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Care and Maintenance of Ruby Gemstone

To care for your ruby gemstone, avoid harsh chemicals and high heat. Clean your ruby with a soft cloth and mild soap, and store it away from other items that may scratch it. Have your ruby inspected and re-polished by a professional jeweler every few years to maintain its luster and value.

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Care and Maintenance of Ruby Gemstone

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RUBY GEMSTONE Care and Maintenance

  2. Avoid harsh chemicals: Rubies are durable gemstones, but they can still be damaged by harsh chemicals found in household cleaners, cosmetics, and perfumes. Always remove your ruby jewelry before using any cleaning agents or applying lotions. Regular cleaning: To keep your ruby gemstone sparkling, clean it regularly using mild soap and warm water. Use a soft brush, such as a toothbrush, to gently scrub away any dirt or grime. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a soft cloth. Avoid extreme temperatures: While rubies are relatively heat-resistant, extreme temperatures can still cause damage. Avoid exposing your ruby jewelry to sudden temperature changes, such as placing it in hot water or leaving it in direct sunlight for extended periods. Store properly: When not wearing your ruby jewelry, store it in a separate compartment of your jewelry box or in a soft pouch to prevent scratches and damage from other pieces of jewelry. Avoid storing rubies with harder gemstones like diamonds, which can scratch them.

  3. Regular inspection: Inspect your ruby jewelry periodically for any loose stones or damage to the setting. If you notice any issues, take it to a professional jeweler for repair. Avoid rough activities: While rubies are relatively hard gemstones, they can still be scratched or damaged by rough handling. Remove your ruby jewelry before engaging in activities such as gardening, sports, or household chores. Professional cleaning and maintenance: Consider taking your ruby jewelry to a professional jeweler for deep cleaning and inspection once a year. They can also check the setting and make any necessary repairs to ensure your ruby gemstone remains in top condition.

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