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We are going to talk about how to win the new normal with portals that keep your customers at the center. Join us on 25th Aug, 7:30 PM IST.<br>
Announcement! Free Webinar on Winningthe New Normal withPortals Four months into a pandemic, it would be funny if I said whateveryonehasalreadysaid.Timesaretough,holdonto yourbusinesses,andhopeforsomethingbetter. But we are not here to tell you that. We want to talk about how you can win and progress in the new normal world we have aroundus. For a while there, we hunkered down and held on tight to thethingsweknewandthethingswearegreatat.Oncewe accepted that this is a much more permanent changein the sales@crmjetty.com
way we think about the world, we changed the way we thought. This is why after weeks of reflecting, strategizing and working on plans, we are happy to announce that CRMJetty is hosting a free webinar on Winning the New Normal with Portals! A webinar where we will be talking about how to innovate even in the face of pandemic and address some of the real-world challenges that you as a business owner mightbefacingorhavefacedintherecentdays. Soundslikesomethingworthyourtime? Save yourspot! Here are some other details that you might be curious about. OurSpeakers The webinar will be conducted by our Digital Marketing Manager, Parth Pandya, and Product Manager, Jay Jagani. With a combined experience of over 20 years, they have seen the industry landscapes change and been a part of the same. sales@crmjetty.com
When is ithappening? • Date: 25th August 2020 Time: 7:30 IST/ 10 AMEDT • What you’lllearn: • Addressingthecurrentglobalcrisisandchallenges • Traditional business modelchallenges • Industriesthatneedseriousinnovation[needofthehour] • Customerretentionandnewrevenuestreams • How portals canhelp • AlongwithaninteractiveQ/Asession! • How tojoin? • Just click on this button and register yourself by entering youremail address. As simple as that! • Save yourspot! • You won’t have to download any app or set a reminder, as our webinar platform can be accessed from anywhere and on any browser. For reminders, we’ll send you email notifications [not in annoying frequency, we promise].And sales@crmjetty.com
since you’ll be visiting our CrowdCast profile, maybe follow us? Source: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/winning-new-normal/registe r sales@crmjetty.com