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The Keeping Quilt. By Patricia Polacco. Genre. Personal Narrative. Prior Knowledge. __________________________________. What have I learned about storytelling? Can I make any text to text connections in our Storytelling Unit? Can I make any text to self connections about storytelling?.
The Keeping Quilt By Patricia Polacco
Genre Personal Narrative
Prior Knowledge __________________________________ What have I learned about storytelling? Can I make any text to text connections in our Storytelling Unit? Can I make any text to self connections about storytelling?
AB0UT THEAUTHOR Patricia Polacco’sgreat-great grandparents emigrated (to leave a place, especially a home country, to live someplace else) from Russia. Storytelling is an important tradition that has been passed down in her family for generations. Patricia Polacco also wrote: Rechenka’s EggsBabushka Baba Yaga Chicken SundayUncle Vova’s Tree Mrs. Katz and TushPink and Say
Learning Targets • Do you know what a prediction is? • Can you tell me the elements of a story? • What is the difference between fact and opinion? • What does the word genre mean? You’ll know the answers to these questions by the end of this story. ( I bet you know some of these answers already! )
Selection Summary “The Keeping Quilt” tells about a treasured object that became a way for keeping a family’s oral history through the generations.
Line1 understand understanding misunderstandings • celebrate celebrated celebration • Line 2 scraps scrape strip/stripped stripe/striped • pin/pinned pine/pined • Line 3 piece belief field • A piece of striped cloth was pinned to the wall. • Players understand that they must follow the rules on the football field. • On the Fourth of July, we celebrate our belief in the right of people to be free.
Vocabulary • ar-ti-fi-cial (artificial): not natural; made by people, not by nature; fake The bowl of artificial fruit looked almost good enough to eat. • bou-quet (bouquet): a bunch of flowers, cut and gathered together Sally picked daisies to make a bouquet of flowers for her mother. • haul-ing (hauling): carrying or transporting The children were busy hauling firewood inside so we could have a warm and cozy fire.
Vocabulary I wonder what a babushka is? What is a huppa? Can you find these words in your text? 1. When you find them, write what you think they mean on a piece of paper. 2. What page did you find them on? 3. Use them in a sentence. “Happy Cats” to everyone who finds them!Shhhhhhhhhhhh…don’t tell your neighbor! : )
Learning Targets Did we meet our LEARNING TARGETS ? Let’s go back to slide #5 and check!
Keeping QuiltQuestions • Answer these questions in your group: • Any of these words could describe the quilt in the selection. Choose one and provide (give) two details from the selection to support (explain) your choice. *valuable*useful*lovable • The author’s purpose was to tell you how a quilt becomes a family tradition. Use four details that tells how the quilt becomes a family tradition. TELL THE PAGE NUMBER WHERE YOU FOUND YOUR ANSWER. • By yourself: • At your table, answer question 2 on notebook paper.
Art If you were to make a “Keeping Quilt”, what important memories would you include in your quilt? • Take a piece of large white paper. • Fold it into eighths. • Think of at least 4 important memories. • Draw and color in at least 4 squares. • Cut the squares apart. • With a hole punch, punch holes in the corners of the squares, and tie your quilt loosely together with yarn. • Now you have your own KEEPING QUILT!
Math • Make a time line of at least 6 important events that happened in your life. Hint: Event #1 could be when you were born. • Use graph paper. • Title and label your graph. • You’ll want to be very neat so that other students can read and enjoy your graph!
Writing Patricia Polaccowrote a Personal Narrative. Now, it’s your turn! • (Pre-write) Brainstorm a list of important memories from your past. Circle the one you’d like to write about. Now make another list of ideas about the memory you circled. • (Draft) Write a 5 point (Beginning, 3 events, end) summary. Tip: Include who, what, when, where, why • (Revise) Expand on your summary to make it interesting for the reader. Tip: Use your Word Bank Journal, add lots of details, don’t forget to put your voice in your writing • (Edit) Check for conventions. • (Final Draft/Publish) Make your writing ready to share with us!