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SOCCER UNIT Physical Education Unit 1 Fall Semester TABLE OF CONTENTS Offense Dribbling Passing Shooting Defense Roles and Responsibilities Nutrition for the game Highlights OFFENSE!!! Four options for when you have the ball offensively (1) Score (2) Penetrate

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SOCCER UNIT Physical Education Unit 1 Fall Semester

  2. TABLE OF CONTENTS • Offense • Dribbling • Passing • Shooting • Defense • Roles and Responsibilities • Nutrition for the game • Highlights

  3. OFFENSE!!! • Four options for when you have the ball offensively (1) Score (2) Penetrate (3) Possess (4) Relieve Pressure (Clear)


  5. Penetrate • The ability to get behind opponents • Dribble • Pass • Shoot • This action should not be forced

  6. Possession • Possession • Possession with purpose • Unbalancing the defense • Recognizing times to penetrate

  7. Relieve Pressure • If there is no other option then kick the ball as hard and as far as you can away from pressure.

  8. Dribbling • Basic ideas for dribbling • When/How to dribble • Basic Moves • Advanced Moves

  9. Basic Ideas of Dribbling • Keep the ball in between your feet • Keep your head up and head on a swivel • Short quick touches when in small/crowded space • Long touches when in open space or on a break away

  10. Basic Dribbling • Basic Dribbling

  11. How/When to dribble • Dribble with speed • To unbalance a defense • To penetrate a defensive line • To create space • Dribble with patience • When under pressure • To allow teammates to recover to the ball • To unbalance defensive shape

  12. Advanced Dribbling • Dribbling with speed • Dribble with outside of feet • Keep ball on opposite side of defender • Accelerate after each touch • Dribbling with space • Head up • Strike ball with outside of your feet • Strike ball in stride • Dribbling under pressure • Short quick touches • Keep ball close to body • Sharp cuts and stops are very effective Dribbling With Speed

  13. DRIBBLING • For your Enjoyment Here's how you dribble

  14. Passing • How to pass • Passing over distance • Different types of passing/When to pass with what type

  15. How to pass • Think of your foot like a putter • Use the inside of your foot • Lock from knee to ankle • Head over ball • Follow through to your target

  16. Passing over Distance • Use laces/instep • Lean back head up • Bring knee up quickly up and across you body • Follow through where you want the ball to go

  17. Types of passes/when you use them • Short passes—short distance used for possession • Long passes—long distance used for changing side of field, switching the point of attack • Driven passes—ball stays knee high and is fast and hard used for crossing balls usually into the 18-yard box • Floating passes—ball floats in the air, a chipped ball used for corner kicks and thru balls

  18. Shooting • How to shoot • Different types of shots

  19. Shooting • Ankle Locked • Toe down/strike with your laces • Knee and head over the ball • Follow through by landing on same foot you shot with.

  20. Different Shots • Straight shot—shoot with laces, ankle locked, follow through to target • Curving shot—shoot with instep, putter ankle, follow through across your body • Dipping shot—strike under the ball, follow through knee to chest • Great Shots

  21. Defensive Roles and Responsibilities • 1st Defender • Pressure • Deny Penetration / Make Play Predictable • Angle of Approach • Speed of Approach

  22. Defensive Roles and Responsibilities • 2nd Defender • Cover – Provide defensive help for the pressuring (1st Defender) Player • Position is based upon: • 1st Defender Positioning • 2nd Attacker Positioning • Location on the field (Off/Mid/Def Third)

  23. Defensive Roles and Responsibilities • 3rd Defender • Balance – Ability to restrict space in center of field and track down players making runs toward the goal • Positioning based upon: • Position of ball • Players’ movements and positioning on either side of the ball • Defensive posture of a team

  24. Some great Defense • GET STUCK!

  25. Nutrition for the Game • Carbs • Fluids • Pre-game • Post-game • Athletes should aim to make 60-65% of their diet carbohydrate, with an emphasis on fresh fruit and whole grains such as brown rice and pasta, wholemeal bread, potatoes and high fibre cereals. About 20-25% of total calories should be in the form of fat.(www.sport-fitness-advisor.com)

  26. Carbs • All energy, whether it's to play sport or carry out any other activity, comes from three classes of food called macronutrients. • Carbs are the most important type of fuel to an athlete. • The average person has about 2000 calories of stored carbohydrate. • complex carbohydrates. Examples include bread, potatoes, rice and pasta. (best before and after a match) www.sport-fitness-advisor.com

  27. Fluids • Athletes can lose between 2-3 litres of sweat during 90 minutes of intense exercise, particularly in hot and humid conditions. • Ideally to counteract dehydration, athletes should consume 200-400 ml (7-14 oz) of cold water or a suitable carbohydrate solution 5 to 10 minutes prior to the start of their event. During the any intervals, they should try to drink another 300-500 ml (10-17oz) of a sports drink. • Within two hours after the event you should aim to consume 100-200 grams of carbohydrate. Muscles are depleted of carbohydrate stores, which need to be replenished as quickly as possible. www.sport-fitness-advisor.com

  28. Pre-game • Eating a high Carb meal such as pasta (no sauce) with egg whites three hours before a game will give adequate energy storage. • Fluids should be consumed all day before a match, mostly water, stay away from sports drinks with sugars. • Energy bar twenty minutes before a game will give you optimal energy until carbs are needed.

  29. Work Cited • Youtube.com • Sports-fitness-advisor.com • Google.com/images • Microsoft.com

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