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Snaps A Write On Activity Penalty: If you argue with the referee (teacher) your team loses 2 snaps for each offense. Play and Win! Read the online directions before playing the game. Challenge 1: 5 Snaps Score Board 5 snaps Give a topic sentence: You get on the school bus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Snaps A Write On Activity

  2. Penalty: If you argue with the referee (teacher) your team loses 2 snaps for each offense. Play and Win! Read the online directionsbefore playing the game.

  3. Challenge 1: 5 Snaps

  4. Score Board 5 snaps Give a topic sentence: You get on the school bus and discover Mickey Mouse is driving the bus.

  5. Score Board Challenge: A Team B Team 2 3 4 The Winner 5

  6. Challenge 2: 4 Snaps

  7. 4 Snaps Tell more about the topic using a transition word. Score Board

  8. Challenge 3: 5 Snaps possible

  9. Tell more about the topic using sparkle words. Receive 1 Snap for each sparkle word used (max 5 Snaps). Score Board

  10. Challenge 4: 8 Snaps

  11. Score Board 8 Snaps Tell more about the topic with a s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d sentence.

  12. Challenge 5: 10 Snaps

  13. Score Board 10 Snaps Give a feeling sentence to end the paragraph.

  14. Congratulations!

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