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Fix for VPN connection error in Bitdefender

<br>Bitdefender is a worldwide used internet security. It facilitates its users in keeping their devices malware and virus free along with protecting their data. if any other query then you can call Bitdefender Customer Helpline Number 1-778-381-5820.<br><br><br>

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Fix for VPN connection error in Bitdefender

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  1. Bitdefender is a worldwide used internet security. It facilitates its users in keeping their devices malware and virus free along with protecting their data. Due to numerous reasons, some problems may arise in your software. Most common problem with Bitdefender is the error 1009, which hinders the connectivity. If you follow the given steps you will be able to eliminate this problem for good. Steps to tackle the problem Make sure you have a secure internet connection either via Wi- Fi or any other source, before you connect with Bitdefender VPN. Disable your firewall before enabling your VPN, for a strong configures firewall may prevent your connection from establishing.

  2. •You are required to restart your device if the above cautions didn’t work and he problem still persists. •Connect with a stable working network. •Now uninstall your existing Bitdefender software application. •After the above step, re-install the application software for a fresh start. •Navigate to Bitdefender interface, and move towards left side choose Privacy.

  3. •Now select VPN panel and later click on Install Bitdefender VPN. •You are suppose to change DNS; go to Control panel > Network and Internet >Network and sharing Center > Change adapter settings > Properties. •After the above step, go to the connection item list and choose Internet protocol Version 4. After this click on Properties. •Now you can choose any DNS server you prefer from to, it is up to you.

  4. If you face any sort of problem while performing above procedure then you are highly advised to get in touch with the professionals at Bitdefender Customer Helpline Number .They will listen to you intently and patiently and provide you the most reliable and feasible solutions. You can also connect with them via their live chat and have a more comfortable and effective experience. Original Source :- https://bit.ly/2Ljor7i

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