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All Information Related to Lithium Ion batteries

Lithium Ion batteries were devised as long ago as 1912 by Gilbert N. Lewis, however, it was a very long time before they were designed enough to be started to a mass market level.

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All Information Related to Lithium Ion batteries

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  1. All Information Related to Lithium Ion batteries Lithium Ion batteries were devised as long ago as 1912 by Gilbert N. Lewis, however, it was a very long time before they were designed enough to be started to a mass market level. This happened in the early 1990's using Sony pioneering their commercial usage. Lithium Ion batteries have many benefits. They can be built in a huge variety of shapes and sizes, resulting in them being tailored to the available space in the apparatus where they are to be used. The batteries are also much lighter than other equivalents, due to the character of the substance and also the large open circuit voltage compared to other batteries. This low weight makes it perfect in hand held and mobile devices for apparent reasons, and popular in those times of high tech gadgets. Another significant benefit is that they do not suffer from memory effect. This is the situation, whereby additional rechargeable batteries, if not completely discharged before recharging, lose their highest energy capacity over time and so hold less cost.

  2. They also don't have such a radical self discharge rate as other batteries - just 5% each month, compared with as much as 30% per month at other battery types. Get more info about Lithium Ion Battery Manufacturer. However, Lithium Ion batteries aren't perfect, and there are downsides. One of these is their life span depends upon their age - and not the time from which they were billed, or the number of occasions they've been billed. They begin to lose capacity slowly from the date of fabrication irrespective of the amount of charging cycles they've. Thus the production date is beneficial to understand specially if there is a big time lapse from manufacture to used e... G due to storage. Several Lithium Ion batteries (such as notebook batteries) can lose around 20% of their capacity each year, when stored at ordinary temperatures. However, when subjected to prolonged higher temperatures, this amount can increase to as much as 35% each year. Another essential element is that the fee level - when stored partly charged, these figures can be dramatically reduced. This makes Lithium Ion batteries unsuitable for certain applications - such as batteries up. The battery shouldn't be discharged below a certain threshold; otherwise the battery will be damaged irreversibly. Therefore, the devices that use them have a built-in system to shut them down when the charge level meets that minimum threshold. Because of this, Lithium Ion batteries are designed and manufactured specifically for the device they are to power and aren't available as generic batteries. With that said there are a few models available that have a built-in circuit to monitor the minimum charge amount and closed the battery down as it reaches that level. These are called “smart" batteries. Click here How to prolong the Life Span of your Lithium Ion battery

  3. - Charge the battery early and often, unlike other rechargeable batteries. - If you don't intend to use the battery for quite a while, charge it to some level of approximately 40% of power. - The battery should be stored cool. They'll grow faster at higher temperatures, so keep as cool as possible when not in use. They can be safely stored in a fridge for optimum prevention of aging. (Note: they should not be suspended) - If the device you are using is often run from a mains electricity supply (e... G laptop) and it is possible, remove the battery when using mains electricity. This prevents the battery from being exposed to elevated prolonged temperatures which can shorten its life. - Any actions to decrease the heat the battery is exposed to will benefit it is lifespan. - If purchasing replacements, try to purchase a battery that gets the shortest possible time from manufacture to retail. (Though it may be difficult to find out this information). In summary Lithium Ion batteries are a really versatile battery, perfect in lightweight applications rather than subject to memory effect. However they do degrade at higher temperatures which mean that they aren't a universal battery solution. For more info about Lithium iron phosphate batteries, Visit here: www.lithium-battery-factory.com

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