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Healthy diet. Contents:. What is a healthy diet? What kind of diet is healthy diet? How much eat ? What do you need to learn ? How many calories to eat ? What we can eat ? What we can't eat ? What are the recommended products? Advices .
Contents: • Whatis a healthy diet? • Whatkind of diet ishealthy diet? • How much eat? • What do youneed to learn? • How many calories to eat? • What we caneat? • What we can'teat? • Whataretherecommended products? • Advices. • Hunger - How to dealwithit? • Whatcan we do to reversehunger? • How to dealwithpeoplewhoencourageus to eat? • Eating out. • Rules of diet. • Exemplary menu. • Meals’ caloricvalues. • Bibliography.
Healthy diet Proper diet can not be seen as eatingonlywhenhungerstrikes. We shouldjusteat less, but more often and regulary. We have to giveupbadeatinghabits. A healthy diet shouldprovide body withalltheingredientswhichour body needs. We shouldgiveupfatty foods and highlyenergeticones and replacethemwith products whicharehealthy and less caloric.
What kind of diet? New "miracle diets" appear all the time but miracles which they preach are not real. So called „One-side diets” recommend certain products such as cabbage or rice to be the only source of diet. However, those are characterized by shortage of many needed components so such diet can be continued just for a short period of time. If we want to lose our weight safely, then it means that it must be a slow process. This means that the healthy diet should include all components necessary for the body development, but in reduced quantities.
How much eat? Often we are unaware of how much we actually eat. Beside main meals, we absorb a lot of calories through eating up process. In the beginning of the diet it is worth, at least in first week, to weight consumed products to be able to estimate the number of portions easily. The products can be weighted, or we can use the so-called „household measures”: Glass 250gSoup spoon15gSpoon 5gSlice 20g. Fast and not regular eating is the reason of gaining weight. That is why it is important to separate eating from other activities, i.e. to not to watch TV or read during meal. We should establish a schedule of eating regular meals 3-4 times a day. We have to avoid eating up, always eat breakfasts and limit consumption in the evening.
What you need to learn? • to not eat extra • to not eatleftovers • do not eatwhenthehungerincreases, but whenitdecreases • to not indulgeyourselfwithfood Whencountingcaloriesitisimportant to considertheso-calledhiddencalories, whichareoftenneglected, and whichsourcearef.e. meatsauces, coffeecream, sugar etc.Itsbest to eliminatetheseextrasfromthe diet.Itwould be a good idea to set a realisticgoal and establishweeklyormonthly plan of losingkilograms. To loseweightbetween 0.5-1 kgper week (whichis optimum rate for weightloss), itisadvisable toeatabout 600 - 1000 kcal less thanisthedailyrequirementof our body. Thedailycalorierequirementdepends on age, gender,body weight and physicalactivity.Ifyou want to loseabout a half a kilogram a week, youcancalculateyourowncaloricneedsbased on theformula:actual body weight (kg) x 22 = dailycaloricneed.Approximatedailycaloricrations for peopleindietingcomparedwithpeopleliving a moderatelyactivelifestyle.
Calories People who are slimming Persons livingmoderately active lifestyle Women 1000 – 1200 kcal 2000 – 2200 kcal Men 1400 – 1800 kcal 2700 – 3000 kcal
What we can eat? The diet shouldincludeallthenecessarycomponents (i.e. carbohydrates,proteins, fats, vitamins,minerals), but in a reasonablyreducedquantities. Reducingthelevel of calories () can be achieved by reducingtheamount of eatenfood and by eatinglow-caloricfood, as thelargeamount of lowcaloricfoodcorresponds to smallamount of highlycaloricones.
What we can't eat? Products and dishesthatareprohibited:Fatmeat and meat products, fattyfish.Wholemilk and its products (cream, fatcheese, icecreams). Sugar, and allkinds of sweets(chocolate, honey, cakes), and sweetenedmilk, such as jams, sweet compots, allkinds ofsweetenedbeverages, but alsobeer.
Recommended products: Lowcaloricvegetables and fruits. Skimmilk, buttermilk, lowfat cottage cheese, leanfish, leanmeat and meat productsprotein fromeggs. Recommendedcomponent of the diet isfiber, whichisinvegetables, fruits, bran, wholemealbread.
Advice • As part of the recommended caloric value should eat more vegetables, fruits, and meat products and dairy choose only those low-fat. • Vegetables can be eaten without much restriction, preferably raw, using their large selection. • Please limit fat intake of food, as from 1 g of protein and carbohydrate foods are created 4 kcal, and 1 g of fat up to 9 calories, more than twice as much. • You should eat primarily fish and poultry without sausages, pates and offal and limit the amount of pork and beef in the diet. • Before you cook the meat should be removed from the oily bits. • Meat and fish should be cooked or bake in foil, completely abandoning frying, especially with the bread crumbs. • It should abandon the spread butter or margarine. • You can use mild spices, such as citric acid, lemon juice, dill, onion, garlic, marjoram, cumin, vanilla and cinnamon. • For those who do not have hypertension or swelling, it is advisable to drink 6-8 glasses of unsweetened fluids a day, including half should be water.
Hunger Hunger is not growing ininfinity, but has an undulating course -intensified, and after some time, even withouteat anything, reduces its strength.So when you feel hungry, do notstrive to meet immediately, theWhen is the greatest, but enjoyglass of mineral water or wait forexample, 10 minutes trying to turn away from himout some activity. Eating afterreduce the severity of hunger, makes it possiblesaturation in smaller quantities of food.
Activities reversing hunger • Washyour car • go to thecinema • Cleanyour house • Gardening • Gymnastics • Listen to yourfavouritemusic • Singing • Callyourfriend • read a book • readmagazines • watchphotos • Go withyour dog on a walk
Encouraging to eat Friends, relatives and strangers, sometimes in good faith, may cause difficulties to the person by encouraging weight loss to eat. Polite behavior gives better results. After few polite refusals, most people will recognize that their incentives are not the effect and cease incitement. If we difficulty in saying "no", try to predict situations in which we can be encouraged to eat. Planned the responses and prepare how to be polite and determined.
Here are 5 ways favorable behavior are: Before leaving, planned, what shall we eat and that we follow. Let's eat, like salad before going out to not be hungry. Let's eat only certain foods, such as new, very rarely available, and avoiding high-calorie, such as crisps, nuts, crackers. Eat very slowly, slower than the others. Last let's get started and the last end. If you still eat more than planned, do not despair just immediately strengthen physical activity and decrease the amount of calories in the coming days. Food outside the home Food outside the home forweight loss in peopleis a difficult situation.Particularly problematicbecome holy, acceptable andspecial occasions becauseto many temptations, the viewgood food and peopleeating and exertedpressures such as trysome of that. One of thefrequent errors in suchcases, it is promisingyou do not eatanything. Then eitherfeel guilty when somethingeat or suffer fromDue to non-eating.
Rules: • Meals may contain fruits and vegetables, milk, meat, fish. Food will be better - you will provide the body with all the necessary components. • Try to eat slowly; stop eating when feeling little unsatisfied. Eat from the small plates. In this way you will get an impression that portions are greater. • Eat regularly 3 - 5 meals a day. • Nothing helps you more in achieving dream figure like physicalactivity: swimming, aerobics or yoga. • Try to limit thenumber of caloriesconsumeddaily.
Exemplary menu For breakfast • cornflakes, oatsormuesliwithlowfatmilkor a smallamount of bread (1 slice) that one canchoosefrom a variety of species, such as wholemeal, grainy, biscuitsorcrackerswithfat-free cottage cheese, coffeewithmilkorteawithoutsugar. For lunch • bread, kefir oryoghurt, fruit. For dinner • mayconsist of soup, providedthatitis a clear brothwithvegetablefat, cream and flour. Secondcoursedisheswithleanmeat, poultryorfish, withplenty of vegetables, thebestsalads. For tea • bestsaladvegetablesorfruit, jellyorapplesauce. For Supper • foodcan be hot, for examplefishwithvegetablesorsalad, an omeletwith spinach, or a smallamount of bread (1 slice) with cottage cheese, orleanham.
Calories value of meals • Breakfast 200 kcal • Lunch 150 kcal • Dinner 350 kcal • Tea 100 kcal • Supper 200 kcal
Bibliography • http://diety.sekrety-urody.net • www.odchudzanie.org.pl • www.wikipedia.pl