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Yoga for PCOD and PCOS

Around 35% of Indian women, including young girls, are affected by polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Also known as polycystic-ovarian disease (PCOD), it is a condition that affects around 35% of women. Yoga is proven to be very effective in controlling and preventing these symptoms, according to studies.

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Yoga for PCOD and PCOS

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  1. Yoga for PCOD and PCOS Around 35% of Indian women, including young girls, are affected by polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Also known as polycystic-ovarian disease (PCOD), it is a condition that affects around 35% of women. Yoga is proven to be very effective in controlling and preventing these symptoms, according to studies. PCOS explained in its simplest form: Polycystic is a combination of multiple cysts. These cysts are caused by underdeveloped follicles within the ovaries. Syndrome simply refers to a group of symptoms such as irregular menses or absence, high BP and obesity, depression, sleep apnea and insulin resistance. It is rare for two women to experience the same symptoms. Diabetes and cardiovascular disease can be caused by more weight gain and insulin resistance. While the causes of PCOS remain unknown, there are possible contributing factors such as heredity or sedentary living. Yogic treatment Yoga can help you lose weight and improve your digestive system. It helps with constipation and improves food absorption. Avoid eating processed foods while practicing yoga. Unsaturated fat should be your preferred source of fat. Trans fats and hydrogenated oils are high in unhealthy substances such as chips, cookies and baked goods. They raise LDL (the bad cholesterol) and lower the protective HDL (the good cholesterol). Apart from fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and fibre-rich foods, the saatvic yogaic diet is highly recommended. Consuming Omega 3 found in flaxseed, walnuts, and soya products can help to lower insulin and blood pressure. Asanas can be practiced: Mahamudra, a yoga pose that stimulates the thyroid gland and regulates metabolism, is one example of yoga poses. Sarwangasana, or shoulder stand pose, corrects uterine displacement and menstrual disorders. Baddha konasana, or bound angle pose, strengthens the bladder. Matyasana, or fish pose, stimulates the pituitary glands and pineal glands and helps to tone them. Manjarasana, or cat pose, helps to tone the female reproductive system. Kapaalbhati, which is a breath purifying, activates the pancreas to produce insulin. People with diabetes have found that yoga can lower their fasting blood sugar. Anabom vilom pranayama can help with anxiety, depression and other emotional disorders. An awareness of oneself can lead to a sense of wholeness and acceptance of who we are. Meditation helps to stabilize the mind and body and can help a woman have a baby and regulate cortisol levels. This is a stress hormone that releases in response to

  2. stress. Yoga is safe, but it's best to have expert guidance in order to achieve the best results. Yoga also has other benefits * Mental and physical well-being for everyone * A decrease in stress/anxiety among working professionals * Fitness for elderly and housewives * Students can concentrate better To know more: https://clinic.naitricare.com/yoga-for-pcos/

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