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Fetterman & Associates, P.A has experienced personal injury lawyer in Port St Lucie & West Palm Beach County, Florida. We are here to help you and fighting for Florida injury victims' rights for over 40 years.
FETTERMAN & ASSOCIATESTHELAWTEAM HowtoProtectYour LegalRight fromPersonalInjury Claim EVAN FETTERMAN
PersonalInjury Insurance Taking personal injury insurance is a blessing but it entails certain obligations from your side. For one, you have to report any injuries you receive whether you claim benefits or not. The health insurer, Medicare, or any state agency paying your medical bill is eligible for reimbursement for any compensation that you might get. Know About the Rights Included in a Personal Injury Claim Right to deny initial settlement offer. Right to file a personal injury lawsuit. Notifying the insurance company about the accident you encountered and giving them the details is the first thing you have to do.
RighttoFileaPersonalInjury Lawsuit. When you are sure that the initial offer doesn't reflect the full extent of the loss or damages, and your effort to secure a bigger settlement is not successful, then you must consider filing a lawsuit. But, going to trial to get justice must remain the last- ditch effort. You or the other party does not control the outcome of the case. When you negotiate a settlement, your Personal Injury Attorney West Palm Beach, and you are in complete control of the dealing and outcome of the case. FETTERMAN & ASSOCIATESTHELAWTEAM 07/10
FETTERMAN & ASSOCIATESTHELAWTEAM ResolvetheLien When you take out a health insurance policy, the language defines the lien. This lien is applicable for each of your backers and you mustresolve this first before you receive any money. ResolvingMedicareLien Resolve the Lien of the health insurer: This lien is in the contract. Resolve the Lien of the health insurer: This lien is in the contract. The health insurer is eligible for 100% payback on what it has paid towards your medical bill. Resolve the Medicaid Lien: If a state agency is paying your health insurance, then it is most likely a Medicaid claim.
NegotiationPossiblewiththeState Agency You can negotiate the amount you have to pay by talking itover with your health insurer and lawyer. This is because the health insurer gets his money only if you get repaid. This makes both your interests same. This also means that if you go to trial and lose, the health insurer will not get any money. So, if your lawyer can convince the insurer that your case is not strong enough, he may accept a lower amount than what is originally owed. But,if the health insurer sees that you have a strong case, he will insist on getting the full amount due to them. FETTERMAN & ASSOCIATESTHELAWTEAM
TakeStepstoProtect YourClaimto Compensation FETTERMAN & ASSOCIATESTHE LAWTEAM You should not wait until after the accident is over and treated to protect your claim. You must begin to protect it from the moment you suffer an injury. It is also important never to admit the fault and keep collecting evidence. Don't accept a settlement at once Be careful about what you say Speak to an attorney to get advice Collect as much evidence as possible