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IFC Creating Opportunity Where It’s Needed Most. Who We Are, What We Do. IFC is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector – the global leader in private sector development finance
Who We Are, What We Do • IFC is the largest global development institution focused exclusivelyon the private sector – the global leader in private sector development finance • We create opportunity forpeople– to escape poverty and improve their lives • Driven by our vision and purpose, we make a unique contributionto development • We invest, advise, mobilize capital, and manage assets – providing solutions for an inclusive and sustainable world
IFC in the World Bank Group The World Bank Group consists of five closely related institutions: • IBRD: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development • IDA: The International Development Association • IFC: International Finance Corporation • MIGA: The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency • ICSID: The International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes Building Prosperity, Eradicating Poverty
IFC’s Structure • Owned by 184 member countries • IFC is the main driver of private sector development in the World Bank Group • Collaborates with other members of the group, including the World Bank (IBRD and IDA, MIGA and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes) • Global: Headquartered in Washington, D.C. • Local: More than 100 offices worldwide in 95 countries
IFC’s History • Launched in 1956: 12 years after the Bretton Woods Conference created the World Bank to finance post-WWII reconstruction and development by lending to governments • Original mandate:supporting development by encouraging private investment (a new part of the global economic agenda) • 1980s:IFC coins the term “emerging markets” • 1990s:IFC increases in size, importance after fall of Berlin Wall • Today:IFC is the world’s largest multilateral institution exclusively focused on private sector development, widely seen as an essential source of job creation, growth, and poverty reduction
Our Purpose IFC’s Purpose is to catalyze inclusive and sustainable growth through: • Promoting open and competitive markets indeveloping countries • Supporting companies and other private sector partners where there is a gap • Helping to generate productive jobs and deliver essential services to the underserved • Catalyzing and mobilizing other sources of finance for private enterprise development In order to achieve its purpose, IFC offers development impact solutions through firm-level interventions (direct investments,advisory services, and IFC Asset Management Company), standard-setting, and business enabling environment work.
Creating Opportunity Our Strategic Focus Areas Frontier Markets • Only 1/3 of the world's poorest live in low-income countries • Most live in middle-income countries • So IFC focuses on frontier markets: the poorest countries as well as less-developed regions of middle-income countries, and fragile and conflict-affected situations
Creating Opportunity Our Strategic Focus Areas Private Infrastructure • Power, transport, water, telecommunications • Health and education • Building food security by strengthening the food supply chain • Public-private partnerships are critical in all
Creating Opportunity Our Strategic Focus Areas Developing Local Financial Markets • Focusing on the key drivers of job creation: micro, small, and medium enterprises • Expanding role in trade finance • Local currency transactions • Financing women entrepreneurs
Creating Opportunity Our Strategic Focus Areas Climate Change • Part of our broader commitment to ensuring environmental and social sustainability • Renewable energy • Sustainable energy finance • Building clients' climate-smart business models
Creating OpportunityOur Strategic Focus Areas Long-Term Partnerships • IFC builds long-term relationships with firms in emerging markets • Using the full range of our products and services • Assisting their cross-border growth
IFC’s Three Businesses IFC AssetManagementCompany Investment Services Advisory Services • Loans • Equity • Trade finance • Syndications • Securitized finance • Blended finance • Wholly owned subsidiary of IFC • Private equity fund manager • Investsthird-party capital alongside IFC • Access to finance • Sustainable Business • Investment Climate • Public-Private Partnerships $4.5 b under mgmt $56.5 b portfolio $200 m per year
Fiscal Year 2012 Highlights • Investments: 576 new projects in 103 countries • Advisory services: Nearly $200 million in program expenditures • $20.3 billion in financing: $15.4 billion for IFC’s own account,$4.9 billion mobilized • $56.5 billion committed portfolio, representing investments in 1,825 firms • IDA countriesaccount for almost half of IFC projectsoverall: • $2.7 billion invested in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Reach of IFC’s Projects Last year our clients provided: 2.5 millionjobs $200 billion in micro, small, and medium enterprise loans 12.2 million patients with health care treatment 34.3 million people with clean water 41.9 million people with power connections 900,000 million students with education
IFC Jobs Study: Key Findings • Investment Climate, Infrastructure, Access to Finance and Skills & Training are critical factors for job creation in developing countries. • Job creation effects are often much larger in supply chains and distribution networks of IFC clients (“indirect‟ jobs) than “direct‟ jobs created in IFC client companies. • Company size matters. • Higher labor productivity can be associated with faster employment growth. • Special attention must be paid to women and young people
Examples of IFC Investments
Examples of IFC Investments U-Com Burundi S.A. in Burundi (2011) • Expand mobile telephone coverage through installation of 251 new base station sites and additional microwave backhaul links. • Project Sponsor: U-Com and Telecel Globe of Malta • Project Cost: $66.3 m. • IFC up to $25 m. senior loan • Burundi's mobile penetration is lagging behind that of the other countries in the region. The project will expand network coverage in previously underserved regions and improve the quality of service throughout the country.
Examples of IFC Investments PRAN Dairy – Bangladesh (2011) • Expansion of dairy operations – processing, procurement, and related working capital needs • Project Sponsor: PRAN Group • Project Cost: $15 m. • IFC up to $7 m. loan • PRAN currently works with 17,000 dairy farmers. Project will establish 60 new dairy hubs over ten years and increase reach to additional 90,000 farmers.
Examples of IFC Investments PRAN Natore Agro – Bangladesh (2012) • Expansion of food processing and manufacturing capacity • Project Sponsor: PRAN Group • Project Cost: $25 m. • IFC up to $10 m. loan • Project will create over 1,200 new jobs and impact several thousand farmers by ensuring consistent demand and fair pricing for their produce.
Examples of IFC Investments Laureate Education – World Region (2012) • Expansion of higher education programs in developing countries • Project Sponsor: Laureate Education Inc. • Project Cost: $150 m. • IFC up to $100m. loan or equity • Project will expand access for middle- and lower-income students to high quality post-secondary education, in many cases addressing demand unmet by public institutions
Examples of IFC Investments Reformador SME Loan – Guatemala (pipeline) • Support origination of SME and agribusiness sub-loans plus a trade line to support general trade operations such as stand-by LCs, export/import finance and guarantees • Project Sponsor: BancoReformador • IFC up to $20 m. senior loan for up to 6.5 years and $25 m. to support trade operations • Project will strengthen Banco’s participation in the SME sector and deepen participation in agribusiness, both highly underserved sectors.
Investments by Region, FY12 Commitments for IFC’s Account: $15.4 Billion Global >1% Sub-Saharan Africa 18% Middle East and North Africa 14% East Asia and Pacific 16% Latin America and the Caribbean 24% South Asia 8% Europe and Central Asia 19%
Advisory Services by Region, FY12 Total Project Expenditures: $197 Million Global 5% Middle East and North Africa 9% Sub-SaharanAfrica 29% Latin Americaand Caribbean 11% Europe andCentral Asia 17% East Asia and Pacific 14% South Asia 14%
Investments by Industry, FY12 Commitments for IFC’s Account: $15.4 Billion Agribusiness & Forestry7% Other Sectors1% Consumer & Social Services9% Trade Finance39% Financial Markets21% Telecommunications& Information Technology2% Funds3% Infrastructure9% Oil, Gas & Mining3% Manufacturing 7%
Advisory Services by Business Line, FY12 Total Project Expenditures: $197 Million SustainableBusiness 24% Access toFinance 32% Public-PrivatePartnerships 15% Investment Climate 29%