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Summary of Institutional Training on Entrepreneurship Education Led by Galit Zamler

Summary of institutional training on entrepreneurship education led by Galit Zamler<br>https://www.tomorrowsuccess.com/

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Summary of Institutional Training on Entrepreneurship Education Led by Galit Zamler

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  1. Summary of Institutional Training on Entrepreneurship Education Led by Galit Zamler at Yitzhak Navon School

  2. Yitzhak Navon school in Shoham, under the direction of Vered Biali has undergone an institutional training course on "Meaningful Learning - Functional Learning in Entrepreneurship Education". The course was led by Galit Zamler, a business and social entrepreneur, a consultant on entrepreneurship education for schools and the founder of Entrepreneurship for Kids Program, which has been taught in dozens of schools in Israel and abroad. This presentation contains some of the reflections of the teaching staff.

  3. The school director, Vered Biali Deciding on the uniqueness of a school that seeks to educate the future generation for entrepreneurship, stems from the recognition of changes in the Israeli economy and the worldwide development in recent decades. Out of a desire to promote the subject of education for entrepreneurship, we contacted an entrepreneur, who developed a program for the schools for teaching the entrepreneurial process, Mrs. Galit Zamler. The exposure to the components of the entrepreneurship process and the use of the entrepreneur's skills were suited to the learning functions required in the teaching and evaluation processes of the Ministry of Education and the school. They were also a significant element in the training of the school staff.. The exposure to the skills clarified the aspects required for the citizens of tomorrow and were integrated into the curricula and lesson plans, and played an important role in many of the classes to promote individual and/or class entrepreneurial processes. In terms of Mrs. Galit Zamler's guidance, there was full cooperation and thinking together about the aspects and needs of the school. The process was accompanied by a respectful and accepting discourse and a full response. Thank you very much, wishing there will be many more relevant, interesting and practical courses. I highly recommend continuing this work. Sincerely, Vered Biali, Yitzhak Navon School director

  4. Education Coordinator and Deputy Director, Vered Grafi: Honestly, I would say that this was one of the courses I enjoyed for a few reasons: The content was relevant to both the school life and the school vision that we have renewed this year, and to everyday life in the "big world" for life outside the school. The encounters provoked thinking also in my individual level as a person, not just in the context of the students. In addition, the content and skills in the program were compatible with all the learning functions that we are required to teach and naturally entered the curriculum and the daily discourse in classes. We received an excellent toolbox as well, through the presentations and the modules. We experienced the modules ourselves and we could just take them as they were and use them with the students. I personally enjoyed teaching the modules I taught. On a personal note as the coordinator of the course, I would like to thank you for the cooperation, the great investment - the approach and the response to all our needs. Thank you very much, Vered

  5. Teacher Mor Kochava The entrepreneurial training gave me the tools, knowledge, and ability to convey the idea of entrepreneurship, encouraging young entrepreneurs in a clear and accurate manner. Additionally, the course opened my mind, taught me to listen to my ideas and those of others, and guided me on how to execute them. Sometimes dreams come true...

  6. Teacher Dana Rais The course on entrepreneurship was interesting and innovative. Following the course, I realized that it was important to nurture the student's skills. In my opinion, it is important to develop these skills on a regular basis rather than in the context of entrepreneurship. Because once the student knows his/her strengths, he/she also knows how to use them for his/her own benefit. Every skill we learned was accompanied by a game / video / illustration ... and it made learning interesting and experiential. It was nice to see how the students waited impatiently for the next class of entrepreneurship.

  7. Teacher Daniel Sa'ad So far I have not noticed that the process I teach in science classes is actually an entrepreneurial process. I even taught ways and actions that are used in the entrepreneurial world without knowing how to use the entrepreneurial concepts, which I learned by the excellent supervisor (Galit Zamler) during the course. Some of the students raised ideas immediately and they became very attached to the subject and some others had difficulty in thinking about a new product. I accompanied all the group in their learning process. I would like to say that there were wonderful and magical inventions. Some even surprised and fascinated me greatly. I liked the students' personal connection to inventions. The students told how the product they invented was related to their personal lives and how they were supposed to solve their problem. In the end, the training was very successful for the purpose I intended. To lead such a process when I myself learn about entrepreneurship, that was very helpful, guided me and even reassured me knowing I was doing the right thing. Thanks so much for a meaningful process I've been through, I enjoyed every moment!

  8. Teacher Linor Nabati This year in the process of encouraging the students and educating for entrepreneurship I realized for the first time that I am an entrepreneur. Looking back, I thought of projects I initiated and managed in the past and in the present in various frameworks throughout my life. From here it was easier for me to convey my passion and my opinion of how important entrepreneurship is to my students: The workshop gave me the knowledge of how to educate students to think like entrepreneurs, to help students and give them the tools to identify an opportunity for an initiative and how to implement it. At first, I led the process in the classroom. Then the scepter was passed on to the students as they believed themselves and their ability to implement and execute the plan. Thus, they initiated more ideas and collaborations and their emotional involvement increased. It was a great process of empowerment and learning for them. They understood that they had to believe in themselves and their ability to succeed. They learned to deal with failure, with other opinions, with different ways of execution and more... The students and I enjoyed the process and the implementation of the initiative. Without any doubt, at the end of the process, the execution of the project and the feedbacks that the students received from other students in their school empowered and taught them greatly.

  9. Teacher Sivan Shamir In the last two years and in this continuing education program I've been exposed more to the entrepreneurial world. I've understood very quickly that the new employment world is different from anything we've known so far. In the future, the main route for making a living will be by initiating. Therefore, the change should be made already from now, and children should be encouraged to think differently, they should be encouraged for personal competence, creativity, curiosity, criticism and also to develop their entrepreneurial thinking that encourages them to be aware of the environment, to identify opportunities and needs that can be a base for developing an initiative. I believe that for the student to be an active participant in learning and for learning to be meaningful to him/her, the learning experience must be relevant to him/her. During the course I was exposed to various types of projects: innovative, traditional, social, business-social and business projects. I exposed my classmates to some of the projects and we began a process of encouraging entrepreneurship in the classroom. Hopefully I have succeeded in bringing the issue of entrepreneurship closer to their hearts, and encouraging creativity and curiosity among them. Thank you for the lovely education program.

  10. Teacher Gali Ben Yehuda This is the first year I've been exposed to entrepreneurship, from the theoretical part to the execution part. The lecturer, Galit Zamler, led the entrepreneurship course at our Yitzhak Navon school in a professional and fascinating way. The course focused on exposing students to the skills of the entrepreneur, identifying the inner strengths of each student and the development of inventions. The way in which the course was transferred was good and effective for me to understand who is an entrepreneur. The presentations helped greatly thanks to the way that the information was organized and planned. Throughout the workshops, I took an active part. I learned new things that enriched my personal knowledge, and I've also enjoyed the pleasant atmosphere that the lecturer created. This course opens minds and allows students to feel as they are mature entrepreneurs - to plan, dream, experiment and dare, and the most important message is that everyone can! I realized that these skills belong not only to the entrepreneur, but are an integral part of each person's human skills. The learning process was very varied - videos, discussions, group works and more. During the course, the belief that follows me all along I've worked with students became stronger - a teacher who believes in the abilities of his/her students promotes their qualifications and learning skill competencies. Thank you, Galit.

  11. Teacher Shir Weinrib As part of the institutional training in the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program I was exposed to the needed skills for an entrepreneur and I've managed to see that students, despite of their young age, can be entrepreneurs. I realized that this is our role, as teachers, to develop entrepreneurial thinking in our students and indeed this is what we did as part of the training. I was pleased to hear the suggestions for the various social projects offered by Hila's classmates, and I was surprised to find out that good ideas which help society were suggested. It seems that the students took the project seriously, and had felt responsibility, creativity and a will to make a change, skills that are important to the entrepreneur. I believe that this course advanced our school and its vision of devoting entrepreneurial culture. A training of this kind essential for achieving the goal set by the school. Moreover, I was happy to take part in a social project and help the homeless, along with the students.

  12. Teacher Livnat Doron Moshe I really enjoyed hearing the project ideas of the children. They had a lot of will to give and faith in their ideas, also in the way to accomplish them. They did not expect special problems, and they were optimistic about the success of the project. The process taught me how to become a mentor with a belief in my students, and understanding that the most important thing in the process is giving students tools, that stimulate their imagination and understanding that they can fulfill their dreams. The course contributed a lot to me as a teacher and I personally saw how a small idea becomes a great project thanks to the faith and the will. I think this is a must-have course for every educator.

  13. Teacher Racheli Dayan At the beginning of the entrepreneurship course, I did not understand how the subject could contribute to me. As a teacher from the religious sector, I was educated that everything we have is enough and we must cherish, appreciate and say thank for the goodness. The subject of entrepreneurship revealed to me a whole world. Little by little I also realized that the subject of entrepreneurship doesn't contradict religion. Through the course, I was given the opportunity to imagine, innovate, and get out of the box and the boundaries of the framework to which I am accustomed. After a few lessons I began to internalize the subject and assimilate the language of entrepreneurship. In conclusion, I really enjoyed the training and it contributed a lot to me personally and professionally. The training was led in a pleasant manner with a lot of patience. The information was clear and interesting and in a logical sequence. The course gave me many tools, such as videos, games, and presentations, which I used in the classroom, in order to teach the students the subject of entrepreneurship.

  14. Teacher Renia Hazan I realized that it is possible to instill in the students, entrepreneurial skills that would help them in the future to believe in themselves and succeed in life. We have also got a wide range of creative ideas to use in the class to make the students understand the qualities and skills required for the entrepreneur. In addition, we have received a lot of tools and ideas through which we can teach entrepreneurship in the classroom. The ideas presented during the course were varied: games, presentations, videos, lectures and articles. We understood that the first stage is for each child to recognize his/her strengths and to believe in himself/herself that he/she can succeed. In addition, it is important to convey the concepts and entrepreneurial language in the classrooms and to make the children use the concepts of the entrepreneurial world. In conclusion, The course was conveyed in an interesting and fascinating way, it contributed to us on the personal level and helped to convey the important knowledge about entrepreneurship to the children in their early stages in school.

  15. Teacher Sharon Zubari When the course started, I also felt a little fear. I didn't quite understand what to do and how to teach this subject, which is not easy for my students, because I know them and I know what will be their response to cooperation. In short, I was skeptical about their involvement in classes and the seriousness in raising ideas for projects. As the course continued, our lessons were interesting and full of so many different ways to assimilate this subject to the students, I realized I was wrong. In the presentation accompanying the course, there were many examples and games that were interesting both to us as teachers and later to the students. The work with the children was very interesting and special, their ideas were charming, some more and some less, but following the course with Galit I understood that I should not rule out the less good ideas, but on the contrary, flatter, get excited, and support, but ask to continue to think of more ideas as well. I saw the wheels of thinking working for some of the children and the ideas for the projects were very creative and realistic...

  16. Teacher Sharon Nachmias The school's entrepreneurship training has opened many horizons for me in the subjects I teach. Through the study of entrepreneurship, it is possible to reach every student, at all levels of thinking, and for each age group. In addition, new things can be discovered about the students and they also learn to recognize the qualities of themselves that they did not notice before. I loved the activity of inventing the technological inventions that the teaching staff had to invent, in order to create a more comfortable and easier lifestyle for the people. From this course, I have received many tools for continuing my path as a teacher and ways to renew my teaching methods. I think now I will dare to initiate new things with the students because I already know the process that needs to be done in order to start an entrepreneurial activity. And to you Galit, thanks for teaching us the subject in an experiential and empowering way. Good luck!

  17. Galit Zamler thanks the school staff for listening and cooperation throughout the year, and wishes success in the continuation of the educational process. Galit Zamler business and social entrepreneur, a consultant entrepreneurship education in the school and founder of Entrepreneurship for Kids Program galitz@galitzamler.com

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