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In this book, I described 11 Secrets of Diet Plan program that helps you to lose weight fast in a week. It may change your view of diet plan. <br>I think it is one of the best solutions of diet plan.
11 Secret Things You Didn't Know About Healthy Diet To Lose Weight The Book is about healthy diet plan to lose weight 11 scientific ways are presented on carb diet 1
A Av vo oi id d s su ug ga ar rs s a an nd d s st ta ar rc ch he es s. . The most important part is to cut back on sugars and starches (carbs). These are the foods that stimulate secretion of insulin the most. insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body. When it goes down, fat has an easier time getting out of the fat stores and the body starts burning fats instead of carbs. If you are serious to lose stomach fat in a week, avoid sugars and starches. These foods cause bloating, especially in the middle section of the body and make you hungry again after a while. E Ea at t a a h hi ig gh h- -p pr ro ot te ei in n b br re ea ak kf fa as st t. . Protein is a key nutrient for weight loss. In fact, adding more protein to your diet is the easiest and most effective way to lose weight. Studies show that protein can help curb your appetite and keep you from overeating. body uses more calories to metabolize protein, compared to fat or carbs. Protein also keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Dietary protein is inversely related to belly fat, meaning the more high-quality protein you eat, the less belly fat you have. Protein may also help you maintain weight loss in the 2
long term. A study found that increasing protein from 15 to 18% of calories made dieters regain 50% less weight. A Av vo oi id d s su ug ga ar ry y d dr ri in nk ks s a an nd d f fr ru ui it t j ju ui ic ce e. . Excess consumption of sugar puts an extra load on your liver and it can lead fat storage. Every time you drink a packaged fruit juice, you take in more calories than if just eat the fruit. Though the packaged juices are claimed to be of real fruit juices, they contain high amounts of sugar, flavor, and color. Try to avoid them. 3
D Dr ri in nk k a a l lo ot t o of f w wa at te er r. . Drinking water can help with weight loss. Drinking 0.5 liters of water may increase the calories you burn by 24–30% for an hour afterward. Drinking water, at least eight big glasses a day, not only hydrates you and removes those unwanted toxins, but also helps you shed some pounds, especially in themidsection of the body. Drinking water before meals may also lead to reduced calorie intake, especially for middle-aged and older people. Drink water before your meal. Don’t drink water right after lunch or dinner. Wait for 10-15 mins and then drink water. C Ch ho oo os se e w we ei ig gh ht t l lo os ss s- -f fr ri ie en nd dl ly y f fo oo od ds s. . Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source and low-carb vegetables. Constructing your meals in this way will automatically bring your carb intake into the recommended range of 20-50 grams per day. High protein boost metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day. Don’t be afraid to load your plate with these 4
low-carb vegetables. You can eat massive amounts of them without going over 20-50 net carbs per day. A diet based on meat and vegetables contains all the fiber, vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy. E Ea at t y yo ou ur r f fo oo od d s sl lo ow wl ly y. . Fast eaters gain more weight over time. Eating slowly makes you feel more full and boosts weight-reducing hormones. Your appetite and calorie intake is largely controlled by hormones. Normally after eating, your gut suppresses a hormone called ghrelin, which controls hunger. It also releases the anti-hunger hormones cholecystokinin, peptide and glucagon-like peptide-1. eating slowly has been shown to decrease the amount of food consumed at a meal. This is partially due to an increase in the level of anti-hunger hormone that occurs when meals aren't rushed. E Ea at t m mo os st tl ly y w wh ho ol le e, , U Un np pr ro oc ce es ss se ed d f fo oo od ds s. . 5
Cut out all trans fats, found in many processed foods and commercially fried products. Do not buy products with partially hydrogenated oils or fats named in the ingredient lists. Avoid French fries, onion rings and chicken nuggets made in restaurants. Stay away from refrigerated cookie dough and biscuit mixes. Trans fat contributes to an accumulation of belly fat even in people who are following a low-calorie diet. U Us se e s sm ma al ll le er r p pl la at te es s. . Cut out all trans fats, found in many processed foods and commercially fried products. Do not buy products with partially hydrogenated oils or fats named in the ingredient lists. Avoid french fries, onion rings and chicken nuggets made in restaurants. Stay away from refrigerated cookie dough and biscuit mixes. Trans fat contributes to an accumulation of belly fat even in people who are following a low-calorie diet. 6
G Ge et t a a g go oo od d n ni ig gh ht t' 's s s sl le ee ep p, , e ev ve er ry y n ni ig gh ht t. . According to a study led by researchers at King's College London, sleep-deprived people consumed an average of 385 kilo calories per day extra, which is equivalent to the calories of about four and a half slices of bread. Poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for weight gain, so taking care of your sleep is important. D Dr ri in nk k c co of ff fe ee e o or r t te ea a. . If you're a coffee or tea drinker, then drink as much as you want as the caffeine in them can boost your metabolism by 3-11%. Green tea has so many antioxidants present in it, which are good for losing belly fat. The active compounds in green tea also aid by boosting the effects of some fat burning hormones. 7
E Ea at t s so ol lu ub bl le e f fi ib be er r. . Studies show that soluble fibers may reduce fat, especially in the belly area. Fiber take longer to digest and gives you the fuller feeling and thus, prevents the mid-meal binging. weight loss effects of fiber target the belly fat specifically, which is the harmful fat in the abdominal cavity that is strongly associated with metabolic disease. 8