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Are societal coalitions a prerequisite to promote redistribution in Latin America?

Are societal coalitions a prerequisite to promote redistribution in Latin America?. Variations across welfare regimes: Chile, Costa Rica & El Salvador Juliana Martínez Franzoni & Koen Voorend. Question # 1. Is social policy contributing to redistribution?

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Are societal coalitions a prerequisite to promote redistribution in Latin America?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Are societal coalitions a prerequisite to promote redistribution in Latin America? Variations across welfare regimes: Chile, Costa Rica & El Salvador Juliana Martínez Franzoni & Koen Voorend

  2. Question # 1 Is social policy contributing to redistribution? Under qualitatively different constellations of labor markets, social policy and families

  3. US$2000 Three worlds of Latin American welfare 18% High national commodification with medium income High national commodification of the labor force with high income High decommodification and not labor tax dependent High decommodification and dependent on national budget High transnational commodification of the labor force with low income Low decommodification and donor/lender dependent US$ 200 -3% El Salvador Chile CostaRica US$4000 US$ 900 Strong traditional sexual division of labor Strong traditional division sexual of labor Weak traditional division of labor 30% 40% US$6000 US$ 900 -1% 50%

  4. Primary Income Distribution Not so differently!

  5. Effects of Social Policy on Distribution 10, 9 and 36 infantmortality per 1000 childrenbornalive

  6. Question # 2 What has been the role of societal coalitions in promoting redistribution?

  7. Europe and North America • To counterbalance elites, progressive parties created distributional coalitions with an extensive array of actors (Korpi and Palmer) • Coalitions were contingent on welfare regimes, yet they all involved powerful social actors (Esping Andersen) • Virtuous circle: The more universal the policies, the stronger the coalitions and the more universal the policies

  8. What happens in Latin America? • Two decades of privatization; decentralization and targeting • Retrenchment of social policies for the middle-class and growing social assistance to the poor • They did reach the poor through basic services With a pro-poor and minimalist view of redistribution… are there any chances for strong societal distributional coalitions?

  9. Variations across welfare regimes: Redistribution 1990-onwards?

  10. Societal distributional coalitions

  11. Looking back • Redistribution has been driven by technocratic elites • The nature and scope of redistribution has depended on their ideology (considering departing points) • We need to fine-tune the role and nature of needed distributional coalitions

  12. Looking forward • Further redistribution involves different challenges across countries / WR: • Chile: Can societal coalitions tap into policy formation? • Costa Rica: Can elites and societal coalitions build alliances? • El Salvador: Can a progressive elite coalition work along societal coalitions?

  13. In short • The “problem” is not, in and of itself, technocracy • But technocracy´s ideology regarding: • Substantive matters (paradigm) • Policy formation • Thus, the alliances btw (progressive) gvts and collective actors • Real challenge: how to promote “good” technocracies?!!

  14. Are societal coalitions a prerequisite to promote redistribution in Latin America? Variations across welfare regimes: Chile, Costa Rica & El Salvador Juliana Martínez Franzoni & Koen Voorend

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