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How to Conduct an Observation

How to Conduct an Observation. Observations are like a video camera. They record interactions, learning, playing, physical surroundings, and teaching. Questions to Consider??. What is the purpose of observing ? What types of things are important to look for? What is an inference?

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How to Conduct an Observation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to Conduct an Observation Observations are like a video camera. They record interactions, learning, playing, physical surroundings, and teaching.

  2. Questions to Consider?? • What is the purpose of observing? • What types of things are important to look for? • What is an inference? • How is it different than a fact?

  3. Objective Statements • 1. Only observable actions; Not motives, attitudes, or feelings • 2. Don’t try to interpret why something happened; No judgments, conclusions, or labels

  4. Things to Observe • Environment – physical surroundings, room set-up, diversity of decorations, location of teacher’s desk, centers, etc.

  5. Teacher • Tone of voice, proximity to children, verbal/nonverbal communication, interactions, words, appearance

  6. Children • Interactions with others, nonverbal/verbal communication

  7. Inference • Attempting to explain observed behavior and give it meaning. • Why did child behave or react… • What caused teacher to… • No two people will interpret the facts the same way. They infer based on their own personal experiences, feelings, values, and attitudes.

  8. Video Clip on Various Observations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1Xtr3RKjGc

  9. Summary • What were your observations about the environment? • What were your observations of the students? • What difficulties did you encounter in making the distinction between fact and inference?

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