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VRS Retail Software for your Big or Small Business

VRS Retail Software is among one of the best softwares for your big or small businesses. VRS Software is a cloud-hosted retail POS software solution. VRS Softwares provides point of sale, inventory control and customer management. POS Software to simplify the retail store management - excellent inventory control. Fast implementation, powerful reports.<br>Just Call 91-828-677-9827<br> 91-828-677-9206<br> 91-720-848-7469<br>Email me for any query - sales@vrssoftwares.com<br> info@vrssoftwares.com<br>For more detail visit here- http://vrssoftwares.com/RetailSoftware.aspx

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VRS Retail Software for your Big or Small Business

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ______________________________________ Overview of Industries Where Creative Computing Offers Best Retail Software Solutions www.vrssoftwares.com ______________________________________

  2. VRS Software offers retail software solution that customised to fit retail sub-sector industry needs. Make sure you are offered latest innovations in line with retail's changing requirements. While we can further improve control to fit any particular retail sector, or the special requirements of your business, the system strongly supports the different sectors. Let's take a look at industries where creative computing offers their services.

  3. VRS Fashion & Footwear Software

  4. VRS Furnishing Software

  5. VRS Jewellery Software

  6. Sporting Goods Retail Software For Garment Store

  7. VRS Fabrics Software Mobile Phone Retailers

  8. VRS Departmental Store Software

  9. Follow us on FaceBook- http://www.facebook.com/vrssoftware Twitter- https://twitter.com/VRSSoftwares Linkedin- http://www.linkedin.com/company/vrs-software Google+ https://plus.google.com/100295710390864574648/

  10. ____________________________ __________ Get in Touch With us- Web- www.vrssoftwares.com Email- sales@vrssoftwares.com Contact with us- +91-828-677-9827                  +91-828-677-9206                  +91-720-848-7469 ______________________________________

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