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The Power of Moon-Charged Water 5 Benefits You Should Know

Gaia Moon Goddess is water that has been exposed to the moonlight. It is believed to have many benefits, including promoting relaxation, improving sleep, and increasing energy levels. In this post, we will discuss everything you need to know about moon-charged water, including how to make your own at home and how to use it to improve your well-being. Read this PowerPoint for more information.<br>https://gaiamoongoddess.com/shop

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The Power of Moon-Charged Water 5 Benefits You Should Know

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  2. The idea of moon-charged water is straightforward but effective. It entails putting a moon water jar outside in the moonlight so that it can absorb the energy of the moon. Then, this water can be utilized for a variety of things, including drinking, religious ceremonies, and even skincare. The goal is to channel the energy of the moon, which is thought to be purifying, healing, The right phase for charging Every phase that the moon travels through has an own energy. Here are a few phases and the attributes they are connected with: New Moon: Stands for new beginnings, ambitions, and establishing new objectives. www.gaiamoongoddess.com

  3. Waxing Crescent: Ideal for growth, expansion, and appeal is the waxing crescent. Full Moon: A period of climax, fullness, and increased energy is the full moon. Waning Crescent: Helpful for releasing, letting go, and banishing. The Ritual Choose a Container: To stop impurities from getting into the water, choose a glass or transparent container with a cover. www.gaiamoongoddess.com

  4. Set Your Intention: Before putting the water outside, make sure your intention for the energy the moon will bring to it is clear and positive. This could be done for any desired consequence, such as healing, peace, love, or another. www.gaiamoongoddess.com

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