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LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 1. Are devices that are attached to a fire alarm (such as dampers, keypads for maglocks, magnetic door holders, etc) to be inspected at the time of a required annual certification? (These devices are NOT listed on the NFPA 72 “typical” inspection form) • All of these devices are typically connected to the “control” function of the fire alarm system as defined by the Life Safety Code. These devices have been installed to enhance the protection of life. Therefore a functional test should be performed to ensure proper operational integrity as it relates to the fire alarm system.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 2. Are single station smoke detectors, whether connected by dry contacts to a FACU or not, to be included in an annual inspection and certification (for instance, dormitory and assisted living occupancies). If so, should they be included on the 72 certification form? • If the smoke detectors are not connected to the fire alarm system, then the smoke detectors are the responsibility of the owner and should not be included in the NFPA 72 certification form. • If the smoke detectors are connected to the fire alarm system, then the smoke detectors are the responsibility of the contractor and should be included in the NFPA 72 certification form.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 3. Following questions all concern smoke detector sensitivity.A. In regard to the procedure for “Sensitivity Testing”… does the person and servicing company performing and documenting the sensitivity test of smoke detectors need a “D” license? • Yes, assuming that the fire alarm is a required system. If the system is non-required, then a Class D or D-1 license would be required.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY B. Is a “checked” box indicating that a sensitivity test has been performed (on the 72 form) acceptable? • The green tag should be punched "Service" and the specific work done listed on the back of the tag.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY C. Should there be a separate and distinctive tag that is placed inside the FACU denoting that detectors have had sensitivity testing performed– percentage of detectors tested – date of which testing occurred and date of next inspection whether 1, 2 or 5 years…. or will a regular service tag be adequate? My problem is currently we have only 3 colors for tags. I have seen systems on which the licensed firm uses a “green” tag for service. If one were to walk up to the panel and check the date, it may show 3 months ago…the date on which the system was NOT inspected, but on which the batteries may have been checked, some of these systems have tags that go back 2 or 3 years. The old ones are not being removed. It’s easy to look at the date, assume that the system is current when it has actually expired 8 months ago. If a “yellow or red” tag is used, it would imply that the system is impaired in some way. If a “green” tag is used, it may confuse the customer in thinking their system will not need to be inspected for 2 or 5 years. I think a manila” tag, or some other neutral color, is needed for service. Doesn’t cost any more to have them printed on white or tan paper than on green or yellow. Seems like it would save some confusion.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY No additional tag is required to denote sensitivity testing being performed. Remember, all tags for one year are to be kept in a separate plastic pouch at the panel. If one were to pull the tags out, the annual inspection date could easily be determined. At this point, I don't think another color tag is needed to denote sensitivity testing.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY D. Should there be documentation provided by the fire alarm company that the smoke sensitivity testing equipment is calibrated at factory recommended intervals? • A copy of the sensitivity report should be left at the panel or given to the owner for keeping.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY E. NFPA 72, 1- (1999) states “actuation of alarm notification appliances or emergency voice communications and annunciation at the protected premises shall occur within 20 seconds after the activation of an initiating device”. Please reference at which point “activation” takes place. • Activation starts when the lever is pulled down for a manual pull station. • Activation for a smoke detector is when the LED comes on and not upon release of smoke from a can. • 72:1- Actuation of alarm notification appliances or emergency voice communications and annunciation at the protected premises shall occur within 20 seconds after the activation of an initiating device. • Effective on January 1, 2002, actuation of alarm notification appliances or emergency voice communications and annunciation at the protected premises shall occur within 10 seconds after the activation of an initiating device.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY F. What action should the licensed firm take if a customer refuses to allow the code required sensitivity test? • A yellow tag should be placed on the system noting the testing needed. If after 60 days, the testing has not been performed then the yellow tag automatically changes to a red tag and the fire marshal should be notified in writing. The contractor must use the impairment form for the notification.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 4. Older fire alarm systems installed in the 60’s and 70’s did not have to meet dB requirements, as do newer systems. (There is no mention of minimum sound level requirements in the ’67 Life Safety code other than signals must be “audible”). Are dB level tests required as part of the annual inspection? • Section 6-3132 of the 1967 Life Safety Code requires that the alarm system shall be provided of such character and so distributed as to be effectively heard in every room above all other sounds. • All alarm systems shall be sounded and the inspector/fire alarm contractor shall be in any area of the facility where it might be possible not to hear the alarm. If the alarm can not be heard or it is questionable whether it is loud enough to be effectively heard by the occupants then in the area of question the inspector/fire alarm contractor shall deem that a serious life threating situation exist and the system shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of the 1999 edition of NFPA 72 table A-4-3.2 average ambient sound level. If there is a problem in a sleeping room and a db reading is required than the db reading shall be at least 70 in accordance with NFPA 72-1999 edition section 4-3.4.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 5. Are dB level tests required on new systems as part of the annual certification? • Please use the same criteria as described in the answer to Question No. 4.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 6. If tests are required, what code will apply to the older systems (what constitutes “audible”)? • Please use the same criteria as described in the answer to Question No. 4.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 7. What action should the licensed firm take if areas of the customers premise do not meet dB minimums? (It seems we would not be allowed to yellow tag the system if all the devices function as the system could be classified as having no impairment). • If the system does not meet the dB levels required by code, then the system has a deficiency and must, at a minimum, be yellow tagged.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 8. Please provide some interpretation of NFPA 90A. Section 4-4.4.2 requires duct detectors to be connected to the fire alarm system if an approved fire alarm system is installed.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY A. My question concerns whether non-required duct detectors are required to be connected to the fire alarm system? The city of Shreveport is now requiring duct detectors to any AHU over 50K BTU. This now requires duct detectors to be installed in units less than 2000cfm. NFPA 90A specifically states only duct detectors required by NFPA 90A Section 4-4 are required to be connected to the fire alarm system. • Non-required duct detectors are not required to be connected to the building’s fire alarm system. Provide documentation from the owner for State Fire Marshal plan review stating that they understand that the duct detectors are not required by code and will be installed in a non-conforming manner.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY B. Does the La. State Fire Marshal’s Office require these non-required (per NFPA) duct detectors to be connected to an approved fire alarm system if one is installed? • See previous response.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY C. Are duct detectors required to be powered by the fire alarm control panel for stand by power? • No. Please refer to 90A:4-4.4.4: 90A:4-4.4.4 Smoke detectors powered separately from the fire alarm system for the sole function of stopping fans shall not require standby power.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY D. Regarding NFPA 90A (2002) paragraph, I have always interpreted this that duct detectors were not required if the entire space was protected by system smoke detectors. However, I recently noticed "return" system smoke detectors. Is it your interpretation that supply side duct detectors are required, even if full detection system is provided? • Unfortunately, I cannot comment on NFPA Standards that have not been adopted by this office, but it parallels the wording in the 1999 edition of NFPA 90A:4-4.2 Smoke detectors listed for use in air distribution systems shall be located as follows: (1) Downstream of the air filters and ahead of any branch connections in air supply systems having a capacity greater than 2000 ft3/min (944 L/sec) (2) At each story prior to the connection to a common return and prior to any recirculation or fresh air inlet connection in air return systems having a capacity greater than 15,000 ft3/min (7080 L/sec) and serving more than one story Exception No. 1: Return system smoke detectors shall not be required where the entire space served by the air distribution system is protected by a system of area smoke detectors. Therefore, the answer is yes.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 9. NFPA 72 1999 Edition 1-5.2.6 requires twenty-four (24) hours of standby battery backup for protected premises, central station, or proprietary systems, and sixty (60) hours of standby battery backup for auxiliary or remote stations. NFPA 72 2002 Edition requires twenty-four (24) hours of standby battery backup for all of the above references systems and stations.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY A. Though the Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s Office has not adopted the 2002 Edition of NFPA 72, will we have the opportunity to start designing fire alarm systems by this new edition of 72 and only requiring for the systems to provide twenty-four (24) hours of standby battery backup? • Only on a case by case bases and only if the Professional of Record specifically request an architectural review under the newer edition of the Life Safety Code. Typically when the codes “ease-up” on one particular section, it also means that another section has been “tighten-down”. Therefore, you as the contractor shall not have the “option” to pick and choose your code requirements.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY B. NFPA 72 (1999) 1-5.2.6 states a remote signaling panel requires 60 hour stand by, with 5 minutes of alarm current. Why is your office requiring 60 hours and 15 minutes of alarm for remote stations and Voice EVAC systems? • It does not make any sense to have your required evacuation signal (voice evac) of your required fire alarm system to lose power before the fire alarm system. If your fire alarm system has stand-by power for 60 hours and 5 minutes in alarm and a voice evacuation system with 24 hours of secondary power and 15 minutes in alarm, then how do you expect to evacuate the building in the 25th hour while operating without building power? Will the evac system transmit a trouble signal to the main fire alarm panel? Will the building owner understand that the evacuation portion of the fire alarm system is no longer functioning and realize that the trouble signal is serious to evacuate the building as required by 101: • Applying the worst case scenario of secondary power supply of both Remote Station and Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications Services insures that the system will function properly.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 10. NFPA 72 (2002) requires that all non-required systems be installed according to the same requirements as required systems.A. When will NFPA 72 (2002) be adopted? • According to our legal section not until the Summer of 2003 and will be enforced six months after being adopted.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY B. Will the State Fire Marshal’s Office adopt this requirement? • Please do not panic. For your information this same concern was expressed by members of the other fire alarm association when the 1999 edition of NFPA 72 was being adopted. It had a similar requirement - see 72:3-2.4. I do not foresee a change in our current policy.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY C. Will the owner still have any variances from these requirements, i.e., in industrial settings where owners may want detection for loss prevention in Equipment Rooms, MCC Rooms, etc., but do not want manual pull stations, and notification appliances. • See previous answer.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 11. The subject of State Fire Marshal Plan Review of fire systems installed in oil/gas facilities (living quarters) was discussed at our Northern Region Meeting last year. Your office was to research and issue a memo concerning these systems located in State Waters (3 mile limit). What is the status of this memo? • It was determine by administration not to issue a memorandum because it felt that these facilities fall under the jurisdiction of the coast guard.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 12. I understand that a duplicate set of red-lined drawings from Plan Review is available for a $15.00 fee. Please provide information on how to submit and obtain duplicates. Is the fee added to the Plan Review form? • The fee is $5.00, but maybe negotiable to a higher fee if there is extensive mark-ups. The fee was not added to the application, so please write it on top of the application.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 13. Are Architectural submittals required on existing Paint Booths that never were protected per NFPA 33 requirements, but are cited by your Field Deputies for not having protection? • If an existing paint booth does not have the protection features of NFPA 33, then more than likely the paint booth was never “lawfully constructed and maintained” and would be subjected to a full architectural plan review.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 14. Several years ago, Jerry Jones replied to a question concerning Paint Booth protection using a domestic water supply with sprinkler heads. I was recently involved in a discussion with one of your Deputies on this subject, and provided him a copy of the letter. According to your Field Deputy, your office had no knowledge of this interpretation. Personally, I do not feel this is an acceptable method of protecting Paint Booths. I also feel your office would be accepting liability for allowing an unlisted system to be installed. Please advise if your office currently accepts this practice in Paint Booths requiring fire protection systems per NFPA 33?
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY • Does the SFM allow paint spray booths to be protected with sprinklers connected to the domestic water supply? • NFPA 33:7-2.3, 1995 edition, states the following: Water supply for sprinklers shall be sufficient to supply all sprinklers likely to open in any one fire incident without depleting the available water for use in hose streams. Where sprinklers are installed to protect spray areas and mixing rooms only, water shall be permitted to be furnished from the domestic supply, subject to the authority having jurisdiction and provided the domestic supply can meet the design criteria for Extra Hazard Group 2 occupancy as defined in NFPA 13.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY • NFPA 13:7-, 1999 edition, requires a minimum density of 0.40 gpm/sf over a 2500 sf area. Most paint booths fall well below the 2500 sf area, therefore, the code requires all heads within the paint booth, exhaust plenum and exhaust duct to flow simultaneously in the hydraulic calculations. The requirement to flow all heads in the system is also confirmed by the intent of the phrase “water supply for sprinklers shall be sufficient to supply all sprinklers likely to open in any one fire incident”. Where two or more hazards could be simultaneously involved in fire by reason of their proximity, the hazards shall be protected simultaneously. Any hazard that will allow fire propagation from one area to another shall constitute a single fire incident.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY • A paint booth sprinkler system submittal is a rarity to this office and the request to connect to domestic water is almost non-existent. However, this office does allow domestic connection for sprinklered spray booths in strict accordance with NFPA 33:7-2. Allowing domestic tie-in for a limited sprinkler system of a paint spray booth in an unsprinklerd building is similar to the Life Safety Code’s allowance to use domestic water to protect small hazardous areas in an unsprinklerd building. NFPA 101:, 2000 edition, allows sprinkler piping serving not more than six sprinklers for any isolated hazardous area to be connected to domestic water. The intent of the code allowing connection to domestic water is to offer financial relief from a complete sprinkler riser and underground fire main for protection of these types of small isolated hazards.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 15. I understand your office is planning to inspect all projects issued a plan review number, including exemption request for 10 devices or less, and “non-required system” exemption requests.A. Is this true? • Yes. Non-required fire alarm exemption request will only be inspected if it is in association with a fire marshal architectural plan review.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY B. If yes, how will your Deputy be able to accept a system that a review letter was not done? • Exemption request are given a project number. When you call to set up a final, please give the project number on the exemption request and give a copy of the exemption request to the inspector. In addition, if the exemption request is associated with an architectural review, when calling for a final on the building also give the project number on the exemption request. • A non required system does not have to be installed in accordance with the code. The inspector will conduct a functional test and attach the exemption request to his report.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY C. Will the Inspectors become overloaded verifying insignificant projects, and the system become backlogged? • The majority of exemption request are associated with an architectural review, therefore we do not believe this will cause a backlog to the system. However, if this policy starts to create a backlog then, we will decide at that time if we will continue to inspect exemption request that are not associated with an architectural reviews.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY 16. Our Association has proposed the State Fire Marshal’s Office implement a system of assigning tracking numbers for red tags issued by Contractors. This would allow easy communication and follow up between your office and the Contractor. Has your office studied this request, and do you propose to implement this procedure? • The office is currently implementing a red tag tracking system. Upon receipt of an impairment notice, the notice will be entered into a database and assigned a number. The impairment notice will then be forwarded to the appropriate fire marshal district or fire prevention bureau. The database will track date received, date of impairment, contractor, contractor's license number, business and location of impairment, date assigned to inspections, and date completed. A tickler system will be in place to follow up on status of the impairment notice. If the contractor wishes, he may contact Stephanie Glaser for the tracking number at 800-256-5452 or 225-925-4911.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY • Additionally, it is encouraged that the impairment notice be emailed to Stephanie at sglaser@dps.state.la.us. We are also working on having a specific email address created for notices to be sent. The impairment form is on our webpage (under the Licensing Section/Forms) and can be written on-line and then emailed. The web address is www.dps.state.la.us/sfm. • For those companies without email capabilities the impairment notices maybe faxed at (225) 925-3813. Please attention the fax to Stephanie Glaser. • Inspections of the impaired systems shall occur within two weeks of the issuance of the impairment notification form to the appropriate fire marshal district office or fire prevention bureau.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY New Plan Review Procedure on Required Fire Alarm Exemption Request • Maintain review consistency • Develop a “Fire Alarm Core Group” • Consists of Jim Waite, Kenneth McCants and Myself • Eventually Kenneth will be reviewing all special locking exemption request forms. • If you have a fire alarm question and cannot reach Jim or myself, then contact Mr. Kenneth McCants.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY Visual Notification in all Religious Entities and Private Clubs • The SFO is considering a requirement under NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code to require “visual” notification for fire alarm systems in all Religious Entities and Private Clubs. • Any questions or concerns should be sent to the attention of Ms. Cynthia Obier or email at“cobier@dps.state.la.us”. • Implementation date will not be before July 2003.