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Entrackr tracks government funding for startups in India. We also covers angel, seed, VC, PE funding into startups
5 Government Schemes for Paving the Way for Startups in India In the past few years, the entrepreneurial movement in India has got a tremendous boost. Driven by massive funding, consolidation activities, evolving technology, and domestic market the startup ecosystem have thrived hugely. There is no better way to fund your business than self-funding with your own revenues. But not all startups are able to do that. For domains like pharmacy, healthcare, and agri-business special funding schemes are provided. If working on a patentable product or service there are many funding schemes for supporting Indian and international grants or Business News? If working on a patentable product or service, especially in domains like pharma, healthcare products, and agri-business, there are many schemes of government funding for startups in India and international grants to support startups. The Indian Government Funding for Startups in India has taken many initiatives for startups. These initiatives aim to empower Startups to grow through innovation and design and to accelerate spreading of the Startup movement. The government funding schemes for startups in Indiamainly focuses on providing the much needed capital for investment. This capital is provided at subsidized interest rates, so as to encourage people to realize their dreams with their own ventures.
Here is a list of Government funding schemes for startups in India launched by the Indian government: 1.Support for International Patent Protection in Electronics & Information Technology (SIP-EIT) It is an initiative by the Indian Government for micro, small and medium enterprises, and technology startup units. It includes benefits of expenses incurred while filing and processing of the patent application up to grant. 2.Multiplier Grants Scheme (MGS) Applicable to IT services, analytics, enterprise software, technology hardware, IoT, AI. The aim of this scheme is to encourage industry to collaborate with premier Academic and Government R&D institutions for the development of products. 3.Software Technology Park (STP) Scheme This scheme is applicable to IT services, enterprise software, analytics, and AI. 4.Electronic Development Fund (EDF) Policy
Providing capital risk this scheme by the Indian government is applicable to IT services, analytics, enterprise software, technology hardware, etc. 5.The Venture Capital Assistance Scheme Applicable to the agriculture industry this scheme depends on the project cost, location, and the promoter's status.