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Excellence Technology offers best web designing training course in Mohali. we provide 100% practical training on Live projects of off shore clients from USA, Uk, France and Germany. Web designing is the term of development of webpages layout or structure, content building , Content optimization. A web designer is responsible for the creative design of website. we provide full time one year diploma course in web designing and short term course in web designing as well. Excellence technology offers web designing training in Mohali and Chandigarh with 2 years of course validity. Students who have very less or no interest in programming languages like java or .NET can opt web designing. as web designing is term of designing static web pages which consist no programming. Web designing basically starts from HTML and CSS.<br><br>
Best web Designing Course In Chandigarh Excellence Technology offers best web designing training course in chandigarhmohali. we provide 100% practical training on Live projects of off shore clients from USA, Uk,France and Germany. Web designing is the term of development of webpages layout or structure, content building , Content optimization. A web designer is responsible for the creative design of website. we provide full time one year diploma course in web designing and short term course in web designing as well. Excellence technology offers web designing training in mohali and chandigarh with 2 years of course validity. Students who have very less or no intrest in programming languages like java or .net can opt web designing. as web designing is term of designing static web pages which consist no programming. Web designing basically starts from HTML and CSS.
WEBDESIGNING Design is the process of collecting ideas, and aesthetically arranging and implementing them, guided by certain principles for a specificpurpose. Web design is a similar process of creation, with the intention of presenting the content on electronic web pages, which the end-users can access through the internet with the help of aweb browser.
ELEMENTS OF WEBDESIGN Web design uses many of the same key visual elements as all types of design such as:- Layout:Thisisthewaythegraphics,adsandtextarearranged.Intheweb world,akeygoalistohelptheviewfindtheinformationtheyseekata glance. This includes maintaining the balance, consistency, and integrity of thedesign. Colour: The choice of colours depends on the purpose and clientele; it could be simple black-and-white to multi-coloured design, conveying thepersonalityofapersonorthebrandofanorganization,usingweb- safecolours. Graphics:Graphicscanincludelogos,photos,clipartoricons,allofwhich enhancethewebdesign.Foruserfriendliness,theseneedtobeplaced appropriately, working with the colour and content of the web page, whilenotmakingittoocongestedorslowtoload. Fonts: The use of various fonts can enhance a website design. Most web browsers can only read a select number of fonts, known as "web-safe fonts",soyourdesignerwillgenerallyworkwithinthiswidelyaccepted group.
CREATING USER FRIENDLY WEBDESIGN Besidesthebasicelementsofwebdesignthatmakeasitebeautifuland visually compelling, a website must also always consider the end user. User-friendliness can be achieved by paying attention to the following factors. Navigation: Site architecture, menus and other navigation tools in theweb design must be created with consideration of how users browse and search. The goal is to help the user to move around the site with ease, efficientlyfindingtheinformationtheyrequire. Multimedia: Relevant video and audio stimuli in thedesign can help users to grasp the information, developing understanding in an easy and quick manner. This can encourage visitors to spend more time on the webpage. Compatibility: Design the webpage, to perform equally well on different browsersandoperatingsystems,toincreaseitsviewing. Technology: Advancements in technology give designers the freedom to add movement and innovation, allowing for web design that is always fresh, dynamic andprofessional.
CONSISTENCY INDESIGN • Usethesamefontthroughout! • Useconsistentgraphicsinwebsite– donotuseultra modernononepageandcalligraphyonanother • Usecolorschemethatisconsistent
WEBSITEDESIGN • Fromyourexistingwebpages,buildawebsite. • Addmorepagestosite–whateveryouwant • Some suggestions: Resume, friends page, hobbiespage • Minimum6pages(splashpage+5) • Use common designtheme • MakecustomgraphicsinPhotoShop • PreparegraphicalsitemapinPowerPointtoturn in whenfinished
FUNDAMENTALS OFWEBDESIGN • Purpose of WebDesign • Inform/Educate • Persuade • InfluencesonWebDesign • TechnologyUsedbyBothTargetAudienceandDesigner • Nature of theContent • Economy(Budget,Time,andScaleoftheProject) • AmountandTypeofVisualsIncluded • Meeting UsabilityObjectives
THEMAKINGOFDESIGN • Good Designis: • Understandable • Interesting • Easy touse • Uniform in look andfeel • Donefromavisitor’spointofview: • WYSIWYW(WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouWANT)