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1. Leadership. Leadership Defined. Category. LEADERSHIP DEFINED. Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership. Task 1 Explain the definition of leadership. 1. Leadership. Leadership Defined. Category. Lesson Preview.
1 Leadership Leadership Defined Category LEADERSHIP DEFINED Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 1Explain the definition of leadership.
1 Leadership Leadership Defined Category Lesson Preview • Inquire: Share experiences when they were part of a team. Identify leadership behaviors exhibited and share list. • Gather: Cadets read text, In Teams, categorize leadership behaviors identified in the Inquire Phase into 3 categories: Purpose, Direction, and Motivation • Process: In Teams, Cadets read Case Studies 1-3. Identify the leadership behaviors used. • Apply: Cadets read the final case study and complete Journal Entry Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 1Explain the definition of leadership.
1 Leadership Leadership Defined Category Objectives • Understand how influencing others is a key aspect of leadership. • Explain the three aspects of leadership: purpose, direction, and motivation. Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 1Explain the definition of leadership.
1 Leadership Leadership Defined Category Key Words • Direction • Leadership • Motivation • Purpose Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 1Explain the definition of leadership.
Inquire/Gather: • Write down your own definition of Leadership? • In Teams, share definition of leadership. • In Teams, compare/contrast definition of Leadership • In Teams, formulate a definition of Leadership. • As a Class, compare/contrast teams definition of Leadership • In Teams, Read 1st Part of Text up to “Organizational Structures”. (As Cadet Reads, other Team members listen for topics in the passage: Purpose, Direction, Motivation. • Each Team reviews and modifies their definition based on information read.
1 Leadership Leadership Defined Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION • How did your teams definition compare/contrast with text? • With which aspect of leadership are you most skilled or comfortable? Purpose, Direction, Motivation? Why? Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 1Explain the definition of leadership.
Process: • In Teams, read “Organization Structures” thru Case Studies 1-3 of Text. Each Team reads different Case Study. • Teams identify and list behaviors exhibited by that Case Study Leader. • Teams present their list to Class.
1 Leadership Leadership Defined Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION • What positive behaviors do you like to see in a leader? • What behaviors seem to be critical for a leader to be successful? Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 1Explain the definition of leadership.
Apply: • Individually, think about behaviors you exhibit in a leadership situation. • Individually, what behaviors do you model. • In teams, Read Case Study 4 and remaining of Text. • In your journal, answer the following: • What did you learn about how you influence others? • What are some leadership behaviors you would like to adopt?
1 Leadership Leadership Defined Visual 1: Questions Category Questions • What did you learn about how you influence others? • What are some leadership behaviors you would like to adopt? Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 1Explain the definition of leadership.
1 Leadership Leadership Defined Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION • What did you learn about leadership in this lesson? • If someone asked you to describe yourself as a leader, how would your respond? • Explain 3 aspects of leadership? Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 1Explain the definition of leadership.
1 Leadership The Leader Within Category THE LEADER WITHIN Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 2Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Leadership The Leader Within Lesson Preview: • Inquire: In Teams, Cadets describe what Leadership means to them. • Gather: Cadets complete Exercise 2: Self-Image WS • Process: Cadets write their own personal definition of leadership • Apply: Cadets complete journal entry that identifies how their personal definition of leadership applies to their everyday life.
Leadership The Leader Within Icebreaker / Energizer • Cadets complete Exercise 1: Leadership Behaviors • Review Exercise with Cadets. Raise hand when the response they selected is read.
1 Leadership The Leader Within Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION • How did answering the exercise help you understand your leadership behaviors? • Did some of the situations seem easier to deal with than others? If so, which ones and why? Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 2Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
1 Leadership The Leader Within Category Objectives • Identify leadership behaviors that cadets currently exhibit. • Develop a plan for improvement of personal leadership behaviors. • Apply a personal definition of leadership to cadets’ everyday lives. Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 2Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
1 Leadership The Leader Within Category Key Words • Beliefs • Self-disclosure • Self-image Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 2Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Inquire: • Definition of Leadership: • “Leadership is the ability to influence, lead, or guide others so as to accomplish a mission in the manner desired by providing purpose, direction, and motivation” • In Teams, What does Leadership mean to you personally? • Pass out the Graphic Organizer (Sunshine Wheel) • In Teams, describe what leadership means to you. You can list behaviors, actions, or characteristics of a Leader. • Have Team designate someone to capture the discussed items on the Wheel. • Teams share with Class their graphic organizer
1 Leadership The Leader Within Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION • Did your description of leadership change based on your Tm members responses? If so, in what way? • Were there any items you were surprised to see identified with leadership? If yes, why? • If you could only use two descriptors to explain leadership, what would they be? Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 2Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Gather: • Work individually and you need to reflect on the leadership behaviors you exhibit. • Read text, pg. 7-9 and answer first two questions on Exercise 2: Self-Image Worksheet. • Form pairs and answer the last two questions on Exercise 2: Self-Image Worksheet.
1 Leadership The Leader Within Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION • Was anyone surprised by their partners response? If so, why? • Few Cadets answer number 2 and 4 of Exercise 2: Self-Image Worksheet Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 2Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Process: • Work individually and review your answers from Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 and think about what your personal definition of leadership might be. • Write your own personal definition of leadership on Handout 1. • Cadets read their definition of Leadership to class. • Cadets have the opportunity to add to and finalize their definition.
1 Leadership The Leader Within Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION • How does your personal definition of leadership compare or contrast with the military definition of Leadership? Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 2Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Apply: • Review your personal definition of Leadership you wrote in your notebooks. • List 3 ways that you can apply your definition of leadership to your everyday lives.
1 Leadership The Leader Within Visual 1: Questions Category Questions • What did you learn about yourself and your leadership behaviors? • What are some beliefs or values you have that affect your leadership behavior? Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 2Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
1 Leadership Core Values Category Core Values Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 2Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Leadership Core Values Icebreaker / Energizer: • Complete Exercise 1: What would you do? Truthfully • Poll class by show of hands on each question. Explain answers.
1 Leadership Ethics, Morals, Values Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION • What did Exercise 1 reveal about yourself or your classmates? • What emotions did Exercise 1 bring out in you? • How did you feel when your answer was in the minority or majority? Skill 2Core Values Task 1Describe theethics, morals, and values.
Leadership Core Values Lesson Preview: • Inquire: Cadets think of a time when they had to make a decision between right and wrong and discuss with teams. • Gather: Research a topic from the student text and present it to class • Process: Complete Exercise 2: Scenarios WS and discuss • Apply: Cadets write about marine Corps ethics, morals, and values
1 Leadership Ethics, Morals, Values Category Objectives • Explain ethics, morals, and values as they relate to the Success Academy. • Identify the four professional beliefs and values of the Marine Corps. • Understand how honor, courage, and commitment define the code of conduct for the Marine Corps. Skill 2Core Values Task 1Describe theethics, morals, and values.
1 Leadership Ethics, Morals, Values Category Key Words • Honor • Loyalty • Morals • Values • Code of Ethics • Commitment • Courage • Ethics Skill 2Core Values Task 1Describe theethics, morals, and values.
Inquire: • Think of a time in your life when you had to make a decision between right and wrong. For example: smoking, drinking, cheating. • In teams, answer the following question. You do not need to reveal the details of your situation. Keep in mind the terms: ethics, morals, and values. • What leads you to make a decision in a given situation? • What tells you when to act and when not to act? • Teams share answers with class.
1 Leadership Ethics, Morals, Values Visual 1: Questions Category Questions – REFLECTION • What did you learn from your classmates about how they make decisions? • How would you define ethics, morals and values? • How do you think ethics, morals, and values relate to the Success Academy? Skill 2Core Values Task 1Describe theethics, morals, and values.
Gather: • In teams, research assigned topic in the student text. • Cadets will prepare and present their topic to the class using visual aide if necessary. • TOPICS: • Marine Ethics and Morals • Loyalty to the Nation • Loyalty to the Unit • Personal Responsibility • Selfless Service • Self-Discipline • Core Values
1 Leadership Ethics, Morals, Values Visual 1: Questions Category Questions – REFLECTION • What did you learn about ethics, morals, and values in the Marine Corps? • How do the Marine Corps ethics and values apply to you as a Cadet? Skill 2Core Values Task 1Describe theethics, morals, and values.
Process: • In Teams, truthfully answer the question on Exercise 2: Scenario Worksheet. Within your teams. • Each team will share their answer to one of the questions on the exercise.
1 Leadership Ethics, Morals, Values Visual 1: Questions Category Questions – REFLECTION • What have you learned about your ethics, morals, and values today? • What have you learned about your classmates’ values today? • How can you encourage others to “do the right thing”? Skill 2Core Values Task 1Describe theethics, morals, and values.
Apply: • Think about ethics, morals, and values of the Marine Corps that you have learned today. • What ethics, morals, and values are important to the Marine Corps? • How can the Marine Corps ethics, morals, and values apply to your everyday life?
1 Leadership Ethics, Morals, Values Visual 1: Questions Category Questions – REFLECTION • What did you learn about your values? • If someone asked you to describe your ethics, morals and values, what would your say? Skill 2Core Values Task 1Describe theethics, morals, and values.
1 Leadership Corp Values Category Core Values Skill 1Objectives of Leadership Task 2Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
1 Leadership Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Lesson Preview: • Inquire: In teams, Cadets define Honor, Courage and Commitment • Gather: Teams research their assigned topic and creats a Double T-Chart • Process: Team reads one of the historical case studies and creates a fishbone organizer. Describes the individual read about and how they exhibited Honor, Courage, and Commitment • Apply: Each team creates a poster that represents at least one of the Core Values Skill 2Core Values Task 2Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
1 Leadership Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Objectives • Define honor, courage, and commitment as they relate to the Marine Corps. • Provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment. • Understand how honor, courage, and commitment relate to the code of conduct for the Marine Corps. Skill 2Core Values Task 2Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
1 Leadership Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Key Words • Commitment • Courage • Dilemma • Honor • Principle Skill 2Core Values Task 2Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
Icebreaker/Energizer : • In 3 Teams. Make 3 posters to hang in the classroom that relate to: Honor, Courage Commitment. • Poster should answer the following question: What do the Core Values mean to my classmates, the Marine Corps, and me? • Look at the posters and determine which word you identify with the most. • Think of a time in your life when you have either witnessed or exhibited examples of the word you identify with the most • Stand under the poster that you identify with the most. • Volunteers share why you identify with that term.
1 Leadership Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Questions - REFLECTION • What did you learn about honor, courage, or commitment? • What did this activity reveal to you about yourself and your classmates? Skill 2Core Values Task 2Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
Inquire: • In Teams, assign one of the following topics to each team: Honor, Courage, and Commitment. • Each team thinks about what the definition of their topic would be. • Define your topic using the graphic organizer • Teams share their graphic organizer definition.
1 Leadership Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Questions - REFLECTION • What did you learn from your classmates about your topic? • How do you think honor, courage, and commitment relate to the Success Academy? Skill 2Core Values Task 2Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
Gather: • In 3 Teams. Each team is assigned one of the following topics: • Honor • Courage • Commitment • Pressures of Leadership • Maintaining Your Ethics and Developing and Ethical Climate • In Teams, research your assigned topic in the student text. Use the pages prior to the case studies to research your topic • Create a “Looks, Sounds, Feels” Double T-Chart for their assigned topic. • Teams share their graphic organizer with class
1 Leadership Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Questions - REFLECTION • What did you learn about honor, courage, commitment? • How does the Corp’s Values apply to you as a cadet? Skill 2Core Values Task 2Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
Process: • In Teams, read assigned historical case study. • Create a Fishbone Graphic Organizer to help describe the individual that they read about. • Each Fin will be Honor, Courage, and Commitment. • Describe the ways that the individual in the case study exhibited those values. • Teams share with class their graphic organizer