • ‘Taunton’ Taunton Yew • Thuja occidentalis American Arborvitae

  29. Rick’s Rules of Tree Identification • Buds, buds, buds are always best

  30. Rick’s Rules of Tree Identification • Buds, buds, buds are always best

  31. Rick’s Rules of Tree Identification • Insects and diseases

  32. Rick’s Rules of Tree Identification • “Touch trees, connect with nature” • Dr. Alex Shigo

  33. Purchasing Plants • Diseases • Insects • Roots • Size

  34. Purchasing Plants • Balled in burlap • Bare root • Container grown • Potted • Tree spaded

  35. Planting Time • Site selection • Planting • Mulching • Watering • Fertilizing

  36. Care of Trees and Shrubs • Insect • Disease • Fertilization • Watering • Pruning • Mulch

  37. Minnesota residents Clay county extension 299-5020 299-7225 (horticulture) AnswerLine 800-854-1678 INFO-U 800-525-8636 Yard & Garden Line 612-624-4771 Farm Information Line 800-232-9077 or fil@umn.edu North Dakota residents Cass county extension 241-5700 241-5707 (horticulture) Where to get help

  38. Websites of interest • Clay County Extension – www.co.clay.mn.us/Depts/Extensio/Extensio.htm • Cass County Extension – www.ext.nodak.edu/county/cass • University of Minnesota Extension – www.extension.umn.edu • North Dakota State University Extension – www.ext.nodak.edu • Iowa State Extension – www.extension.iastate.edu • University of Wisconsin Extension – www.uwex.edu • Ohio State University Extension – http://extension.osu.edu

  39. Sources cited • UF/IFAS, Basic Principles of Landscape Design, Circular 536, June 1991. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/MG086 • www.discoveryschool.com • http://pdphoto.org • Dirr, Michael A., The Interactive Manual and Photo Library of Woody Landscape Plants, Varsity Press, www.nobleplants.com

  40. Thank you for your attention • Questions?

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