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BIS 155 Lab 3 of 7: Alice Barr Realty Analysis

BIS 155 Lab 3 of 7: Alice Barr Realty Analysis<br><br><br>-Purchase here<br><br><br><br>http://www.devrytutorial.com/shop/bis-155-lab-3-7-alice-barr-realty-analysis/<br><br><br><br>Product Description<br><br><br><br> <br><br> <br>Lab 3 of 7: Alice Barr Realty Analysis<br>You are an intern with the Regional Realty Association and are<br>analyzing the claim made by Alice Barr Realty that “we get your price.” You have<br>prepared a spreadsheet that shows data relating to 3 months’ sales by Alice Barr<br>Realty. You are going to determine the percent of asking price for each home<br>sold and analyze the sales data to determine the true track record of the<br>company in selling homes for the asking price.<br>STEP 1: Open, Save, and Document the<br>Workbook (5 points)<br>You must open a workbook that lists home sales for 3 months.<br>A. Download the file chap4_cap_barr from DocSharing, Lab<br>Materials.<br>B. Open the workbook in Excel, and save it as<br>Lab3_Yourlastname.xlsx.<br>C. Insert a documentation sheet that includes title, author,<br>date, and purpose. Format it appropriately, including changing the Sheet Name to<br>Documentation. At the end of this activity, you will be asked to<br>provide a conclusion as to whether this realty company “really gets your<br>price.”<br>STEP 2: Add Calculations and Format<br>Sales Data Worksheet (10 points)<br>A formula is used to calculate the percent of asking price, and<br>this formula is applied to all listed sales. You will format the list in an<br>attractive and useful manner.<br>A. Calculate the percent of asking price for each sale (selling<br>price divided by asking price). Enter the formula in Column F. Format Column F<br>as a percentage with one decimal.<br>B. Format Columns D and E as currency, with no decimals. Format<br>Columns G and H as dates so just the day and month (for example, 5-May) are<br>visible. You will need to use the Number Format dropdown list, select More<br>Number Formats, and select the Date category.<br>C. Widen columns to make all data and headings visible. Format<br>titles as appropriate. Bold and center the column headings.<br>STEP 3: Sort Data and Create Summary Reportand Chart (10<br>points)<br>A. Before analyzing data, it is a good idea to copy the<br>data to a new worksheet so that you have a back-up copy of the original data.<br>Right click on the Sales Data sheet tab and select Move or Copy. Create a copy<br>of the current spreadsheet and move it to the end. Name the sheet Sorted<br>Data.<br>B. In order to sort the data, you must convert them to a data<br>table. Format the data table to look attractive.<br>C. Sort the data by selling agent (A to Z) and then by asking<br>price (largest to smallest).<br>D. Convert the sorted data back into a range, and create a<br>summary report showing the total asking price and total selling price by selling<br>agent<br>E. Create a column chart that shows the difference by agent between<br>asking price and selling price<br>Step 4. Filter the data<br>A. Create another copy of<br>the original sales data. Rename the sheet Filtered Data.<br>B. Convert the range to a table, and then filter to show only<br>those properties sold in Miami by agent Carey.<br>Step 5. Apply Conditional formatting<br>You determine that one measure of how well the company “gets<br>your price” is to set a scale. Excellent performance is at or above the asking<br>price. Good performance is between 95% and 100%. Below 95% is average<br>performance. You will create conditional formatting rules to display graphically<br>the performance level for each sale. Make a copy of the<br>original sales data chart. Name the new sheet Conditional Format.<br>A. Select the data range and<br>insert a table.<br>B. Use Advanced Formatting to set up the following conditional<br>formatting rules for the field Percent of Asking Price.<br>Greater than or equal to 100% = GREEN 95% to 99.9% = YELLOW Less than 95% = RED<br>C. Use Percent of Asking Price as the Sort Key, and sort by<br>color with green first, then yellow, and then red<br>Step 6. Create a Pivot Table<br>Now that you have sorted, subtotaled, filtered, and conditionally<br>formatted the data, you have a few more questions to answer. You want to see<br>average percentage of selling price by agent and by city. This will allow you to<br>see whether there are any patterns based on the city or based on the<br>salesperson. To do this kind of comparison, you decide to create a pivot table.<br>A. Open the Sales Data worksheet. Select the Sales Data range<br>(A3:H33). From the Formulas tab, select Define Name from the Defined Names<br>group. Name the range of cells SalesData.<br>B. Create a pivot table based on the named range, SalesData.<br>Create the pivot table in a new worksheet.<br>C. Select Selling Agent as your Row Labels and City as your<br>Column Labels. Select Percent of Sales as your Values. Change the Summary type<br>for Percent of Sales to average, the Number Format to percent, and the Name to<br>Average Percent of Asking Price. Apply Data Bars Conditional Formatting to the<br>percentages. Hide the Field Headers.<br>D. Rename the sheet PivotTable, and move it so that it is the<br>last tab in the worksheet.<br>Step 7. Draw a conclusion<br>On the Documentation Sheet, add a section called Analysis. Based on<br>your data analysis, do you believe that Barr Realty should be allowed to<br>advertise that they “Get your price?” Justify your answer by referring to the<br>data analysis you have just completed.<br><br>

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BIS 155 Lab 3 of 7: Alice Barr Realty Analysis

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  1. BIS 155 Lab 3 of 7: Alice Barr Realty AnalysisPurchase herehttp://www.devrytutorial.com/shop/bis-155-lab-3-7-alice-barr-realty-analysis/

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