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General Phases of Assessment. Review of dispatch informationScene Survey/Environmental SafetyPrimary SurveySecondary SurveyVital SignsPatient History. Review of Dispatch Information. Location of the incidentNature of the incidentPotential problems at the locationInformation on appropriate equipmentMental preparation.
1. Advanced Patient Assessment
2. General Phases of Assessment Review of dispatch information
Scene Survey/Environmental Safety
Primary Survey
Secondary Survey
Vital Signs
Patient History
3. Review of Dispatch Information Location of the incident
Nature of the incident
Potential problems at the location
Information on appropriate equipment
Mental preparation
4. Scene Survey/Environmental Safety Note expressions of bystanders
Identify scene hazards
Poisonous or caustic substances
Biological/Germ infested agents
Water hazards
Confined spaces
Extreme heights
Bloodborne or airborne pathogens
Traffic Hazards
Other hazards
Determine special needs
Evaluate mechanism of injury
5. Primary Assessment Completing the ABCDEs
To detect immediate life threats
To treat life-threatening conditions
To make decisions regarding immediate transport vs.. further on-scene assessment and transport
6. Sequence of Assessment Steps Airway assessment & management
Breathing assessment & management
Circulation assessment & management
Disability assessment
Expose & examine
7. Airway Assessment & Mgmt. Universal Precautions
Identify self & establish rapport
Open airway of unconscious patient using simple manual maneuver
Modified-jaw thrust - suspected C-spine injury
Head-tilt/chin lift non trauma
8. Listen For Presence of breathing
Noisy respirations
Tongue in posterior airway
Try repositioning the head
Stridor or crowing
May indicate laryngeal obstruction
Difficult to correct in the field
Lower airway constriction
Difficult to correct in the field
9. Insert Airway Adjunct if Necessary Look for chest rise & fall & airway obstruction in the mouth
Feel for air movement
OPA for unconscious patients
NPA for conscious patients requiring airway management
High concentration of O2 with nonrebreather mask for patients with altered mental status or airway problems
10. Breathing Assessment & Mgmt. Evaluate respiratory rate & tidal volume
Expose and assess chest for equal & symmetrical chest rise
Identify & stabilize flail chest/paradoxical movement
Identify & stabilize sucking chest wounds
Identify collapsed lung & stabilize
Chest decompression if necessary & within your protocols
11. Identify airway & correct obstructions
Auscultate both lungs
Identify tension pneumothorax
Provide immediate airway & ventilatory management with diminished tidal volume or respiratory rate Breathing Assessment & Mgmt.
12. Circulation Check patient for gross hemorrhage
Palpate carotid & radial pulses at the same time (rate, quality, & rhythm)
Cardiac problem, head injury, parasympathetic nervous system stimulation
Sympathetic nervous system stimulation (pain, shock, hypoxia, anxiety)
Assess skin temp., moisture, color
Check capillary refill time
13. Disability Perform a quick check for LOC
A - Alert
V - Responds to verbal stimuli
P - Responds to painful stimuli only
U - U responsive to voice or pain
Check pupil quality size & response to light (PEARL)
Check ability to move extremities
14. Expose Expose pertinent areas
Scan for obvious signs of trauma
Bleeding, bruising, deformity, edema, discoloration (DCAPBTLS)
Respect privacy of patient
Use common sense
15. Evaluate the Primary Assessment Administer patient care according to local protocols
Remember Golden Hour & transport suspected trauma patients quickly
Stable trauma patients, consider secondary assessment on scene
Decide whether to involve high-level EMS personnel & where to meet them
16. Secondary Assessment Trauma Patient
17. Secondary Assessment Purpose is to do a complete head to toe exam to ensure that you do not miss any subtle signs or symptoms of injury.
Remember that any life-threatening injuries must be taken care of in the primary survey
18. Methods of Physical Examination Inspection - visual exam
Look for obvious abnormalities
Palpation - exam by touch
Feel for any DCAPBTLS
Look for guarding
Auscultation - exam of internal organs by listening
Use a stethoscope
Listen for diminished breath sounds, rales & wheezing
Used to recognize normal findings
19. Head Check the scalp for lacerations
Palpate for open wounds, depressions, protrusions, & lack of symmetry
Basilar skull fractures allow blood & fluid from the brain to seep into soft tissue
Periorbital ecchymosis (raccoon's eyes)
Battles sign
Late signs & not usually visible on scene
20. Ears Look for presence of fluid
Blood or cerebrospinal fluid
Halo test can confirm presence of CSF
Never block the flow of fluid from the ears
21. Eyes Check orbits for instability and asymmetry, signs of fracture or dehydration
Look for unequal (anisocoria), dilated or pinpoint pupils
Evaluate eye movement
Dysconjugate gaze, dolls eyes (not with suspected spinal injury
Cornea for contact lenses or lesions
22. Face Palpate facial bones for stability & crepitus
Look for maxilla/mandible instability or asymmetry
23. Nose & Mouth Examine nares for flaring
Examine both for fluids or obstructions
Use suction to remove blood, vomitus, secretions or other fluids
Note unusual orders
Alcohol, feces, acetone, almonds, etc.
24. Neck Inspect for tenderness, soft tissue injuries, and any (DCAPBTLS)
Inspect for
Tracheal deviation
Subcutaneous emphysema
Medic Alert Tag
25. Chest & Back Check for DCAPBTLS
Note chest dimension & air exchange
Palpate anterior & posterior thorax
Note abnormal breathing patterns
Kussmauls - rapid deep (diabetic coma)
Cheyne-Stokes - progressive increase in rate & later gradually subsides , periods of apnea (brain stem injury)
Biots - short, gasping, irregular breaths, hyperapnea (severe brain injury)
Auscultate all lung fields
26. Abdomen & Lower Back Inspect & palpate for bruising & guarding
Note signs of intra-abdominal hemorrhage
Cullens sign - Bruising around the umbilicus
Grey-Turners sign - bruising over the flanks
Palpate all four quadrants
Rebound tenderness
Guarding or distension
Abdominal mass, ascites, pulsating mass
27. Pelvis Apply pressure to illiac crest & symphysis pubis
If pain, crepitation, or instability is elicited, suspect fracture
28. Male Genitalia Examine for external trauma & hemorrhage
Note priapism
sign of possible spinal cord injury
29. Female Genitalia Examine for external trauma & hemorrhage
Sexual abuse or rape
Try to have examiner of same sex
Conduct exam limited to patient stabilization
Encourage patient not to douche, bathe, or brush teeth
Provide emotion support & reassurance
Note volume & character of blood or discharges in OB emergencies
30. Lower Extremities Examine for DCAPBTLS
Perform PMS check
Look for Medic Alert Tag
31. Upper Extremities Examine for DCAPBTLS
Perform PMS check
Look for Medical Alert bracelet
32. Neurological Assessment Evaluate neurological status & compare to primary assessment (AVPU)
Continuum of diminishing responsiveness
Alert & oriented
To place
To time
To persons
To self
A & O x 4
33. Vital Signs Blood Pressure
Skin Condition
34. Blood Pressure Must measure in all patients with pulse
Pulse pressure
35. Pulse Valuable indicator of circulatory function
Note findings
Location (carotid, femoral, radial)
Quality (strong, weak)
36. Respiration Normal rates for adults at rest range from 12-20 breaths per minute
Normal tidal volume approximately 500 ml.
If patient does not appear to be moving enough air
Administer supplemental O2
Provide at least 800 ml ventilation with BVM
Intubate as needed
37. Skin Color Pale (pallor) - decreased blood flow
Red (flushed) - increased blood flow
Blue (cyanosis) - severe hypoxia
Blotchy red - allergic reaction
Mottled - signifies shock
Yellow (jaundice) - liver problems
38. Skin Temperature Cool skin (vasoconstriction)
Cold skin - rapid loss of body heat
Hot skin - vasodilation (heat stroke, fever)
39. Moisture Clammy skin - compensatory shock
Dry skin - may indicate failure of bodys normal sweating mechanism, such as burn injuries, heat stroke
40. Keys to Assessment Vital signs keys to internal body conditions
Other diagnostic signs include
pulse oximetry
blood glucose determination
41. Secondary Assessment Medical Patient
42. Developing a Patient History Structures include
Chief complaint
History of present illness
Past medical history
Family & social history
43. Introductions Done best at eye level
Attention to non-verbal signs
Genuine concern and compassion
Request to use patients name as provided
44. Chief Complaint Reason patient called for help
Starting point for interview
Report and record patients own words
45. History of Present Illness Elicit subjective symptoms with OPQRST format
O - Onset
P - Provocation
Q - Quality
R - Radiation
S- Severity
T - Time
Elicit associated symptoms
Identify pertinent negatives
46. Past Medical History Use AMPLE format
A - Allergies
M - Medications
P - Past medical history
L - Last oral intake
E - Events leading to problem
47. Family/Social History Pertinent hereditary & lifestyle factors
Record smoking history in packs/years
Modified physical exam
Inspect, palpate & auscultate only areas pertinent to the patients problem
48. Communications Patient Report
Requires standardized format & terminology
SOAP format - Subjective -Objective -Assessment - Plan
Sloppy, rambling report indicates the same quality of care
49. Written Documentation Same standardized format as verbal report
Becomes permanent part of patients medical history
Becomes best legal defense in court