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Christmas B.C.: Not Made By Man. Isaiah 7:14; Mt. 1:22-23. by: Jay Brennan. The Crisis (context) which leads to a sign and promise The Sign: The Virgin will be with child The Promise: Emmanuel Meaning of Emmanuel. 4 Elements to Unlock Isaiah 7:14.
Christmas B.C.:Not Made By Man Isaiah 7:14; Mt. 1:22-23 by: Jay Brennan
The Crisis (context) which leads to a sign and promise The Sign: The Virgin will be with child The Promise: Emmanuel Meaning of Emmanuel 4 Elements to Unlock Isaiah 7:14
When Ahaz was King of Judah – God sends a message: “stand firm”, but Ahaz creates an alliance with God’s enemy. Ahaz should have known better. Ps.23:4; Ps. 46: 1-2 In his mercy God sends a message to Ahaz through Isaiah 7:11,12,14 Verse 14 = A sign and a promise Crisis
The Lord Himself will Provide the Sign Sign Given to All Sign will be a son born to a virgin A Sign
Bible Teaches it All Evangelical Churches hold this as a Critical Biblical Teaching Historic Creeds of the Church attest to it: Nicene Creed, Apostle’s, Luther’s Small Catechism, Chalcedon Creed Reasons to Believe in the Virgin Birth
3 Pictures of Messiah in O.T = Warrior King, Suffering Servant, Son of God. The promise does not become a reality for 730 years later. At Christmas we celebrate the fulfillment of God’s promise – “God with Us.” A Promise: Emmanuel
It means salvation. Matthew 1:21 It means that God will not leave, forsake or fail His people. Rom. 8:38-39 It means we have no reason to fear. Rom 8:31; Deut 31:6 God has not forgotten his people Meaning of “God With Us”
The promise of “God with Us” is repeated throughout scripture. Jn.14:16,17; Mt. 28:20; Rev. 21:3 Hang a banner over Bethlehem with these 4 words: “Not Made by Hands.” Joy to the World the Lord has Come Conclusion