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Adaptation to Climate Change Actions in Mongolia. Adaptation Workshop IFAD, Rome 18-19 May 2007. Overall framework. 1993 – Ratification of the UNFCCC (signed in 1992) 2000 - National Action Programme on Climate Change :
Adaptation to Climate Change Actions in Mongolia Adaptation Workshop IFAD, Rome 18-19 May 2007
Overall framework • 1993 – Ratification of the UNFCCC(signed in 1992) • 2000 - National Action Programme on Climate Change: • Priorities and integration of CC concerns into other national and sectoral development plans • Measures, actions and strategies for GHG mitigation and CC adaptation • 2001 - Initial National Communication (INC) under the UNFCCC: • It includes national GHG inventories, policies and strategies on adaptation to climate change and reduction of greenhouse gases; • It reflects some country-specific circumstances and climate change concerns. • 2006 - Potential Impacts of Climate Change & Evaluation of Adaptation Measures for Livestock Sector: • Main aim: to stretch out the potential impacts of climate change upon the natural environment and upon the livestock sector, which is the major economic activity of Mongolia. • The results of this project will be direct input to the preparation on the Second National Communication
National GHG Inventory(Initial National Communication -2001) • The Mongolian GHG inventories follow the IPCC 1996 Guidelines. Emissions included are: CO2, CH4, N20, NOx, CO. • Identification of GHG emission trend • Indication of emission by sources CH4 CO2
Characterization of Climate Change in Mongolia (2006) • Temperature in Mongolia has increased by 1.80C since 1940. • The occurrence of natural disasters like extreme hot and cold weather, drought, dzud, flood and sand storms in Mongolia has increased. • Melting of high mountain glaciers has increased. • Permafrost is degrading intensively. • Ground water table is decreasing in arid regions, and degradation and desertification of the land due to shortage of water and precipitation have been intensifying. Heat wave duration
Achievements to date • Data collection and management has improved • National information exchange network established • A multi-disciplinary team of scientists has been created • Permanent climate-animal observation site established
CC Impact Assessment Source: Potential Impacts of Climate Change & Evaluation of Adaptation Measures for Livestock Sector (2006) • Natural environmental impacts: CC impact on natural zone, water resources, snow cover and permafrost • Ecological and economic impacts: pasture, livestock See full documentation for more details
Focus on climate extremes of drought and dzud Vulnerability to CC
Recently proposed adaptation measures for livestock sector(Potential Impacts of Climate Change & Evaluationof Adaptation Measures for Livestock Sector - 2006) • Focus on: • Conserving the natural resources • Strengthening animal productivity • Enhancing capacities and livelihood opportunities of rural communities • Increasing food security and supply • Improving understanding of climate extremes and forecasting • Main actions to be taken to address: (a) gradual long-term changes (degradation of quantity and quality of pasture); (b) changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme events (drought and dzud). However there are problems that may impede the implementation of these measures…
Need for further action (2006) To implement the proposed adaptation measures it is necessary to address the following problems: • Institutional: no coordination of sectoral actions and no clear definition of responsibilities • Financial:lack of financial resources for initial investments would limit the implementation of the measures. • Technical:lack of appropriate technologies and know-how • Legislative: the legal, regulatory and standardization framework for pasture use is inadequate to effectively implement some of the adaptation measures. Other problems: • Organizational constraints. • Introduction of the market economy in Mongolia.
Conclusion The development of an adaptation strategy goes through the following steps: • Assessment of past and present climate change • Identification of more vulnerable areas and sectors • Assessment of potential impacts • Identification of possible adaptation options • Identification of the constraints And now on the basis of this analysis we should be able to: • Formulate alternative strategies • Develop implementation strategies