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Kark-Mukti -- Curcumin Tablets

Curcumin: It is a yellow pigment. It is primarily found in turmeric. Curcumin can be extracted from turmeric to produce supplements that are much potent than turmeric.<br><br>Benefits of Curcumin:<br><br>u2022 It reduces inflammation.<br>u2022 Helpful in hypertension.<br>u2022 Decreases symptoms of depression and anxiety.<br>u2022 Helpful in hypertension.<br>u2022 Reduces cholesterol level.<br>One thing that should be noted is that there is a difference between turmeric and curcumin. Turmeric is a spice while cucumin is a highly potent supplement present in the roots of turmeric.

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Kark-Mukti -- Curcumin Tablets

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  1. Kayasetu Curcumin Tablets – A Case Study Curcumin tablets from the house of Kayasetu Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd are comprised of two very important ingredients --- curcumin and piper longum (kali mirch) both these spices are widely used in Indian kitchen for the good flavour of food. Let’s discuss the benefits of these two spices one by one: Curcumin: Aspice known for its medicinal properties has drawn the interest of people in medical and scientific fields. It is also widely used for culinary purposes because it is the major source of polyphenol curcumin. It is very helpful in the management of oxidative and inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, joint pain, anxiety, etc. It is also very helpful in the management of inflammation caused due to exercise. Curcumin is a highly potent chemical. Curcumin and curcuminoids are present in turmeric. However, they are much potent as compared to turmeric and are also highly beneficial. Curcumin is a primary active component of turmeric. It has many health benefits. 1.It is anti-depressant:“Curcumin is a natural antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory benefits, as well as (possible) benefits related to slowing the aging process and preventing Alzheimer’s disease and, potentially depression,” says Elizabeth Ann Shaw, RDN, the owner of Shaw Simple Swaps Consulting in San Diego. Curcumin is very helpful in Alzheimer’s disease. It is very helpful in the breakup of the rogue proteins (beta-amyloid plaques) that are responsible for this disease. 2.It is Anti-Inflammatory: Inflammation and oxidative stress can be the cause of many serious diseases, including heart diseases and diabetes. Since it has anti-inflammatory actions, it can give some protection against the development of many chronic diseases. Curcumin has anti-septic, anti-viral, and anti-cancer properties. It has the capacity to modulate the over-aggressive immune response. It can be used as a preventive therapy for Covid-19.

  2. 3.Helps Enhancing Mood:“Curcumin seems to benefit mood by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor,” says Dr. Jampolis. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a protein that keeps neuronal cells healthy, and its production seems to be stimulated by plant-derived polyphenols like curcumin. ‘BDNF is associated with neuronal regeneration,’ she says. 4.Relief from Arthritis: Due to pain and joint dysfunction osteoarthritis is caused. However, curcumin is quite effective in reducing joint inflammation and pain just as well. 5.Improves Health of the Brain: It can potentially help to improve the health of the brain. Polyphenol has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help in preventing or reducing the symptoms of many diseases like dementia, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. 6.Potent Antioxidant: It has antioxidant properties. These properties help fight free radical damage and oxidative stress. Such stress is the cause of many diseases and aging. It helps in neutralizing free radicals. It can also boost the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the body. 7.Lowers Risk of Heart Disease: It plays a major role in the prevention of heart disease. It is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and can improve the function of the endothelium. It lowers the level of LDL or bad cholesterol. 8.Helps in Digestion: It supports reactions related to the enzymes, movement of muscles, acid production, and optimal absorption of nutrients in the gut. 9.Helps Reduce Hypertension: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps in managing blood pressure. Piper Longum or Black Pepper: The word pepper is derived from the Sanskrit word for long pepper (pippali). Piper longum is also called Javanese, Indian, or Indonesian long pepper. It is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae. It is cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice. It is also widely used in Ayurveda.

  3. Piper longum was first written by Hippocrates, who described it as a medicament rather than a spice. This spice or medicine reached Greece in the 6th BC, and long pepper was an important and well-known spice before the European discovery of the New World. In India, this plant grows in evergreen forests and is cultivated in Assam, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh. It is a small shrub with a large woody root and numerous creeping, jointed stems that are thickened at the nodes. The fruits grow in fleshy spikes of 2.5 -3.5 cm long and 5 mm thick. They are oblong and blackish green. The fruit contains a large number of alkaloids and a related compound, the most abundant of which is piperine, methyl piperine, piperonaline, piperettine, asarinine, pellitorine, etc. Following are some of the benefits of Piper Longum: Good for Diabetic Patients: This disease occurs when the glucose levels in the blood are either too high or low. This can lead to many problems in the system, including failure of organs, amputation, and even death, if not checked. 1.Indian long pepper has been used as a remedy for this disease in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It helps in regulating the amount of sugar in the blood, making the condition far more manageable and harmless. 2.Helps Prevent Liver Ailments: A healthy liver is very important for good health. It plays a vital role in the way our digestive system works and also impacts the way how certain enzymes and hormones are secreted in the body. The problems related to the liver are quite common these days since we eat a lot of processed foods. As a result, many ailments related to the liver occur. 3.It Fights Against Bacterial Infections: This spice has very strong antibacterial qualities. All of us know that bacteria are always present around us. However, long pepper protects the body against bacterial infections. It also has anti-amoebic properties. The root or stem of this pepper can be ingested in order to gain this protection.

  4. 4.Helps Against Obesity: We are increasingly becoming addict to processed and junk food. Weight loss is not important only for beauty standards but also because of health reasons. This spice helps in weight loss management. It reduces the fat in the body and also gets rid of fatty toxins, which helps to lose additional weight. It does not have any adverse effects on our bodies. 5.It Oxygenates the Body: For the proper functioning of our organs, they should receive sufficient oxygen. For the want of oxygen, there could be many medical complications, such as organ failure and sepasis. It is very important for oxygen to flow throughout the body properly without any problems. Piper longum helps stimulate the flow of oxygen to the brain and the organs. 6.It improves the health of bones: Strong bones are very important for the strong structure of the body. This spice is very important for the health of bones. People can have fractures for the want of strong bones. 7.It is Good for Menstrual Problems: It has been seen to combat menstrual problems. It can help in stopping the heavy flow of blood during menses and even combats fatigue. It has been used by pregnant women to stimulate the contractions of the uterus and speed up delivery. This spice can also be used for the healing of the uterus. 8.Helps Improve Sexual Health: This spice helps in stimulating the libido. It helps calm down and relax the body. It also promotes longevity and can be used for erectile dysfunction. In fact, we need to mix a bit of black pepper in turmeric to avail of the benefits of curcumin. Otherwise, curcumin can be harmful. Therefore, it won’t be wrong to say that curcumin and piper longum is a supplement to each other.

  5. Kark Mukti Tablets by Kayasetu Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd has all the good qualities of curcumin and black pepper and it is a perfect amalgamation of these two spices. Ref. Everyday Health Forbes Health News Medical Life Sciences Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies

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