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After hearing about so many deaths worldwide because of heart attacks, you might be curious to know whether you too are likely to have a heart attack despite you keeping yourself physically fit. Well, a heart attack can happen to anyone but it doesnu2019t show up out of the blue. A heart attack sounds scary as it may take away your life. But, if you have a heart attack or your loved one has it, there is still hope of surviving it and to go on enjoying a better life quality.
Can A Perfectly Healthy Person Have A Heart Attack? After hearing about so many deaths worldwide because of heart attacks, you might be curious to know whether you too are likely to have a heart attack despite you keeping yourself physically fit. Well, a heart attack can happen to anyone but it doesn’t show up out of the blue. As per Heart Doctor in Delhi Dr. Sujay Shad, ‘There are some warning signs and symptoms of heart attack. By learning about these warnings and ways to reduce the risk of heart attack, a healthy person can avoid getting a heart attack.’ A heart attack sounds scary as it may take away your life. But, if you have a heart attack or your loved one has it, there is still hope of surviving it and to go on enjoying a better life quality. This post provides everything you must know about a heart attack while answering the most frequently asked question “Can a perfectly healthy person have a heart attack?” Hope so this post by Dr. Sujay Shad who practises at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital will be useful for anyone who wants to live healthier and longer. What is a heart attack? A heart attack is a serious cardiac condition where heart muscles get damaged due to a limited or complete cut-off supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscles. It is a
medical emergency that mainly occurs when the coronary artery gets narrowed or blocked due to cholesterol build-up. Less commonly, heart attack may be a result of spasms or tightening of cardiac muscles due to smoking, the body’s exposure to extreme stress or cold, use of recreational stimulant drugs, hypertension, or alcohol withdrawal. What are the symptoms of a heart attack? Heart attack signs and symptoms may vary greatly from one person to another. They could be mild to severe, depending on how much blood flow restriction is there to the heart. Commonly, a heart attack signs include: ● Angina (pain in the chest) ● Shortness of breath or difficulty breath ● Pain or discomfort in the arms, back, or shoulders ● Pain or discomfort in the neck or jaws ● A sense of choking or indigestion ● Anxiety ● Weakness ● Dizziness or lightheadedness ● Nausea ● Vomiting ● Clammy skin ● Irregular or rapid heartbeat. Can a perfectly healthy person have a heart attack? Often people who are old, obese, or smokers; have diabetes; have extreme stress or trauma; have a family history of cardiac issues; or suffer from autoimmune diseases are at high risk of heart attack. Avoiding risks of heart attack can allow a person to lead a heart healthy life. But even if an individual stays physically fit and maintains a healthy lifestyle, a heart attack is still possible. Why can heart attacks happen to even an ultra-fit person? Many youngsters take their physical fitness very seriously nowadays and so do daily workouts at the gym. Although those workouts help them maintain a healthy body weight, they may even turn fatal. To keep the heart healthy, keeping the body
physically active alongside having a healthy diet is very important. But, if the body is just physically stressed with heavy exercises and dieting, it can increase the risk of anomalies of blood circulation within the arteries and arrhythmia. It may cause a heart attack. A heart attack is even more likely in an ultra-fit person who carries the genes of a loved one who has been suffering from a heart ailment. There are also cases where a person looks healthy from the outside but has diseases arising within of which they are unaware and so a heart attack is just a sudden experience. How can I reduce my chances of having a heart attack? Regular health check-ups and heart scanning are important to be aware of any medical conditions that may later cause a heart attack. Rest, a heart attack is preventable by managing its risk factors and making healthy lifestyle choices. It is crucial to keep a check on your blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels, and body weight and make lifestyle modifications as well as get timely treatment if any of these are not normal. A heart-healthy lifestyle can also help avoid heart attacks. It involves keeping the body physically active, having a well-rounded diet, not smoking and alcohol or drug abuse, and reducing or managing stress with relaxation techniques. What to do if you have a heart attack? Seeing a cardiologist promptly is a must to restore the oxygen-rich blood supply to the heart or else the cardiac muscles would die and subsequently cause death of the sufferer. Therefore, consider a heart attack as a medical emergency and rush the patient to the emergency wing of a nearby hospital. If looking for the best heart doctor or where to get open heart surgery in Delhi, end your search here. At Sir Ganga Ram Hospital with Dr. Sujay Shad, you can get your heart scanned to check your heart health and even get the best possible treatment and care when having a heart attack. Reference:-https://hollywoodrag.com/can-a-perfectly-healthy-person-have-a-hear t-attack