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Next Generation Learning @ Work Today Trends in emerging technologies eLearning Network Event Holborn Bars 21 st November 2008 Howard Hills What is currently happening? E-learning 2008 Benchmark Review Trends and current status data (trends based from 2004 & 2006)
Next Generation Learning @ Work Today Trends in emerging technologies eLearning Network Event Holborn Bars 21st November 2008 Howard Hills
What is currently happening? • E-learning 2008 Benchmark Review • Trends and current status data (trends based from 2004 & 2006) • Benchmark review – individuals compare self with others • Most respondents are on the journey: • Online review with over 200 quality responses • Data gathered September to November (Credit Crunch!) • What did they say: It has highlighted how far we have to go. I am looking forward to receiving the feedback from this survey and being able to benchmark ourselves against others. We really are learning as we go along. Survey focuses very heavily on the use of e-learning within your organisation. I regret the lack of focus within our company on learning and development. This has been a salutary reminder of how much more we could be doing. We are absolute beginners just dipping our toe in the elearning water!
Who participated Mainly from 7 sectors; evenly spread From single site to multinational Biased to larger organisations
We need technology to work even harder in 2008 • New top leaders: • Induction • Quality • Administration lead the field • Greater interest in results of e-learning
What has changed – we want even more! • Leaping up the scale: • Reach • Consistency • Needs of next generation learners • Progressive image
What benefits are achieved • Top twelve benefits • Access and flexibility lead the field still after 4 years.
What’s hot • Going up • Podcasting (+24%) • Rapid Development (+16%) • Video conferencing (+11%) • Virtual classroom (+10%) • Video on demand (+10%) • EPSS (+7%) Trends in Learning technologies over past 2 years ( Growth - % of users) And What’s not! • Going down • IM/Chat/discussion – learner only ( -8%) • IM/Chat/discussion – tutor moderated (-7%) • Mobile/hand held devices (-16%) currently in use by over 60% by 40 – 59% by 20 – 39% by under 20%
Expected growth Percent of users Moderated Chat ( +125%) Blogs (+116%) Podcasting (+82%) Wikis (+105%) Chat - not moderated (+98%) Video on demand (+108%) Virtual classroom (+53%) Games & simulations (+133%) Competency Management (+86%) Virtual Learning Environment (+60%) e-portfolio (+98%) EPSS (+71%) Virtual Worlds (+206%) 30 % All expected to grow by more than 50% from current use. Actual growth volumes between 10% and 30% of users 20 % 10 % Learning technologies to watch over next 2 years ( predicted growth rate%)
E-Learning spend in the credit crunch • Evenly balanced view on the future of training budgets • Most expect to increase e-learning spend In 2008 71% of 191 respondents agree their e-learning spend will increase In 2006 56% of 113 respondents agree their e-learning spend will increase
But we know that investment does not always produce a return: In organisations using e-learning, it is likely to be offered to about 60% of the employees, but taken up by only 30%. CIPD – April 2008
Benefit Organisational impact Staff impact Take up E-learning maturity Mature organisation still reap more benefits
But the journey to maturity is not guaranteed 10% of participants have e-learning embedded Still only half are half way through the journey. • Why not more embedded? • How do we progress faster? Embedded Established Developing Sporadic Novice Maximising Impact What distinguishes those delivering impact and those not?
Defining Need Building Capability Learner Context Demonstrating Value Ensuring Engagement Work Context • Strands collectively intertwine • All contribute to impact • Involving stakeholders at all stages
Strands still critical for business impact Areas of weakness stand out By business benefit
Next Steps Towards Maturity Research www.TowardsMaturity.org/2008survey Research still open until End November Free benchmark review for all completing Launching at Learning Technologies Publication available from www.towardsmaturity.org LL to B Research Embedding e-learning
Becoming 21st century learning providers • Opportunities to move ahead • Introducing new National campaign to help on a national and local level