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Balancing Teaching and Research at PUIs. Mary M. Allen Wellesley College.
Balancing Teaching and Research at PUIs Mary M. Allen Wellesley College
“We operate on the principle that undergraduate research is not only the essential component of good teaching and effective learning, but also that research with undergraduate students is in itself the purest form of teaching” James Gentile in Academic Excellence” M.P. Doyle, Editor, Research Corporation, 2000.
Not research vs teaching • Do research as part of teaching • in research lab -- one on one independent research • in class lab • The dichotomy need not exist • complement rather than conflict
Why complement? • Active scholars show students that they are part of a broad intellectual community • An enormous amount of teaching goes on during research
A Definition of Undergraduate Research “Undergraduate research is an inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline.” CUR April Dialogue, 1997
Benefits of UG Research • Creation of new knowledge • Potential for enhanced learning and intellectual development for students • Productive research program for faculty • Peer-reviewed publication • Grants • Conference presentations
Most important factors leading women to careers in science A mentor An undergraduate research experience Pathways for Women in the Sciences Alfred P. Sloan Foundation study
Important components and outcomes of an undergraduate education The ability to: To think logically To communicate in both written and oral form To analyze, evaluate and synthesize information To make informed judgments To collaborate on a team effort Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Develop a research-supportive curriculum Teach skills need for successful participation in a research project Provide time and opportunities for students to carry out research Integrate research and research-like experiences throughout Engage students early in undergraduate research
Time is the crucial problem • Teaching load and course preparation • Preparation supervision • Office hours • Time for independent research students • Individual time • Group meetings -- learn from each other • College service
Some strategies to get research done Involve undergraduates in research and design projects carefully Start students in the summer Try not to take only one student Pair up experienced and inexperienced students on same project Give each student her own subproject so each can feel ownership
More strategies to get research done Collaborate -- other disciplines and other institutions
Wingard, L.L, Miller, S.R., Sellker, J.M.L., Stenn, E., Allen, M.M. and Wood, A. M. 2002. Cyanophycin production in a phycoerythrin-containing marine Synechococcus strain of unusual phylogenetic affinity. App. Envir. Microbiol. 68:1772-1777. Kolodny, N.H.,*Bauer, D, *Bryce, K, *Klucevsek, K., *Lane, A., *Medeiros, L., *Mercer, W., *Moin, S., *Park, D., *Petersen, J., *Wright, J., *Yuen, C., Wolfson, A.J., and Allen, M.M. 2006. Effect of nitrogen source on cyanophycin synthesis in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6308. J. Bacteriol. 188:934-940. *Stewart, T.J., Yau, J-H, Allen, M.M., Brabander, D.J., and Flynn, N.T. Impacts of calcium-alginate density on equilibrium and kinetics of lead(II) sorption onto hydrogel beads. 2009. Colloid Polym Sci. In Press. (published on-line, 19 June 2009).
More strategies to get research done Try immediately for internal/INBRE research funds Write research grants for external funding have colleagues review don’t get bummed out by rejection Revise and resubmit Think about Postdoc or RA funding
CUR Institute -- beginning a research program at a PUI • mentor student researchers and develop and use their research skills • time management - balancing teaching, research and service activities • develop and select research projects appropriate for undergraduates
CUR Institute -- beginning a research program at a PUI • adapt to an undergraduate research environment vs. that of graduate school • link research to the classroom and • develop grantsmanship skills related to gaining external and institutional research support
Some sources of information • CUR (www.cur.org) • Lopatto, D. 2004. What undergraduate research can tell us on research on learning. Project Kaleidoscope, Vol. IV: What works, what matters, and what lasts. http://www.pkal.org/documents/Vol4WhatUndergradResearchCanTellUs.cfm • Lopatto, D. 2007. Undergraduate research experiences support science career decisions and active learning. CBE-- Life Sciences Education 6:297-306. • Vicens, Q and Bourne, P.E. 2009. Ten simple rules to combine teaching and research. PLoS Computational Biology 5(4):e1000358.