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Finding Books & Book Reviews. U of O Library Online Catalog Other Library Catalogs Summit, the Orbis-Cascade Alliance Catalog WorldCat Vendor databases and catalogs Amazon.com Books in Print Finding Book Reviews Book Review Index Databases Citation Styles MLA, APA .
Finding Books & Book Reviews • U of O Library Online Catalog • Other Library Catalogs Summit, the Orbis-Cascade Alliance Catalog WorldCat • Vendor databases and catalogs Amazon.com Books in Print • Finding Book Reviews Book Review Index Databases • Citation Styles MLA, APA
Searching the Catalog-- Title/Author/ Subject Search • Search by Title • Enter the first part of the title. Do not use any initial articles, such as The, A, An. • A title list will be appear. Select a title. • Search by Author • Enter author’s last name and then first name. • An author index will appear. Select your author. • Search by Subject • Enter a subject in the search box. Use the subject term(s) compiled by the Library of Congress. See http://libweb.uoregon.edu/guides/findbooks/subjects.html • Subject headings can have sub-headings and qualifiers to further narrow or clarify them
Searching the Catalog-- Keyword Search • The best first step is a keyword search of the library’s online catalog. • Enter 2 or 3 words that describe your topic in the search box, then click the Go button. • Books that contain these words in the title, author, subject headings, or notes (tables of contents, abstract, etc.) are displayed. • Browse the list of titles and choose one that interests you; click on the title to see more information. • Note the location and call number; they will help you find the book on the shelf. • Look at the subject heading and find the one(s) that match your topic. Click on a subject heading to find more titles on that subject.
Searching the Catalog-- Boolean Operators: OR, AND, NOT OR, AND, and NOT (sometimes AND NOT) are Boolean operators to combine concepts OR: When terms are combined with the OR operator, retrieved records may contain one or more of the search terms. Broadens search results. AND: When terms are combined with the AND operator, records must contain all terms. Narrows search results. NOT: Finds records containing one term but not another. Also narrows search results
Searching the Catalog– Boolean Operator: “OR” strawberry OR vanilla OR chocolate. The Venn diagram for this combination would look like this:
“Searching the Catalog– Boolean Operator: “AND” strawberry AND vanilla AND chocolate. The Venn diagram for this combination would look like this:
Searching the Catalog– Boolean Operator: “NOT”” (strawberry OR vanilla ) NOT chocolate The Venn diagram for this combination would look like this:
Searching the Catalog– Boolean Operators: Citation Ice Cream examples taken from: Strickland, J. & Henderson J.R. (2004) Online Study Guide: Boolean Logic. Retrieved October 11, 2005, from http://www.ithaca.edu/library/course/expert.html
Keyword Searching-- Truncation Truncation = “truncate” a word down to its stem or root, then place a truncation symbol at the end of that stem, for example: employ* -- will retrieve: employee employer employment, etc.
Keyword Searching-- Truncation Cont’d • Truncation symbols include asterisk – * (most common) question mark – ? exclamation point – ! (Lexis-Nexis) dollar sign – $ (Ovid databases, such as PsycINFO) • Some search engines also allow for “wild cards” or “internal truncation”. For example, you could search: Wom?n – to retrieve woman or women The symbol for internal truncation or wild card will usually be different from the symbol for unlimited truncation at the end of a word.
Keyword Searching-- Limiting • In the UO Libraries Catalog, you can further refine a search by limiting: • To a certain “material type” (format or medium) – journals, videos, sound recordings, etc. • by language • by year of publication, including before or after a given year, or a range of years • by location – to any of the branch libraries, as well as certain locations within the Knight Library, like Reference, Music, Special Collections; also to “Internet” as a “location” to find electronic materials on the Web.
How to find reference sources? • Do a Subject search for a general subject heading followed by the “sub-heading” of Dictionaries/Encyclopedias/Bibliography, etc. , for example : • Education – Dictionaries or • Sports – Encyclopedias or • Rock music – Bibliography • Do a Keyword search combining [subject term] AND [bibliography or encyclopedia or bibliography, etc.], for example: • fitness AND dictionaries • Do a keyword or subject search and then LIMIT to LOCATION: Knight Reference (only works for reference books in the Knight Library)
How to find reference sources? • Use guides created by librarians • Subject guides list recommended reference sources for a subject or discipline Of course, if you know the title of the reference source you want, you can just search it by title in the library catalog.
Summit -- the Orbis-Cascade Alliance Catalog • You can do a search in our catalog, then repeat your search in Summit – see the button at the top of the page after you get your search results: • You can request any item from Summit that is listed as “Available” and that is not currently available in the UO Catalog
WorldCat (the OCLC Online Union Catalog)-- the world's largest bibliographic database Created In 1971 Sources 50,000 libraries in 90-plus countries Number of recordsOver 63 million as of April 2006 Dates coveredBefore 1000 BC to present
WorldCat • Does not work quite like our catalog: • Keyword searches are not automatically searched as phrases – they default to a Boolean “and” search. • Because it’s such a huge database: • Your searches may need to be more specific than in the UO Catalog or Summit. • It is good for verifying if a book, journal, recording, etc., at least exists. • You can look for different editions, translations, etc., of the same book. • You can request a book (or other item) via Interlibrary Loan, provided it is not available at UO or through Summit.
Books in Printand other sources for purchasing books Books in Print • As you might expect, it tells you if a book is still “in print” or in stock. • Recently out of print books are listed here also. • Publisher and price information. Amazon.com • Acts as a broker for book stores all over the country (and world). • Now carries much more than books. Other book-specific web sites out there AddALL book Search & Price Comparison-- searches all the major online bookstores (including Amazon) and allows you to compare prices. There are online bookstore databases just for used, old and rare books, such as: Abebooks
Looking for Book Reviews • Book Review Index REF KNIGHT Z 1035 .A1 B6 • Academic Search Premier • Looking for Book Reviews (University of Oregon Libraries)
Citations and Bibliographies Citation = a representation of some piece of information; in the scholarly world, one that adheres to a certain accepted format (bibliographic citation) Bibliography = a list of information sources, traditionally books, but can include any kind of source; might also be called “list of references”, “sources cited”, etc.
MLA and APA Citation Formats There are different citation “styles” according to professional associations and publishers. MLA (Modern Language Association) and APA (American Psychological Association) are two widely used styles – MLA more in the humanities, and APA in the social sciences.
Interpreting Citations Books: Dennis, E. E., & Vanden Heuvel, J. (1991). Emerging voices: East European media in transition: A report of the Gannett Foundation Task Force on Press Freedom in Eastern Europe (2nd ed.). New York: Gannett Foundation Media Center. Jeffords, Susan and Lauren Rabinovitz, eds. Seeing through the Media: The Persian Gulf War. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1994. William H. Rehnquist, The Supreme Court: A History (New York: Knopf, 2001), 204. <- this particular citation is an exampe of a footnote, referencing a particular page in this book
Interpreting Citations Chapter in a book Chafee, Z., Jr. (1962). Freedom of speech and press. In W. S. Dowden & T. N. Marsh (Eds.), The heritage of freedom: Essays on the rights of free men (pp. 140-156). New York: Harper. Walter J. Ong, "Oral Remembering and Narrative Structures," in Analyzing Discourse: Text and Talk, ed. Deborah Tannen (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1982), 275.
Interpreting Citations Articles in Journals or Magazines Hardt, H. (2000). Communication is freedom: Karl Marx on press freedom and censorship. Javnost: The Public, 7(4), 85-99. Paretsky, Sara. "The New Censorship." New Statesman 2 June 2003: 18-20. BanBanks, Paul, et al. "Censorship: Lessons from the Catalyst." College Student Journal 35 (2001): 177-201. Bankes, P., Boss, J., Cochran, A., Duemer, L., McCrary, J., & Salazar, D. (2001). Censorship and restraint: Lessons learned from the Catalyst. College Student Journal, 35, 335-338. Retrieved August
Interpreting Citations Other Types Gov doc: Freedom of the press: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, Senate, 92d Cong., 1 (1972). Dissertation: Shatter, Ali M. 1992. The relationship between urbanization and economic development. PhD Dissertation, Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University. Web site:Project censored. (n.d.). Retrieved August 9, 2003, from http://www.projectcensored.org/