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An individual with diabetes should avoid eating processed foods, deserts, outside snacks. Homemade food should be preferred.

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  1.    HOME ABOUT US HEALTH ISSUES HEALTH & MIND CONTACT US   Health BlogHealth Issues Diabetic Diet Part 1 April 16, 2022 by admin      OUR NEWSLETTERS Get our best recipes and tips in your inbox. Sign up now!

  2. CATEGORIES LUNGS NARCOLEPSY SYSTEM An individual  with  diabetes  should  avoid  eating  processed   foods, deserts, outside  snacks. Homemade  food  should  be  preferred. Foods  with  high  caloric  value, too  much  sweets, ghee, fried  foods  should be  avoided.. Diet  rich  in  fruits, vegetables  ,and  proteins  is  helpful  in  diabetic  individuals. Sugary  and  starchy  carbohydrates  in  high  amounts can  increase  the  blood  sugar  levels. They  should be  given  in  the  right  amount  as  per  the  instructions of  balanced  diet. For  this  advice  should be  taken  from  dietician. It depends on what type of  occupation the individual  is  doing  ,the  level of  hard  physical  work  in  it -from  this  the dietician  will  decide  the  type of  carbohydrate in  diet  and  the  amount of  carbohydrate in  diet. INSOMNIA RECENT POSTS It also depends on the fact that hat medication is going on to the diabetes patient hether it is

  3. It  also  depends on the fact  that what  medication  is  going on to the  diabetes patient whether  it is  insulin or  oral  hypoglycemic agent and  the  dosage  of  these.  Regards  diet  consultation should be done from your  dietician  and  MD General  Medicine  doctor only. Following are  the guidelines – Fruits and vegetables  should be  taken  in  diet. Lean protein  should be  included in  diet. Green  leafy vegetables are  rich  in  minerals  vitamins, nutrients. They  do not have  much  great impact on  blood  sugar  levels. Green leafy  vegetables  like  spinach and  kale  are rich in  potassium, calcium ,vitamin  A .Proteins and  fiber are  also  present  in  it. Green  leafy  vegetables  have  antioxidants  and  starch  digesting  enzymes  which  are  of  advantage to  diabetic  individuals. List of  green  leafy  vegetables  that  should be  taken  by  diabetic  individuals  are  – Spinach Kale Cabbage Broccoli Collard  greens Bok choy Diabetes Symptoms For Men April 7, 2023 Sore Throat Viral April 6, 2023 Tympanoplasty March 28, 2023 Sore Throat Stuffy Nose March 26, 2023 Complications Of Sinusitis March 19, 2023 Foods  should be  such  that  sugar  should not be  added  into  it. Juice  should be  made  from  kale  and  given  to diabetes  patients -it  helps  to  reduce  blood sugar  levels. It  doesn’t  help  to  lower  Blood pressure  in  individuals  with  high  levels  of  blood  pressure  but  it  helps  to  lower  blood  pressure  in  individuals  with  subclinical hypertension.  300 ml of  kale  juice  should  be  drunk  by  these  individuals  per  day  for  a  duration of  6 weeks.  If  you  are  doing  this  you  need to  inform  your  regular  MD Medicine  doctor  so that  whatever you  do  is  with  his  permission. All  this  list of  vegetables  should  be  taken  in  salads, side  dish  ,soups, dinners. A source of  lean  protein  like  chicken  should be  combined with  it. Whole  grains  are  preferable  in  comparison to  refined  grains  as  they contain  more  nutrients  and  more  fiber material. More amo nt of fiber ill increase the time req ired for digesti e process This ill red ce the

  4. More  amount  of  fiber will  increase the  time  required  for  digestive  process .This  will  reduce the  rate of  absorption of  nutrients  and  in  this  way  it  will  help  to  stabilize  the  blood  sugar  levels. Examples  of  whole  grains  are- Whole grain  bread Brown  rice Buckwheat Quinoa Rye, Bulgur Millet Decision regarding Artificial  sweeteners available  in the  market  should  be  taken  only after  consultation with your MD General  Medicine  doctor as  some  of  these artificial sweeteners  are  attributed  to  be carcinogenic. If  you  are  a  diabetic patient on oral hypoglycemic and  you  have  got operated  in  some  hospital  for  some  surgery, before doing  surgery  you  should  inform  the  concerned  operating  surgeon  about  the  ongoing  medications.  Immediately  after  post -operative period  there  is  a  period  of  6 hrs.  NBM. In  this  period  patient  is  not  allowed  to  eat  or  drink anything. Iv  fluids  are  allowed in  this period. Even  after  this  period  and  the  next  day  the  appetite  of the  patient  is  very  low and  so either  oral hypoglycemic  drugs  should not be taken as  per  the consultation  of  your operating  surgeon and  your regular  MD General  Medicine  doctor. Dangerous  hypoglycemia can  result  as  already the  food  intake  is  low  ,so  blood  sugar is  low, on the  top  of  that  if  oral  hypoglycemic agents are  taken  then  the  blood  sugar  can  drop  to  too  much  low  levels and  it  can  cause  fainting . To  some  extent  hyperglycemia  is  ok, but  hypoglycemia  is  too  much  dangerous. For  further  details of  Diabetic  diet  plan go  through our article on Diabetic  diet  -Part 2  in  healthuseful.com https://healthuseful.com/  is the link for this website.    

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