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Birla Global University BBSR BBA 2017-Top 6 USPs

Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar offers 3-years, Full time BBA programme. This programme provides rigorous training in Business Management encompassing areas such as General Management, Marketing, Human Resource Management, and Finance...

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Birla Global University BBSR BBA 2017-Top 6 USPs

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  1. Birla Global University BBSR BBA 2017-Top 6 USPs

  2. Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar offers 3-years, Full time BBA programme. This programme provides rigorous training in Business Management encompassing areas such as General Management, Marketing, Human Resource Management, and Finance. The emphasis is on contemporary issues affecting business and problem solving, such as management of change within an increasingly dynamic environment and the development of business skills across organizations and sectors.

  3. 1. General Management The BBA (Hons) General Management provides an understanding of the way organizations are structured and how they function.

  4. 2. MarketingIntroduction, Definition of Market, Types of Markets, Meaning and Definition of Marketing, Origin of Marketing, Scope of Marketing, Importance of Marketing, Functions of Marketing, Difference between Marketing and Selling

  5. 3. Human Resource ManagementHuman resource management (HRM or simply HR) is the management of human resources. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems.

  6. 4.FinanceFinance is the management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies. The program is to prepare graduates to success in entry level positions in finance and elsewhere in business. During the course, students are taught to make informed predictions and forecasts about insurance and investments. They also gain practical and theoretical knowledge of various financial components, such as investments, financial engineering, portfolio management, corporate finance and international finance.

  7. 5. Prohibition of RaggingBGU's Policy on Prohibition of Ragging(Birla Global University - A Completely Toxic Free Campus) BGU has zero Tolerance Policy for Ragging. The Institute views ragging, banned by Supreme Court of India, as an uncivilized, and inhuman practice. 

  8. 6.PlacementStudents get the intimation about placement opportunities from the institute's Centre for Corporate Relations (CCR) through postings in their group as well as through postings on the notice board for placement news. Interested students can convey their choice either through mail or by signing in the relevant sheet with CCR within the specified time limit. As the recruiter confirms the date of interview process, it is communicated to students who are also advised on the documents required by the recruiter like CV, Summer Internship Project Report etc. The interview process is mostly conducted in the campus but in select cases students visit the recruiter's premises for the process. While students can appear for multiple interviews, they are bound to accept the first offer made to them. 

  9. Birla Global University Campus Birla Global University IDCO Plot No. 2, Institutional Area, Gothapatna Bhubaneswar – 751029, Odisha, INDIA Tel : 0674 – 7103001-10, Fax : 0674 – 7103002 Website: www.bgu.ac.in Admission Office Tel : 0674 – 6510390, 7103001 (Extn.–319,320) Mobile : 7381058302, 9776129900 Toll Free : 1800 – 212 – 3001 Email : enquiry@bgu.ac.in

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