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SaaS Marketplace

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SaaS Marketplace

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  1. The Ultimate Guide to Saas Marketplace Software-as-a-service (Saas) presents great opportunities for companies that want to save money, and for providers of all types, including integrators, added value resellers, telecommunications operators, software vendors, and any entrepreneur who is looking for files The next technology wave. Saas marketing requires a di?erent approach, because it is a major deviation from the traditional way of "mainstream" to sell software, and thus, there are many obstacles that must be overcome before you can make sales. Software-as a service is a simple concept. Users, instead of buying a lot of licenses for each software package, accommodating software on their own server, and managing software at home, lowering all these functions to third parties. The benefits are clear immediately. The actual cost of the software does not lie in the retail price in the box, but in the total operating cost (TCO), which includes sustainable maintenance and installation. As the IT manager knows, this cost can be very large during the life of the software. At the same time, the benefits are resisted by weaknesses, both real and felt. IT managers are famous for wanting to maintain control over their environment. TI managers are reluctant to allow anyone, no matter how much "power users" they might, to install their own software, make their own improvement, or configure their own PC in any way; And so. Without maintaining this level of control over the network environment, the door can be opened for configuration errors and security violations that can close the network and collect costs that can be a disaster. Therefore IT managers are often reluctant to change control of the application environment to third parties. Of course, there is an answer to this concern, which will be discussed later in this book.

  2. The reasons for this new improvement in the Saas o?er can be associated with three di?erent participants: software vendors, end users, and channel partners. The needs and demands of the three have met at the same time, making this the ideal time to move to the Saas Market. The main software vendor, as shown later in this paper, has begun to launch a prominent Saas initiative. End users have begun to demand more than this type of o?er, after finally being accustomed to the idea of service hosted thanks to the dynamics of web 2.0 technology and cellular computing. And finally, channel partners, facing increasingly narrow margins on traditional hardware and software o?ers, are looking for new alternatives to increase their sales e?orts. Web 2.0 Revolution To understand Saas, must first understand the Web 2.0, which has formed the possible technology behind it. Although it is true that Saas existed before the Web 2.0 revolution in several forms, web 2.0 technology innovation was what caused Saas to be famous as "the next big thing." As a tool for sales presentations, "Web 2.0" is a keyword that is worth knowing. Most decision makers have now accepted the reality of web 2.0, and have enjoyed many benefits that have produced increased productivity, cost savings, and better levels of communication. Positioning Saas as the next phase of Web 2.0 will bind it with this positive technology trend. What is SaaS? Saas means you don't need to buy your own software, you can only rent it. This will prevent you from all investment, maintenance and depreciation needed. This means that your system architecture becomes very good so you can sell one version repeatedly. This makes you meet the needs of many customers without investing in any additional amount and energy. This means that if customers A Likes 1, there is no need to be appreciated by customers B as well. And for this you must change it to meet the customer's demands B. Saas comes with a violation quote that says "we can cover all angles with one installation". This has been proven as one of the versions that is able to handle all the requirements in one way. Your software must be exclusively good and must be left throughout the market. You can always improve and update your client's version if he finds certain problems. All you need to do is tell him about every and every bug you fix because you will use it in their environment too. This means you are able to fulfill every request for improvement and at the same time you need to innovate and intensify the product. You must be really cunning while managing maintenance and development. This means that the more you use, the more you have to maintain.

  3. There will be no one between you and the end user, so you need to make sure that you have a trace of all the problems that occur and fix them as soon as possible. Remember there is a beating clock on your head. Make sure you have an e?ective and supportive organization. By installing Saas, you will store hardware, purchases and updates of software, supporting sta?, power, security devices, and remote access devices. Saas is not a bad agreement but remember you have to change almost every part of your company that includes software engineering, customer support, technical support, operations, marketing, product management, and finance. This is a comprehensive transfer of the technology you use to interact with your clients and in providing company value. Prices are one of the main concerns before trying all these di?erent equipment and also before slapping Saas, make sure that you are very clear about what it is and how to operate. Learn more about SaaS Marketplace Why Saas Sales? Because: No need for large capital expenses. Because there is no license in advance involved, costs are significantly reduced. Also, the infrastructure needed to run software at home, including additional servers, is not needed. Less need for internal training. Internal training can be very expensive. And while some training may still be needed, the training rate is often less than what is needed for in-house software. Lower sta?ng requirements. Internal sta? needed to run in-house software, in addition to the internal sta? needed to maintain the server and additional equipment that should be needed, is no longer needed. Reduce startup costs. The cost to start with new technology is one of the biggest expenses for new companies, and using Saas helps to maintain these costs by minimizing additional server needs, additional sta?, and license fees in advance. ● ● ● ●

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