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Dealing with Expansive Soil In Construction

Polymer-based soil stabilizers are effective additives used to mitigate the expansive nature of soils.

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Dealing with Expansive Soil In Construction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dealing with Expansive Soil In Construction

  2. INTRODUCTION One of the most significant challenges during construction is expanse. 1. 2. Expansive soil or shrink-swell soils have the ability to undergo significant volume changes with moisture change. Such soil is prone to swelling when they absorb water and shrinking when they dry out. 3. Follow this presentation for details

  3. Common problems DAMAGED STRUCTURE FOUNDATION MOVEMENT MISCELLANEOUS Expansive soils experience a volume increase upon absorbing water, which puts pressure on foundation soils. The forces imparted from these volumetric changes can result in significant damage to their overlying structures. Cracked Concrete Tilted Structures Uneven Surfaces Bowed Walls Compromised Foundation


  5. Moisture Control Maintaining a consistent moisture content in the soil can help minimize volume changes. Techniques such as proper grading and drainage systems can help control water infiltration and reduce the soil’s exposure to moisture fluctuations.

  6. CHEMICAL STABILIZATION The expansive soil can have chemical additives added to it to change its characteristics and lessen its tendency to swell. These additives, which work with the clay minerals in the soil to improve stability and decrease expansiveness, include quicklime, cement, or polymer stabilizer.

  7. Mechanical Stabilization To increase the strength of the soil and lessen the likelihood of volume changes, techniques like soil compaction, soil mixing, and the application of geosynthetic materials can be used. Solution: 2 1 Soil Mixing Geosynthetics

  8. Foundation Design the use of flexible foundation systems such as mat foundations or suspended slabs can accom?odate the potential movement of the expansive soil without causing damage to the structure.

  9. Fulfill your soil stabilizing needs With (760) 600 - 5759 www.envirotacinc.com

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