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A road map for Differentiated Instruction in Secondary FSL. OMLTA, March 2011 B.A.Kukhta-Jackson beverly.kukhta-jackson@hwdsb.on.ca. Identify your road. Entry card (workshop responses on next slides). One thing I already know about DI. One example of DI that I have done with my class.
A road map forDifferentiated Instructionin Secondary FSL OMLTA, March 2011 B.A.Kukhta-Jackson beverly.kukhta-jackson@hwdsb.on.ca
Entry card (workshop responses on next slides) • One thing I already know about DI. • One example of DI that I have done with my class. • One question I have about DI.
One thing I already know about DI.(workshop participant responses) • DI helps reach all students. • 1st identify learning styles/types of intelligences. • It teaches to the strengths of students. • SO important for student engagement. • Differentiate process and product. • DI should be happening most of the time to ensure student success. • You need to reach all intelligences. • It’s about reaching or engaging all students at their level of readiness, interests. • Having options for different interests. • Can differentiate content, process, product. • It takes different kinds of intelligence into account. • Differentiation can be implemented across product, process, content.
One example of DI that I have done with my class. (workshop participant responses) • Jigsaw to differentiate delivery of content. • Choice board.Allowing students to pick a subject/topic of interest on a project. • I use learning centres – offer choices of activities. • I use multiple intelligence and learning style surveys. • Differentiated tasks within culminating performance tasks using Bloom’s and student’s learning style (multiple intelligences). • Teaching a concept using different methods: hands on game, handout, pwrpt, Q&A. • Using individual whiteboards to assess learning. • Bullfighting – after instruction students demonstrated what they learned with – a. act it out, b. creating a poster, c. write a summary. • Written and oral instructions. • Having a choice for a final project – written paper, just answering questions, drawing pictures for the answer. • Allowing students to complete a project in whatever way appeals to their strengths. • Given choices in assignments i.e. presenting MovieMaker. • One thing I have done is exit cards. I ask a question that summarizes what was covered in the lesson. • Presentation format – video, audio, skit, PowerPoint, etc. • Essay topics (many choices) DI content.
One question I have about DI.(workshop participant responses) • I want to see the entire process of planning with DI. Do you start with one lesson, one unit, etc. • How to create a common rubric when kids are demonstrating knowledge in different ways. • How can I use DI to assess learning effectively? • I struggle with differentiating products that aren’t at the same level of difficulty (tiering) – how is it fair? • I struggle with keeping the activity varied but at the same time at the level for each student. I feel like I have too much going on in many different directions. • Do you use DI for summative as well as formative evaluation? • What are some other great, engaging but low key ways to incorporate DI? • Is differentiated teaching more difficult to do as students get to higher grades? • How do you make it all fit and still have time to complete everything? • How do you start where they are when you have a curriculum to work through? • I currently teach elementary and in the midst of getting my high school second teachable. I am looking for ideas for the older students.
Title: Where am I going with DI in secondary FSL? Practical Examples of Differentiated Instruction grades 9 - 12 • Workshop description: • Do you need a road map about how to use DI in FSL classes? In this session, the presenter will briefly define Differentiated Instruction and then will show examples of how to incorporate DI strategies into your regular practice. She will talk about practical things that many teachers of FSL are already doing and will discuss assignments, activities and how to use technology to help students learn more actively for all grades and levels of secondary school FSL classes. Bev has lots to say and would like to facilitate some discussion and interaction, so this will be a double session.
Profile of students in my board: • largely urban/suburban with a smaller rural population • 16 secondary schools with populations ranging from approximately 630 to 1600 students
Bev Specifics • over 20 years experience teaching Core and Immersion French - applied and academic, mostly secondary, some elementary • Lifelong learner & convert to the “DI” shift in approach to working with students • has worked as a consultant, special assignment teacher and department head • Westdale is a semestered school - 75 minute periods • programs used:Quoi de neuf? (Pearson), Sans Frontières, Nouvelles Frontières, Express and other supplementary materials
Differentiated Instruction:What is it? • D.I. is an approach to teaching & learning to give students a variety of options for taking in information and making sense of and responding to it. (You are probably already doing D.I.)
WHY DO IT? • A positive learning environment for one student is not necessarily motivating for another. • Teachers want to give every student an opportunity to learn & succeed. • Success for all cannot be achieved by providing the exact same learning experience for every student because each student has a different approach to learning.
Student Benefits Every student has an opportunity to approach new learning situations with confidence & motivation. Opportunity to discover personal strengths and show multiple intelligences. Less frustration due to confusion or boredom. Teacher Benefits A greater understanding of each student’s ability to learn. The reward of having a classroom that allows equal opportunity for success for all students. More creative and more fun. Benefits of a Differentiated Classroom
What It MAY Look Like • Curriculum: not what a teacher will teach but rather what a student will be able to demonstrate. • We strive to ensure that all students are achieving their fullpotential.
How to plan for DI in your classroom: • What will you ask from your students that demonstrates learning? • How will you measure it? • What interests your students? • How well do you know your students? (mixed ability levels, backgrounds, interests, learning styles, multiple intelligences and Pathways…)
A starting point: • Class profile • Learning style • Type – choice, practicality, research, feelings • Senses – visual, auditory, kinesthetic • Multiple Intelligences • Interests • Mandala (Karen Hume)
On-line resources: • a good link for Multiple Intelligences tests and VAK surveys that can be completed online and results are tabulated by the program: • http://www.businessballs.com/howardgardnermultipleintelligences.htm#multiple%20intelligences%20tests • www.future1234.ca • Many others are available on-line or in print form.
FSF 1D: Moi-même • Tâche finale: les choix • page web • Page du « Livre de Visage » • Scrapbook page • Booklet • PowerPoint • Etc… • And…
FSF 1D: Moi-même • Choose one part of your page to present to the class orally • Further DI: work with a partner to prepare a « celebrity interview »
FSF 1P: la bonne bouffe • Quoi de Neuf: unité 2 • une distributrice originale • combiner deux plats ou boissons pour créer un nouveau plat ou une nouvelle boisson • une de tes recettes préférées
FSF 1P: la bonne bouffe • presentation choices: • poster • electronic • PowerPoint • MovieMaker • video (cooking show)
Your turn: • Think about a project you do regularly. • Talk about how you could differentiate the product.
Differentiated groupings • Purpose: to practise and consolidate a specific language structure (FSF 1D1, les verbes réfléchis ) • Why? To encourage students to use different activities to learn a language structure • How? Consider learning styles and interests • What? Use activities you already have in new ways.
Using learning styles for more effective studying (Karen Hume: Start where they are) • Visual • Highlighters • Mind maps/graphic organizers • Smart Ideas etc. • Symbols/images • Window writers • Make a poster • Coloured chalk on the blackboard
Using learning styles for more effective studying(Karen Hume: Start where they are) • Auditory • Read notes aloud • Make a recording (audio, video) • Find and listen to or make a podcast • Have a friend explain it to you • Tell someone else how to do it • Make a rap or a song
Using learning styles for more effective studying (Karen Hume: Start where they are) • Kinesthetic/Tactile • Use examples to learn the rule. • Study while standing on one foot, while walking around or sitting on an exercise ball. • Write on a poster, or in the palm of your hand, on white boards or on windows. • SmartBoard
Activity: • Choose a language structure that you regularly teach and test in a specific course. • Using the ideas in the 3 previous slides, think of what you could set up in your classroom easily with materials you already have or which don’t require a lot of preparation to help students prepare for a test on one specific language structure.
FSF 1D1: les verbes réfléchis • Station # 1 : guided work sheet practice • do on own or with partner • check and correct answers from answer sheets • Station # 2 : make a reference sheet – a “cheat sheet” as if you could use it for the test (you won’t really be able to use it, but making it will help you learn the structure better) • Station # 3: game using white boards, cards for infinitives and dice for subject • 2 teams – one player from each team plays at the same time. • Each player draws a card from each envelope, then conjugates verb in present tense on white board or blackboard or paper. • If correct, player then draws a money card and adds (or subtracts) to score
FSF 1D1: les verbes réfléchis • Station # 4: puzzles–provided and/or make own (if done well and in black ink or dark pencil, may be photocopied for the class) • Station # 5: make a poster on chart paper to explain les verbes réfléchis • Station # 6: tutorial sessionwith teacher or another student • Station # 7: Concentration game • Station #8: Pull a prop (hairbrush, soap, toothbrush, sleep mask, etc.) from a gift bag or a box and make a sentence
RAFT • Is an acronym for Role, Audience, Format, Topic. These headings are written across the top of a grid and a number of options are created. Students choose an option or the teacher selects it for them. • Students read across the columns to learn the role they are going to assume, the audience they will address, the format in which they will do the work, and the topic they are going to explore. • RAFTs can be created to address student interests (especially in the topic and role columns), student learning preferences (in the format column) and varied stages of readiness by altering the difficulty or complexity of some of the rows or creating separate RAFT assignments for different groups of learners. • RAFTs focus on the same learning goals for all students
FSF1P1 TES MOTS, TA VOIX Now that you have completed the course work, you get to show me what you can do in French. For your final project (Rich Performance Task), you will have to : • Create a title • Write 3 sentences in the past tense • Write 3 sentences in the present tense • Write 3 sentences in the future tense • Organize your sentences into subheadings (Passé, Présent, Futur) • Use pictures to help with understanding • Follow your chosen format • Edit and revise your work with the help of peers and your teacher • (Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Summer 2010 DI writing team)
Tiering FSF 14 Rich Performance Task: Promotion of a Celebrity • You will be completing a series of tasks to promote a celebrity. You are the manager/PR representative/impresario for this celebrity. You will choose a musician, athlete, artist, chef, entrepreneur, scientist, fictional character, fashion designer, or yourself. You may choose whomever you like but you are encouraged to choose a francophone to aid in your research and extend your knowledge of French culture. • You will be given specific instructions on how to complete each component as you go. • You will be given class time to research your celebrity and to follow the writing process to complete your tasks. • You will be assessed during the planning and writing process through conferencing, teacher observation, self-reflection, and peer assessment. Your final project will be assessed using the rubrics provided. • (Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Summer 2010 DI writing team)
Useful resources: • A partial list!! • Karen Hume. Start where they are (2008) • OSSTF: Students First. Creating Dynamic Classrooms (2007) • Marcelle Faulds. Strategies for Success: Tools for the Second-Language Clasroom • Carol Ann Tomlinson • Ont. Min. of Ed. Differentiated Instruction Educator’s Package (2010) (on Edugains.ca)
An exit card: bien pas bien amélioration
Tools for communication: • My Blog: www.ms-k-j.blogspot.com • www.twitter.com Search @bevkj or by my e-mail
Exit card: 3.2.1. reflection • Based on today’s information and discussion of Differentiated Instruction, complete the following reflection: • List three aspects of this topic that you find interesting. ____________________________________________ • List two questions that you still have about D.I. ____________________________________________ • Additional comments: ____________________________________________
My 3 Big ideas • Understand that people have unique learning profiles and incorporate those profiles into our lessons whenever possible. • Plan with the end in mind. • Increase students’ confidence in communication.