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Electronic Earplugs For Hearing Protection Are Often The Favored Option

Electronic Shooters Protection (ESP) has been in business for more than 20 years and provides the best in terms of electronic protection for ears. Products are custom made to fit the individualu2019s ears to allow maximum protection while still hearing sound. You hear all natural sounds in the area, and you can actually enjoy normal conversation, but our products will protect you from the harmful effects of loud and damaging sounds such as gunfire. Our digital products are state of the art and among the best available on the market.

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Electronic Earplugs For Hearing Protection Are Often The Favored Option

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  1. Electronic Earplugs For Hearing Protection Are Often The Favored Option Hunters and shooters know that loud gun and rifle fire can be detrimental to their ability to hear well. Such loud sounds cause tinnitus and can lead to NIHL (Noise-Induced hearing Loss). Loud gun fire right at your ear – even one loud burst – can cause permanent damage to your hearing and lead to permanent deafness. Hunters and shooters are not the only ones that may suffer damage to their ability to hear properly as a result of loud sounds and noise. Many other people find themselves at similar risk. Think, for example, of the person that spends their nights playing loud music to partygoers at the club, or the person that works in extremely noisy environments, such as working on loud machines and engines in a factory, or the person that stands next to aircraft such as jets taking off. All of these individual, to a greater or lesser extent, are exposed to the same dangers that their hearing may suffer from sooner or later. Fortunately more people than ever before are aware of these issues and the damage they expose their ears to all the time. Therefore they take precautions such as wearing foam ear plugs. These can be bought as disposable products at the local supermarket as an over-the-counter product. Unfortunately though, these plugs - even though they fulfill an important function - have limitations. When you insert them in your ears, they block out all sound, which is problematic for the hunter out in the bush since he/she would like to hear certain sounds still, such as birdsong, or the movement of buck through the bush, or the sound of their mates talking next to them. The same is true for the shooter at the range that wants to hear the voice of the instructor, whether during practice or competition. Foam ear plugs come with limitations. Another option is to wear ear muffs, but similarly, most of them block out all sound too. While offering protection, they also limit hunters and shooters. To overcome these problems, there is another, more advanced option for hunters and shooters and other individuals that want to protect their ears while still hearing normal sound. In a perfect world the hunter and shooter protect their ears from the adverse effects of loud sound, while at the same time they are able to hear sounds at acceptable dB (decibel, the unit that measures sound intensity), those sounds that may give them a tactical advantage over their prey in the bush, for example. This option is the class of digitally enhanced electronic earplugs. These are far superior to anything else on the market and offer the perfect solution for hunters and shooters: protect your hearing from loud noise while you can still hear normal, acceptable sounds. They are manufactured by leading services such as Electronic Shooters Protection in the US and elsewhere in the world. The hunter or shooter – or anyone that can benefit from wearing them – gets a custom-made pair of devices to insert in their ears when they spend time where gun and rifle shots are fired. These devices are made to order: the user has impressions taken of their ears’ shape, after which these are then manufactured to offer a perfect fit for that specific user. They are manufactured to allow the user to adjust the sound, for example. They are battery operated – these can last for quite some time, such as two years, for example, if you purchase yours from a good supplier. These hearing protection aids are durable, easy to insert and take out and the ideal solution for those individuals that are at risk of losing their ability to hear properly. About Us : Electronic Shooters Protection (ESP) has been in business for more than 20 years and provides the best in terms of electronic protection for ears. Products are custom made to fit the individual’s ears to allow maximum protection while still hearing sound. You hear all natural sounds in the area, and you can actually enjoy normal conversation, but our products will protect you from the harmful effects of loud and damaging sounds such as gunfire. Our digital products are state of the art and among the best available on the market. For more information about ESP and our top range of products, please get in touch by visiting https://espamerica.com/,

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