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What is an SOL?Two Example Science Content Standards from Virginia. Chemistry Standard 3. Physics Standard 12. Roles in K-12 Content Development. K-12 education is the responsibility of the statesEach state has its own set of content standards of learning (SOL)Each state reviews its own standards from time to time (7 yrs in VA)American Diploma Project (ADP) sponsored by National Governor's Association (NGA) uses a state-by-state approachThere are some
1. Regarding Standards of Learning (SOL) for Secondary Education Jim Batterson
Senior Advisor to the Commonwealth(VA) for STEM Initiatives
3. Roles in K-12 Content Development K-12 education is the responsibility of the states
Each state has its own set of content standards of learning (SOL)
Each state reviews its own standards from time to time (7 yrs in VA)
American Diploma Project (ADP) sponsored by National Governors Association (NGA) uses a state-by-state approach
There are some national standards and benchmarks - generally sponsored by education division, not research divisions
National Science Education Standards (NRC 1995)
Science for All Americans/Benchmarks (AAAS 1988-92)
K-12 Science Benchmarks (ADP/Achieve, Inc - in progress)
Much of what is developed for K-12 standards is primarily K-12 talking with itself
K-12 approach meshes secondary with K-5 & 6-8
5. Process and Charge to Scientist Panels Extensive pre-meeting reading on K-12 education sent to scientists 4 weeks prior to meeting
Each panel met face-to-face in a facilitated workshop for two days
What (physics/chemistry) content do the 80% - 90% of Virginias high school graduates who rely on SOL need to know to participate in political, economic, social, and technological world of the 21st century?
Preparing to be a competent citizen: Not about advanced science
6. Some Selected Science (Chemistry & Physics) Results Current standards are dated to mid 20th century. Contemporary applications & emerging technologies in physics and chemistry must be taught
Nano, biochemistry and biophysics, particle physics to quark/gluon level, superconductors, plasmas, LED, LCD, etc..
Teachers need to have access to an open-source wiki for timely collaborative development of contemporary applications, emerging technologies, and laboratories
Organic chemistry is essential
Laboratories and demonstrations employing state-of-the-practice equipment and methods must be integrated into Physics and Chemistry courses and be assessed*
Written lab reports required
Consider Leon Ledermans ARISE or Physics First science curriculum from Fermilab as a total restructuring
8. Scientist Panel Findings v. Fordham Institute State of the State Standards So how could Virginia receive an A on current K-12 science SOL in 2007 Fordham Evaluation?
Fordham evaluates seven areas for K-12 aggregate
Science content & approach 27 pts
Organization 9 pts
Seriousness 6 pts
Quality 9 pts
Expectations, purpose, audience 12 pts
Inquiry 3 pts
Evolution 3 pts
Scientist panels evaluated content only and only for physics and chemistry capstone courses
11. Summary Need to impact change state by state
State departments of education and boards generally lack S&E skills
Need to impact national standards with increasing authority of practicing scientists on capstone courses (earth science, biology, physics, chemistry)
Educationalist:Scientist ratio = 5:1 for K-5 but 1:5 for secondary
Departments of Education can generally be pedagogy centric
Develop scientist-driven nano standards examples
CCSSO* could be very influential (state superintendents)
ADP (American Diploma Project - Achieve, Inc) can be influential with participating states
Teacher-authored media on contemporary and emerging science has been shown
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