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Web Designing Course in Chandigarh

Click here to learn from the best providing web Designing Course in Chandigarh.http://cbitss.com/web-designing-training-course-in-chandigarh.html

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Web Designing Course in Chandigarh

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Web Designing Course In Chandigarh

  2. Introduction Web Designing Course actually is a deal with maintenance and creation of websites. All the web pages that we see on Google, Bing, Yahoo and Firefox are basically designed and maintained by Web-Designers. This course is to get highly focuses on the core area necessary for the creation of Web sites like HTML, JAVA, and CSS.

  3. Techniques & Skills For Web Designing 1. Communication and Marketing Design. 2. Interactive Design and User Experience. 3. Motion Graphics. 4. Quality of codes. 5. Typography. 6. Generated Contents.

  4. Topics that covered under this course 1. Understanding Web concepts. 2. HTML 5. 3. CSS 3. 4. Adobe Dreamweaver 5. SEO concepts. 6. Introduction to Wordpress. 7. Project.

  5. Jobs Opportunities after Web Designing After the completion of diploma PG courses and certificates, one has a variety of Job Opportunities as India is developing in Information technologies (I.T.) there are many MNC which new and are starting their business in India and need Web-designer and Caretaker of the same. After the completion, one can either work in Web-Designing Companies or help some websites who need more technical help.

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