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Testosterone deficiency might seem like a taboo topic among men, but it is a scientific reality that could happen to any man regardless of age.
June 16, 2017 Are You Masculine Enough? Testosterone Deficiency Strikes at the Heart of Manliness It is not a favorite topic among men, yet hypogonadism or testosterone deficiency is a medical reality that strikes to the very core of masculinity. According to several studies on men’s health, approximately 35% of the American male population of over 30 years old suffer from this condition. What is hypogonadism? Page | 1
Scientifically, hypogonadism is a clinical condition that results from failure of the male reproductive organ to produce adequate amounts of testosterone and sperm cells due to disruption of hypothalamic-pituitary hormones. Though the condition is mostly age-associated, it is not impossible for men in the young healthy range to suffer this condition too. In layman’s terms, hypogonadism is a condition where males have abnormally low testosterone levels. This significantly affects typical male characteristics (e.g. facial and body hair, muscle strength development, etc.) and sex drive. Hypogonadism is diagnosed by performing a blood test. You will be diagnosed as having low testosterone if the level goes below 300 nanogram per deciliter. Aside from hormonal imbalance, hypogonadism can also be caused by certain medical problems such as diabetes, HIV, AIDS, and long-term opioid use. Signs that You Are Suffering from Hypogonadism Testosterone is a hormone that literally and figuratively puts hair on your chest. Not having enough can often lead to lower sex drive and erectile dysfunction. It can cause low sperm count and annoyingly feminine features like enlarged breasts. Over time, you will also notice a significant decrease in muscle mass with simultaneous increase in body fat, thus making you gain weight. It also greatly affects your cholesterol, lipid and hemoglobin levels, leading to a wide variety of medical conditions. But mostly, having low testosterone levels can cause any man to suffer psychological and emotional stress, thus losing focus in life. Is there any cure? Fortunately, there are available remedies to cure hypogonadism, the most popular of which is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). TRT can be administered in a number of ways: via skin gel, getting shots, or applying patches or long-acting pellets. In the US, using skin gel is the most common method with 70 out of 100 patients utilizing this method. However, you should never take TRT without consulting your doctor first as it can give you a myriad of side effects that include but may not limited to acne, swelling of ankles and breast, infertility, and reduction of testicles. Furthermore, you should never take TRT just for the sake Page | 2
of ‘increasing’ your masculinity, especially if you have normal levels of testosterone to begin with. TRT is not meant to complement your bodybuilding or performance-enhancement efforts. The doctor will only prescribe TRT after you have your testosterone level tested. Even after he gets your results, he would still need to discuss your medical history as well as the benefits and risks of taking TRT. Having low testosterone levels in not yet the end of your masculinity. Schedule an appointment with your doctor to learn more about hypogonadism, preventive measures you can take, and available medical procedures to correct your condition. About Health and Wellness Clinic USA: Do you feel like your very masculinity is in jeopardy due to low testosterone levels? At Health and Wellness Clinic USA, our dedicated team of qualified physicians is committed to give the best care possible to correct your hormonal imbalance. We help men regain their masculinity with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and healthy aging solutions. Sources: What is Low Testosterone (Hypogonadism)?, UrologyCareFoundation.org Are you testosterone deficient?, MensHealth.co.uk Low Testosterone, HormoneHealth.org Page | 3