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The PT Martial-arts connection - Contuation regarding aikido

The PT Martial-arts connection - Contuation regarding aikido Review & Follow Up Information by: Keith O. McKeever, Jr. Advance for Physical Therapists and PT Assistants 30-July, 2007

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The PT Martial-arts connection - Contuation regarding aikido

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  1. The PT Martial-arts connection -Contuation regarding aikido Review & Follow Up Information by: Keith O. McKeever, Jr.

  2. Advance for Physical Therapists and PT Assistants 30-July, 2007 • The article is referencing Dr. Leslie Russek, who is a part time physical therapist at Canton-Postsdam Hospital and a professor at Clarkson University • She is also a 4th Dan (Degree) black belt in the martial art of Aikido • She has been studying martial arts for 22 years and has had her own Dojo (studio) for 10 years

  3. Aikido • Aikido is said to be the Art of Peace in the martial arts world • Aikido’s founder is universally accepted as Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) • It is written that the foundation of what would become Aikido came to him in a series of three visions • The lessons taught by Aikido is thought to be idealistic but developed from real life on many fronts.

  4. Aikido Theories & Techniques • MoriheiUeshiba were compiled into a collective work entitled The Art of Peace • “The essence of the Art of Peace is to cleanse yourself of maliciousness, to get in tune with your environment, and to clear your path of obstacles and barriers,” – MoriheiUeshiba • It is truly a synthesis of most of the traditional soft Japanese martial arts and typically is considered circular in nature • It is based upon redirecting your foes negative energy without directly opposing it thus using the minimal amount of energy required

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