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Glaucoma Treatment and Procedures

Glaucoma is a disease of the eye similar to systemic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension in which there is a progressive loss of vision for the patient due to damage of the optic nerve caused by raised intraocular pressure. Due to slow progressive vision loss, the patient will not be aware of the vision loss and hence does not seek medical attention until advanced irreversible vision loss has occurred. Hence it is advised the patients above the age of 40 years, should have an eye check-up at least once a year.<br>

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Glaucoma Treatment and Procedures

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  2. Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damages the optic nerve caused by high pressure in the eyes. Eye glaucoma treatment is necessary, and if left untreated, it can cause vision loss and might also lead to blindness.

  3. Glaucoma Symptoms and Warning Signs The symptoms of glaucoma depend on the type or stage of the patient's condition. Open-angle Glaucoma Patches of blind spots in the side or peripheral/central vision (occurs frequently in both the eyes) Tunnel vision Asymptomatic Closed-angle Glaucoma Nausea and vomiting Severe headache Eye pain Halos around lights Blurred vision Eye redness Asymptomatic

  4. Family history of glaucoma age >40 years should undergo glaucoma evaluation every year Tonometry: To measure intraocular pressure Visual field test: To check areas of vision loss Pachymetry: To measure corneal thickness Gonioscopy: To inspect the drainage angle Imaging tests and dilated eye examination: To test for optic nerve damage When to get yourself checked?

  5. Laser surgery Laser surgery can help raise the flow of fluid from the eye if you are undergoing an open-angle glaucoma treatment. Alternatively, it can stop the fluid blockages if you are under angle-closure glaucoma treatment. The procedures include: Cyclophotocoagulation: In this procedure, the middle layer of the eye is treated to lower down the fluid production. Trabeculoplasty: This procedure is used to open the drainage area. Iridotomy: A tiny hole is made in the iris for the fluid to flow freely.

  6. Microsurgery Acute glaucoma treatment needs microsurgery called trabeculectomy. Performed in a special glaucoma eye hospital, the glaucoma specialist will drain out the fluid to ease the eye pressure by creating a new channel in the white area of the eye (sclera). The surgery typically needs to be performed more than once as the doctor implants a tube to drain out the fluid. Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery Acute glaucoma treatment needs microsurgery called trabeculectomy. Performed in a special glaucoma eye hospital, the glaucoma specialist will drain out the fluid to ease the eye pressure by creating a new channel in the white area of the eye (sclera). The surgery typically needs to be performed more than once as the doctor implants a tube to drain out the fluid.


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