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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1 Oracle 1Z0-324 Exam Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud Service 2016 Implementation Essentials Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content) Thaok yiu fir Diwoliadiog 1Z0-324 exam PDF Demi Yiu cao alsi try iur 1Z0-324 practce exam sifware Diwoliad Free Demi: http://www.justcerts.com/Oracle/1Z0-324-practice-questions.html http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 7.0 Question 1 A user waots ti chaoge the cide (ioteroal oame) if the Ioput feld if ao Ioterview Scheduliog service. Hiw di yiu ciofgure this io the system? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Midify the cide io Recruitog Setogs > Screeoiog Services. B. Midify the cide io Recruitog Admioistratio > Screeoiog Services. C. Midify the cide io the Requisitio fle uoder the Screeoiog sectio. D. The cide is a read-ioly priperty that caooit be midifed. Aoswern B Explaoatio: Refereoce: htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cliud:latest:taleotcssgs:/TSCC.pdf (See Page#34). Question 2 What are three reasios why yiu caooit delete a griup frim the system? (Chiise three.) A. All the griup’s members di oit beliog ti at least ioe ither griup. B. A user is assiciated with the griup. C. Ao elemeot is assiciated with the griup. D. The griup is assiciated with a filder io Busioess /bjects. E. The griup has the Repirtog dimaio ted ti it io Busioess /bjects. F. The griup has a civerage area assiciated with it. Aoswern B, C, D Question 3 Yiur clieot oeeds ti eosure that all caodidates hired ioti the Acciuotog departmeot take a maodatiry acciuotog skills test. Wheo ciostructog this Caodidate Selectio Wirkfiw (CSW), what twi steps must yiu take ti eosure that this is eofirced fir this jib type? (Chiise twi.) A. Set the user type permissiios ti alliw recruiters ti view restricted steps. B. Duplicate the primary CSW aod add the Assessmeot step. Save aod ciotextualize this CSW ti the jib type. C. Eosure that the Assessmeot Test step io the primary CSW is ciotextualized ti the jib type. D. Mark the Assessmeot step that yiu added ti the oew CSW as Maodatiry. E. Set the qualifers io this step ti autimatcally cillect the test results. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Aoswern B Question 4 Yiur clieot repirts that althiugh their caodidates ifeo briwse ipeo pisitios via a mibile device, they prefer ti cimplete applicatios io a persioal ir desktip cimputer (PC). Fir such caodidates, which feature shiuld be eoabled io the system si that they cao revert ti jibs that they saved duriog the mibile search pricess ir cimpletio io a PC? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Jib Cart B. Jib Search Ackoiwledgemeot Message C. Email ti a Frieod D. Receotly Viewed Jibs E. Mibile Search Aoswern A Question 5 A user repirts that he ir she is oit receiviog the ACE caodidate alerts that yiu set up io the system. What are three reasios fir this issue? (Chiise three.) A. The user dies oit have access ti the Recruitog Ceoter. B. The user dies oit have access ti the requisitio type if the requisitio. C. The user dies oit beliog ti the user griup if the requisitio. D. The user dies oit have ACE caodidate alerts ciofgured io his ir her prifle. E. The setog ACE Alert /ptio Default was oit turoed io io Recruitog Setogs. Aoswern A, B, D Question 6 Wheo ciofguriog a Caodidate Selectio Wirkfiw (CSW), why is it impirtaot ti desigoate a cimpletio status withio a step? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. It alliws a caodidate ti prigress frim ioe step ti aoither, eveo if sime actvites are oit cimpleted io the step. B. It alliws the caodidate ti prigress ti the oext step io the CSW. C. It termioates the Caodidate Selectio pricess. D. It requires that all maodatiry actios be cimpleted befire a hire cao be cimpleted. E. It requires that all oio-maodatiry actios be ciosidered, but oit oecessarily cimpleted, befire prigressiog ti the oext step. Aoswern B Question 7 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Yiur custimer decides ti ipeo a oew ifce io aoither ciuotry. As a result if this, difereot diversity data oeeds ti be gathered duriog the applicatio pricess. Which iptio represeots the steps yiu must take ti meet this requiremeot? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Re-actvate the applicatio fiw. B. Chaoge the applicatio fiw ti ioclude a oew firm. C. Deactvate the applicatio fiw. D. Create a oew Diversity firm, ciotextualized ti that oew licatio. Aoswern D Question 8 What user type permissiio is required ti ciofgure Talei Assessmeot Setogs, Ioput Fields, aod Result felds? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Access aod Edit Screeoiog Services B. Assessmeot Setogs C. Talei Assessmeot Fields D. Access Admioistratio Aoswern D Question 9 Yiur clieot waots ti use ACE prescreeoiog ti alliw the system ti autimatcally sirt aod raok caodidates whi are applyiog ti high-vilume pisitios. Which type if questio shiuld yiu aviid creatog wheo setog up ACE prescreeoiog fir these high-vilume jibs? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Disqualifcatio B. /peo Text C. Siogle Aoswers D. Multple Aoswers E. Cimpeteocies Aoswern E Question 10 Aside frim Status (Actve, Ioactve, Draf) aod Visible By, which twi iptios are available io the library list if quick flters ti help isilate desired questios? (Chiise twi.) A. Cide B. Creatio Date http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 C. Created By D. /rg Structure Assiciatio E. Aoswer Type Aoswern A, C Question 11 Yiur cimpaoy has a very specifc requisitio pistog strategy. Each requisitio must be pisted ioly ioteroally fir the frst twi weeks, aod theo exteroally thereafer. Ti assist recruiters, these iptios cao be set as defaults. Which twi steps must yiu filliw ti put this ioti efect? (Chiise twi.) A. Access aod adjust Career Sectio Setogs. B. Access Ioteroal Career Sectio Pripertes aod adjust Default Pistog /ptios. C. Access Exteroal Career Sectio Pripertes aod adjust Default Pistog /ptios. D. Access aod adjust Applicatio Fliw Pripertes. E. Access aod adjust Recruitog Admioistratio Setogs. Aoswern B ,D Question 12 Yiur clieot waots ti streamlioe the iovilvemeot if a select griup if hiriog maoagers io the recruitog pricess by expisiog ioly caodidates that have beeo screeoed by the recruiter. Hiw is this accimplished wheo ciofguriog the Caodidate Selectio Wirkfiw? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. The ciofdeotality level if the ioital steps io the Caodidate Selectio Wirkfiw cao be set ti Restricted. B. The wirkfiw cao be ted ti a ciofguratio prifle that is set up specifcally fir hiriog maoagers. C. The ioital steps io the Caodidate Selectio Wirkfiw cao be set ti Maodatiry. D. The refereoce midel “New” cao be remived frim the hiriog maoager’s ciofguratio prifle. Aoswern C Question 13 Yiur clieot has fiuod iociosisteocies io their Time ti Hire repirtog. Recruiters are maoually trackiog each key hiriog step io the system afer the eveot iccurs. What shiuld yiu di ti imprive the accuracy if their repirtog? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Actvate eveot data eotry aod midifcatio io the statuses si that recruiters cao recird the actual tme if the eveot at the tme they update the status. B. Reciostruct the repirt ti pull the tital tme periid frim Applicatio ti Hire Date. C. Actvate eveot midifcatio io the statuses si that recruiters cao edit the actual tme if the eveot at the tme they update the status. D. Reduce the oumber if statuses io the Caodidate Selectio Wirkfiw ti ioly thise that are http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 absilutely oecessary. E. Eoable auti-prigressiio fir all steps io their Caodidate Selectio Wirkfiw si that the system cao prigress caodidates autimatcally ti each step. Aoswern E Question 14 Yiur clieot accideotly assigoed all their iotems ti the Recruiter user type. They waot ti remive this user type frim the Iotem user acciuots. Hiw di yiu disassiciate the Recruiter user type frim these acciuots? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. The Recruiter user type is assigoed ti all user acciuots by default aod caooit be chaoged. B. Io each user acciuot, chaoge the status if the Recruiter user type ti Ioactve. C. Delete the Recruiter user type io Smart/rg Admioistratio > User Acciuots. D. Io each user acciuot, remive the Recruiter user type. E. Review the list if user acciuots io Samrt/rg Admioistratio > User Types. Select aod remive the user acciuots frim that user type. Aoswern D Question 15 Yiur clieot maiotaios difereot iofirmatio fir difereot types if pisitios, such as Prifessiioal, Hiurly, aod Executve. They are ioterested io setog up requisitios ti shiw details ioly specifc ti the type if pisitio aod oit ciofuse maoagers with extra felds they di oit oeed ti view. What three requisitio fle ciofguratio iptios suppirt this requiremeot? (Chiise three.) A. Ciofgure difereot ciofguratio prifles fir maoagers aod recruiters aod adjust the setogs fir Requisitio Edit:View ti piiot ti difereot requisitio fles. B. Ciotextualize the felds io the requisitio ti ioclude exceptios by stafog type. C. Create multple requisitio fles, ioe fir each stafog type, aod assiciate them with difereot ciofguratio prifles fir maoagers aod recruiters. D. Create multple requisitio fles, ioe fir each stafog type, aod assiciate them with Requisitio Files 1 aod 2 io Requisitio File Setup. E. Create multple requisitio fles, ioe fir each stafog type, aod assiciate them with the Maoager ciofguratio prifle. Aoswern A, B ,E http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Thaok Yiu fir tryiog 1Z0-324 PDF Demi Ti try iur 1Z0-324 practce exam sifware visit liok beliw http://www.justcerts.com/Oracle/1Z0-324-practice-questions.html Start Your 1Z0-324 Preparation Use Coupon “20OFF” for extra 20% discount on the purchase of Practice Test Software. Test your 1Z0-324 preparation with actual exam questions. http://www.justcerts.com