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Russian Federal Space Agency. Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System " Arctica ". Lavochkin Association. State Centre on Space H ydrometeorology "Planeta". 1.
Russian Federal Space Agency Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica" Lavochkin Association State Centre on Space Hydrometeorology "Planeta" 1
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica" Mission objectives Monitoring of the Earth atmosphere and surface in Arctic region (inaccessible for observation from geostationary orbit) on the base of multispectral imaging with high temporal resolution (15 – 30 min). Providing heliogeophysical information in polar areas. Maintaining data collection system, telecommunication service for data exchange and retransmission. Search & Rescue service ( COSPAS-SARSAT ).
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica" Main Tasks and Applications Utilization for analysis and forecasting : - weather in the regional (Arctic) and global scales; - icecoverage in Arctic; - aircrafts flight conditions (cloudiness, wind, streams and etc.); - snow cover; - heliogeophysical conditions Monitoring of extremal phenomena (natural and antropogenic origin) Climate changes monitoring Data collection and retransmission from data collection platforms (ground-, sea- and air-based platforms) Dissemination of the satellite data, meteorological and heliogeophysical data
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica" "Arctica" System General Design Spacecraft No.2 Spacecraft No.1 Command program data Hydro meteorological and helio-geophysical data Service data Ground Complex for the data receiving, processing and distribution Ground control complex
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica" • Ballistic configuration of the space system Spacecraft No.2 • Location of the orbit operational parts: • - beginning of the operational part of each spacecraft is 3.2 hours before the apogee passing; • - end of the operational part is 3.2 hours after the apogee passing; • - relative drift of the orbit operational parts of spacecraft No.1 and spacecraft No.2 equals 6 hours; • - provides continuous observation of the arctic territories, located at the latitude, higher than 60оN; • - provides continuous radio visibility of the spacecrafts orbit operational parts at the ground stations in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk Spacecraft No.1 • Parameter of the spacecraft orbits: • - apogee altitude (α) ~ 40000 km; • - perigee altitude (π) ~ 1000 km; • - inclination (i) ~ 63о; • - orbital period - 12 hours • Positional relationship of the spacecraft orbits: • coincidence of ascending node (Ω) of the spacecraft No.1 orbit • and descending node ( ) of the spacecraft No.2 orbit • Ω
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica" Benefits of the high- elliptic orbits (HEO) at the Arctic region • 1. Providing the quasi-continuous observations for Arctic region (areas at latitudes higher than 60о N). • 2. The quasi- continuous observations need no more than 2 spacecrafts Beginning of the operational part of High Elliptical orbit End of the operational part of High Elliptical orbit 70 - limiting angle of the available observation Available area for monitoring from HEO Available area formonitoring from GEO
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica" Comparison of the Arctic region viewing from the GEO ( "Electro-L") and HEO ( "Arctica" ) 2) View from "Arctica " spacecraft 3)View from "Arctica " spacecraft 1) View from "Electro-L " spacecraft 1) The “Electro-L” spacecraft is in the operation position on the geostationary orbit. 2) The “Arctica” spacecraft is approaching to beginning of the operational part of high-elliptic orbit . 3) The “Arctica” spacecraft is approaching to end of the operational part of high-elliptic orbit .
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica" Basic geostationary spacecraft "Electro-L " Orbit is geostationary one. Operational position of the spacecraft on geostationary orbit is 76оW. Spacecraft mass in orbit – 1620kg Payload mass – 435 kg Spacecraft orientation – three- axis stabilized platform Lifetime – 10 years Launcher – LV " Zenith" with "Fregat-SB" booster Launch date –2008 • Spacecraft structure: • payload module, including : • - multichannel scanner MSU-GS; • - onboard radio engineering complex (OREC); • - onboard data sampling system (ODSS); • - heliogeophysical instrumentation complex (HPIC); • orbital platform on the base of "Navigator " module
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica" Basic high-apogee spacecraft "Spectr-R " Main performances of the spacecraft: Orbit: - apogee~ 330000 km; - perigee~ 600 km; - inclination~ 51,3° Orbital mass of the spacecraft – 3660km Payload module mass – 2500kg Antenna diameter – 10m Spacecraft orientation – in three axes Life – 3-5 years Launcher – LV " Zenith" with "Fregat-SB" booster Launch is planned on 2008 • Spacecraft structure: • Payload module, including: • - scientific instrumentation complex on the base of space radio telescope; • - high data rate radio complex (VIRK); • Orbital platform on base of the “Navigator” module with high energy parameters
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica " Principles of design and main parameters of the "Arctica"meteorological spacecraft Spacecraft "Spectr-R " Spacecraft "Electro-L " Target instrumentation complex Orbital platform Spacecraft "Arctica " Orbit – High Elliptical: apogee~ 330000 km; perigee~ 600 km; inclination ~ 51о High Elliptical orbit: apogee~ 40000 km; perigee~ 1000 km; inclination~ 63о Orbit is geostationary one Structure of the target instrumentation complex: - multi channel scanner MSU-GSM; - heliogeophysical instrumentation complex (GGAK); - onboard radioengineering complex (BRTK); - onboard data acquisition system (BSSD-M). Orbital mass of the spacecraft – 1850kg Target instrumentation mass - 550 kg Spacecraft orientation – in three axes Life – 7 years Launcher – LV " Soyuz-2(1a) " with "Fregat " booster
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica " • General view of the "Arctica " spacecraft
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica " • Payload module of the "Arctica " spacecraft Receiving Antenna NA-1 GALS BRTK Lavochkin Association NTS OMZ GGAK-E Transmitting Directional Antenna NA-4 BRTK Lavochkin Association ISP-2M NTS OMZ GGAK-E Low Gain Antenna BAKIS Lavochkin Association MSU-GSM Transmitting Directional Antenna NA-2 2 complete sets RNII KP BRTK Lavochkin Association Solar Cosmic Rays High Gain Antenna NTS OMZ BRTK Lavochkin Association GGAK-E Magnetometer NTS OMZ Installed to the BMSS GGAK-E DIR-E NTS OMZ SKIF-6 GGAK-E NTS OMZ VUSS-E GGAK-E NTS OMZ Transmitting Directional Antenna NA3 GGAK-E BRTK Lavochkin Association
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica " Orbital platform of the "Arctica" spacecraft on the "Navigator" module base Electrization control system Automatic control and stabilization complex of the power supply system Novosibirsky State University Scientific production centre “Polus”, Omsk Telemetry Public corporation “Izhevsky radiozavod” Antenna feeder system Onboard control complex Propulsion system Moscow Experimental Design Bureau “Mars” Onboard cable network, the spacecraft structure Lavochkin Association, Khimki Solar array attitude control system Antenna feeder system Accumulator battery Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPP VNIIEM, Moscow Public corporation “Saturn”, Krasnodar Thermal control system Lavochkin Association, Khimki Solar array Scientific production association PM, Krasnoyarsk Payload Correction and stabilisation thrusters DIR-EGGAK-E Propulsion system NTS OMZ Onboard equipment VUSS-E GGAK-E Federal State Unitary Enterprise Experimental Design Bureau “Fakel”, Kaliningrad Of the command-measuring system, RNII KP, Moscow NTS OMZ
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica " Performance characteristics of the MSU-GSM instrument: Coverage area – whole visible Earth disk (20х20 deg.); Number of the spectral channels 10 (2 channels – visible band, 8 channels – IR band); Resolution – Optical Band - 1 км, IR – 4 km; Survey periodicity (clock round) – 15...30 minutes.
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica " Heliogeophysical measurements complex (GGAK-E) The GGAK-E set includes 7 sensors: SKIF-6 – spectrometer of the corpuscular emission with particle energy in the following ranges 0,05…20,0 keV; 0,03…1,5 MeV; 0,5…30,0 MeV; SKL-E– spectrometer of the solar cosmic rays with particle energy in the following ranges 1…12 MeV, 30,0… 300,0 MeV, 350,0 MeV; GALS-E – detector of the galaxy cosmic rays with particles energy in the range 600 MeV; ISP-2M – measurements of the solar constant in the range 0,2-100 microns; DIR-E - measurements of the solar X-rays with energy in the range 3-10 keV; VUSS-E - measurements of the solar UV radiation at the Hydrogen resonant line НLa (121,6 nm); FM-E – magnetometer for the magnetic field intensity measurement in the range 300 nanotesla.
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica " • Schedule of the spacecraft activities for the "Arctica" space system Phase/stage of the Project Draft Proposal release on the Space System Presentation of the Draft Proposal. Development of the Project Specification for the Preliminary Design Release and Presentation of Preliminary Design. Approval of the Project Specifications on the Space System Components Development of the work documentation on update of the used experimental items and the “Electro-L” and “Spectr-R” spacecrafts models , production of models of the new designed onboard instruments and units of the spacecrafts. Development of the work documentation on the equipment of Ground Control Complex and Ground Complex on the Data Receiving, Processing and Distribution of the Space Complexes “Electro-L” and “Spectr-R” Update of the existing onboard and ground hardware and software for the “Arctica” Space system and development of the new ones. Update of the mockups and experimental models of the Space System. Autonomous and complex testing, update of the work documentation on the flight models. Production of the hardware, ground autonomous and complex testing of the flight hardware set. Launch of the spacecrafts. Flight tests of the Space System with the spacecraft No.1. Update of the work documentation using flight tests results and production and launch of the spacecraft No.2.
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica " Cost of the space system establishment • The cost estimation includes following items: • - cost of the development work on the target instrumentation production……….....................................140 millions of roubles; • cost of the development work on the orbital platform • production ……….…………………………………….……..220 millions of roubles; • - cost of the two flight spacecraft production and their preparation for launch…………….……………………… 1400 millions of roubles; • - cost of the Ground spacecraft control complex production establishment …......................................……. 40 millions of roubles; • cost of the Ground complex for the data receiving, processing and distribution of the 1st stage……..……… 400 millions of roubles; • ------------------------------- • Total: 2200 millions of roubles
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica " • Budget expensesfor the "Arctica " • system development, millions of roubles • 10 • 70 980 675 Costs of the spacecraft delivery to the orbits and risk insurance are not presented in the diagram 285 180 2013
High-elliptical Orbits Satellite System "Arctica " • Conclusions • To a great extent the progress of global and regional numerical weather forecasting, as well as providing safety navigation along Northern Sea Route together with many other Earth monitoring problems depends on the capabilities to provide hydrometeorological information for the Arctic region (at the latitudes higher than 60 deg. N) in quasi-continuous mode with high temporal resolution. • 2. Geostationary meteorological satellites cannot provide such information and therefore the proposed "Arctica" system should supplement existing global satellite observation system. • 3. Russia has great experience on design and exploitation HEO satellite systems, as well as the technical stock on the development of "Electro-L" and "Spectr-R" type spacecrafts. Based on this Roscosmos and Roshydromet (as responsible Russian governmental bodies) propose to realize "Arctica" project in the frame of wide international cooperation.