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In this topic we described that how to fix secure connection error in WordPress. And also we display that the causes unable to establish secure connection error in WordPress.<br>And then we define the fixing secure connection error in WordPress any the three easy way.<br>About more information visit our site:- https://wordpresstips2018.wordpress.com/2018/06/19/how-to-fix-secure-connection-error-in-wordpress/ <br><br>
Having a secure connection that is encrypted by one or more security protocols is essential to ensure the security of data flowing between two or more nodes. Fix Secure Connection Error in WordPress Without a secure connection, everyone can grab the personal data with the knowledge on how to do it. The WordPress secure connection error usually happens when you try to install or update a plugin or theme from the official WordPress.org database.
● WordPress comes with a built-in system to manage updates. This system regularly checks for updates and show notifications for you to install plugin / theme updates. Causes Unable to Establish Secure Connection Error in WordPress ● However, it needs to connect to the WordPress.org website in order to check for updates or install them. Due to some misconfiguration on your WordPress hosting server, your website may fail to connect with WordPress.org website.
There are multiple ways to fix the unexpected secure connection error in WordPress. Mostly three easy way to use the fixing secure connection error in WordPress. And they are following:- Fixing Secure Connection Error in WordPress ● Update Your Server’s hosts file One of the most efficient ways to connect to your server and manipulate your files is through Secure Shell Access (SSH). If you’re a Windows user, you need to use a tool such as PuTTy to access your server. On the other hand, macOS or Linux users can use whichever command line tool they want to.
Cont…. ● Check if the cURL Extension is Enabled for PHP WordPress relies on PHP primarily, so if you don’t have the right version installed – or even some necessary extensions in place – it might not work as intended. ● Check if the Right Ports Are Open on Your Firewall Whether your server uses a firewall out of the box depends mostly on the hosting service and plan you use.
● If you are running WordPress on your own computer (localhost), then you may not have cURL extension enabled for PHP. This extension is required to access WordPress.org for updates. Fixing WordPress Secure Connection Error on Localhost ● You will need to edit the php.ini file on your computer. This file is usually located in the PHP folder of your Mamp, Xampp, or WAMP folder.
Conclusion In this topic we described that how to fix secure connection error in WordPress. And also we display that the causes unable to establish secure connection error in WordPress. And then we define the fixing secure connection error in WordPress any the three easy way. About more information visit our site:- https://wordpresstips2018.wordpress.com /2018/06/19/how-to-fix-secure-connection -error-in-wordpress/