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Abortion Pills Critically Important Details About Medical Abortion Explained

In early pregnancy, abortion pills are the safest method of abortion. As the procedure is performed earlier, the risks are reduced. Whether you are married or not, you have the right to an abortion. Therefore, do not hesitate. You can seek safe, legal, and confidential medical help at a reputable, certified MTP abortion center. For more information visit us at: https://www.bangaloregenesishospital.com/abortion-pills/

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Abortion Pills Critically Important Details About Medical Abortion Explained

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  1. Abortion Pills : Critically Important Details About Medical Abortion Explained

  2. Abortion Pills: Once you visit the gynaecologist, you will be examined for the length of your pregnancy. If you tested soon enough when you missed your period, your gestation age is most likely less than a week. This shall relieve you a lot since if your gestation period is less than or equal to 6 weeks, you are most likely to be prescribed abortion pills to evacuate your uterine contents. Abortion procedure done using pills is the safest and the most convenient method of getting an abortion. It is known as Medical Method of Abortion (MMA). It has been recognized as a safe abortion method by the World Health Organization (WHO) to terminate early pregnancies. • According to the WHO, all women have the right to access Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC) services. Unsafe abortions can cause temporary or permanent disabilities and even fatalities in women. Hence, it is recommended to have an abortion conducted only at a certified MTP centre under the technical guidance of trained medical staff.

  3. Abortion Pills Procedure: There are two drugs namely Mifepristone and Misoprostol which have been categorized in India as safe abortion pills. But, one thing you should know is that the term ‘safe’ here can be applied only when these abortion pills are being administered under the assistance of a trained and certified medical professional. By no means, abortion pills can be considered safe if they are self-prescribed or self-administered. Pill number two, Misoprostol is administered after Mifepristone. It can be administered as early as at the same time in some cases or late by a maximum of 48 hours after having taken Mifepristone. Either you will be asked to take it orally or a medical professional will insert in vaginally. It will work by promoting the uterine contractions. This will induce cramping in your lower abdomen, more or less like your periods. It will also prepare the cervix for abortion by softening it. You can expect the expulsion of all products of gestation (POG) within 24 hours from taking Misoprostol. The administration of the two abortion pills may vary from patient to patient. Some may need only oral administration while to some, vaginal administration may be prescribed. • As soon as a female conceives, her body starts releasing a hormone, progesterone in levels more than the normal routine. This is necessary for the sustenance of the pregnancy. The first step of abortion by abortion pills is to halt the production of Progesterone. This is done by the pill number one, Mifepristone. It is taken orally and soon after, the Progesterone levels will start declining. With lack of Progesterone, growth of the fetus will stop. After the administration of both the pills, you will be discharged from the hospital. The abortion will be like a little heavier menstrual flow. For pain management, the doctor may prescribe some analgesics for you to feel comfortable.

  4. Advantages of the Medical Method of Abortion (Abortion Pills): • It is the easiest and the earliest method to terminate a pregnancy. • It is a non-invasive outpatient procedure. No hospital stay is required. • Chances of infections are the least. • It helps the patient get relieved even from the mental stress and anxiety of carrying an unwanted fetus.

  5. In some cases, abortion through pills may be incomplete. This generally happens if abortion pills are prescribed for late pregnancies. To avoid this complication, gynecologists at BGH typically do not recommend their usage beyond 6 weeks of pregnancy. • Since abortion pills belong to hormonal abortion treatment therapy, some women may experience slight nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and headache. The symptoms vanish within 2 days of the abortion completely. Disadvantages of the Medical Method of Abortion: • Vaginal bleeding in most case lasts for up to a week.

  6. Get in touch • 09008492277 www.bangaloregenesishospital.com

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