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Kayasetu Methibeej Tablets

Fenugreek or methi is a herb that belongs to the same family as soy. All the parts of this plant are used --- its dried and fresh seeds, leaves, twigs, and roots are used as a spice and a flavoring agent. This plant has various health benefits.

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Kayasetu Methibeej Tablets

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  1. Kayasetu Methibeej Tablets – A Pharmacy in Themselves Fenugreek or methi is a herb that belongs to the same family as soy. All the parts of this plant are used --- its dried and fresh seeds, leaves, twigs, and roots are used as a spice and a flavouring agent. This plant has various health benefits. This plant is native to Western Asia and the Mediterranean. This plant has green or yellow leaves that are oblong in shape. Nutritional Value of Fenugreek One tablespoon or about 10 grams of whole methi seeds has about 35 calories and several other nutrients as: ••Fibre -- 2.5 grams ••Iron -- 20% of the daily use ••Fats -- 1 gram ••Carbs -- 5 grams ••Magnesium – 5% of the daily use ••Manganese – 7% of the daily use Thus, we can say that fenugreek has a high nutritional value.

  2. It is one of the most commonly used ingredients in Indian recipes. However it has been found out by archaeologists these leaves have been consumed for thousands of years. Archaeologists have discovered the cooked fenugreek seeds in Iraq back to 4000 BC, around 6000 years ago!! The leaves or seeds can be used in many ways. It is highly nutritious and contains vitamins and minerals such as thiamine, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, vitamins A, B6, C, and K, copper, potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese, and magnesium. Following are some health benefits of methibeej: 1.Lowers Blood Cholesterol: Many studies have shown that fenugreek helps reducing the cholesterol level that is bad cholesterol (LDL). They are known to prevent the absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides. 2.Reduces Risk of Heart Diseases: It has in it galactomannan and this compound plays a main role to keep the health of your heart intact. It also has in it a high amount of potassium and it counters the action of sodium. It helps in controlling the heart rate and also lowering blood pressure. Healthy diet with yoga can do wonders for a healthy heart. It has in it 48 percent dietary fiber. It is very hard to digest. 3.Helps in Controlling Blood Sugar Level: A diabetic person can have a great help from methi in their diet. The reason is galactomannan is a natural soluble fibre present in the fenugreek slows down the rate of absorption of sugar into blood. It has in it amino acids that are responsible for the production of insulin. Several studies were conducted regarding this. In

  3. the first study, fenugreek supplement cooked one was given to 60 non-insulin-dependent male diabetics. While in the second study the fenugreek was given cooked in the food was given. It was found out that in both the groups the blood glucose level was lowered down considerably. The most common way to take fenugreek is to take it in the form of capsules or tablets or you may take it in the tea also. The recommended dosage varies between 2.5 grams to 15 grams a day. However doctor should be consulted before taking the medicine, so that it could not have adverse interactions with other diabetic medications. A randomized trial of 140 people published in 2015 showed that daily intake of 10 grams of fenugreek in the tablet-form reduced the progress of prediabetes to type 2 diabetes over a three-year period. 4.It enhances Milk Production in New Mothers: Methibeej is widely used as a milk flow- enhancing agent for new mothers. A study was conducted on 66 new mothers. They were divided into three pairs. One group was given fenugreek mixed in tea every day, while the second group was given placebo tea and the third group was not given any fenugreek. It was found that the infants that have consumed breast milk of fenugreek given mothers showed considerably gain in weight as compared to the other groups. However doctor should be consulted before consuming fenugreek. It can be taken in the form of capsules or tablets. 5. Boosts Libido: In many cultures this herb has been used to enhance sexual desire. According to recent studies it has been found out that these seeds can help in increasing libido in both men and women. In a study conducted in 2011 the 60 men aged between 25 and 52 were given 600 mg of fenugreek twice a day and the other group was given placebo capsules. The

  4. group taking fenugreek showed considerable increase in libido while the group taking the placebo showed considerable decrease. In 2015 a study was conducted on 80 females aged between 20 to 49. The group taking fenugreek reported increase in sexual drive while the group taking no fenugreek did not report any change. 6.Helpful in Digestive Disorder:The water-answerable fiber in fenugreek helps relieve digestive issues like worrying stomach and constipation. Exploration shows that the fiber in fenugreek helps decelerate down digestion and also helps flush out dangerous poisons from the body. 7.Soothes Skin Inflammation or Injury: The powder methi beej when combined with other herbs to make poultice helps treat skin inflammation. It has anti-inflammatory and anti- oxidant properties. A group of researchers in Saudi Arabia extracted and isolated compounds of in fenugreek seeds to decide whether the fenugreek seeds had anti-inflammatory properties. They found that the seeds do have anti-inflammatory properties. 8.Menstrual Cramps: These seeds have been traditionally used for menstrual cramps. According to a 2016 study conducted there is limited evidence supporting this use.

  5. 9.Pain Relief: It is long been used for pain relief in traditional systems of medicine. In a 2014 study, 51 women with painful periods were given fenugreek capsules three times a days for the first 3 days of periods for 2 consecutive months. They experienced shorter durations of pain and fewer symptoms between the months. 10.Parkinson’s disease:It is believed that it can be useful against Parkinson’s disease. However no sufficient data is available for the same. 11.Ovarian Cysts (Polycystic ovary syndrome): The doctors do not have same opinion about it. And also there are conflicting results regarding the effect of fenugreek for ovarian cysts. According to a research conducting by Goldarou Pharmaceutical Co. Isfahan Iran) consumption of fenugreek seed extract for 8 weeks every day did not improve symptoms for women with ovarian cysts. However, one other research suggests that consumption of fenugreek seeds might reduce the size of the cysts. 12.Meethibeej Threat your Skin and Hair: Fenugreek benefits for skin Fenugreek seeds contain Vitamin C, which can brighten your skin and add an extra glow to it. It can also moisturize your skin, cleanse it, and remove dead skin cells. This fenugreek seed hair treatment will control hair fall, make hair smoother, help in hair growth, and also cleanse the crown. Nicotinic acid catalyzes hair growth while lecithin nourishes hair, protein helps cure baldness.

  6. The fenugreek seeds can be beneficial in some other cases also. These are: •Baldness •Cancer •Chapped lips •Chronic cough •Fever •Hernia •Kidney diseases •Ulcers of the mouth •Stomach upset Side effects of Fenugreek Seeds These seeds are relatively safe for healthy people. There could be possible side –effects like digestion- related problems and diarrhea. It may lead to reduced appetite, that could be harmful if there is some sort of eating disorder or if you are trying to gain weight. One should check with the medical practitioner before taking any supplement of fenugreek.

  7. Methibeej tablets from the house of Kayasetu Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. contain all the qualities of fenugreek (Methi). You can have many health benefits from it, and there are very few side effect of this product. Ref: Medical News Today The Health Site. Com Prepscholar National Library of Medicine Verywellhealth Medical News Today RxList

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